Monday, October 31, 2016



He's got nothing to prove, and he's not on anybody's payroll. However, as he grows older, James Carville, while never really caring about political correctness to begin with, has lost any desire to hold back his feelings. I guess MSNBC's Thomas Roberts should have taken that into consideration before spewing right-wing lies and Trump talking points to Carville on Friday, October 31st. Carville treated Roberts with a Halloween scare. I've grown to really enjoy James Carville's mind, and his willingness to tell the truth in rapid-fire fashion. His wit is only getting stronger with age. Enjoy the clip and share it. We hope mainstream media takes notice of this important message. SHARE IT PLEASE.

"...WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THIS? Why are you sitting here while our democracy is under assault, when the FBI is acting on the behest of Jason Chaffetz, and you're sitting here acting like this is something legit. IT'S NOT. It's an effort to affect this election. Democrats and people across this country have to know this..."

CARVILLE: Let's start from the beginning. He (Comey) was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans. End of story. Comey gave it to Chaffetz, and Chaffetz gave it to Fox News. Also, we have the extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race, in selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked. American democracy is really under attack, and the question is, how are Democrats going to respond to this? We have to understand that this is really really quite extraordinary. It seems to me that the FBI shouldn't be getting rolled by the House Republicans, and that's what happened here. There's nothing else that's going on, and in the meantime, we do know that our democracy is under assault by the KGB. That's what we should be talking about. That's a relevant issue in this campaign, and people have to decide, do we want our country, for ourselves with our people in charge or are we going to let the KGB and the House Republicans decide this election. 

ROBERTS: Most American intelligence agencies do feel that the hacking by Wikileaks of John Podesta's email was provided through Russian agencies, but when we take away the Wikileaks exchange and focus specifically on FBI, James Comey was praised in July, by everyone for not moving forward with a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, so why now is it different for Comey when they find something that "could be" pertinent. 

CARVILLE: You know what John Maynard Keynes said "When the facts change, I change my mind, what do you do?" Somehow or another he said something nice in July. You can't say that in spite of foreign policy, in spite of people in the Bush administration and ethics people all over saying this is unprecedented. WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THIS? Why are you sitting here while our democracy is under assault, when the FBI is acting on the behest of Jason Chaffetz, and you're sitting here acting like this is something legit. IT'S NOT. It's an effort to affect this election. Democrats and people across this country have to know this. 

ROBERTS: In July, when Comey did the unprecedented act of holding a press conference to reveal that he wasn't going to have charges recommended to Loretta Lynch, no-one then on the left was up in arms over what James Comey had just done. Isn't that a double-standard?

CARVILLE: That's not correct. It isn't a double-standard at all. When the facts change, you change your mind. I know that's a hard concept for people to get sometimes. It is unprecedented. Look at the op-ed pieces. Look at what's going on. You're sitting here defending an assault on American democracy.....

The conversation continue, and gets even more dirty. James Carville calls out Thomas Roberts and MSNBC for aiding corruption and Russian aggression in their attempt to hijack the election. 


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MIRRORS - Daughters and Sons

"I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers...she's a slob...she ate like a pig"
"A person who is flat chested is very hard to be a 10"
"Does she have a good body, NO. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely"
Do you treat women with respect? "Uh...I can't say that either"


No thank you. This is not the President I would like for my daughters or my sons!

Frankly, I've spent my adult life attempting to give them the highest self-esteem possible. Sometimes it wasn't easy, given the steady stream of sexism flowing into their subconscious from advertisers and misogynists, but I did my best.
To have a candidate, the Republican nominee, who acquired 13 million votes in the Republican primaries telling women, girls, boys and men constantly that women are to be used and abused as men see fit.......that they are not use fear and hate for political gain, etc. There are no words that can describe my hatred toward this man, or this political party. They have gone crazy over the last 25 years, but especially in the last decade.
I know I'm not supposed to hate. I'm supposed to turn the other cheek, but I cannot and will not. I hate to hate. This is what Trump, as well as the Republican party has already done to me. I know my daughters and sons can handle it, but millions of children would grow up with constant belittlement and devaluation of women and girls under a Trump administration.  


Sunday, October 30, 2016

"Trump has exposed the intellectual rot in the Republican Party" -Republican Campaign Adviser

October 31, 2016

Steve Schmidt, Campaign Advisor to Senator John McCain tells the truth about the Republican Party. In under two minutes, Schmidt makes an incredible case on why not only Donald Trump, but Republicans who created Trump, share the title of "unfit for office". SEE VIDEO BELOW.

"...Trump has absolutely no idea what he's talking about from a policy perspective; he lacks the requisite dignity that is required of someone who wishes to be head of state of the government of the United States; someone who lacks the capacity to be the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military and the worlds most potent nuclear arsenal..."

"...the Presidential election is effectively over. Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the 45th President of the United States. Chuck Schumer will be majority leader of the United States Senate, and the only question up in the air is how close Democrats will come to re-taking the House majority..."

"...What this exposes is much deeper, and goes to the Republican party as an institution. This candidacy; the magnitude of its disgrace to the country is almost impossible to articulate, but it has exposed the intellectual rot in the Republican party. It has exposed at a massive level, the hypocrisy and the modern day money changers in the temple like Jerry Falwell, Jr...."

"...This party (Republican party) in order to go forward...has great soul searching to do. What we've seen, and the danger for all of these candidates, and over the course of the last year, these candidates have repeatedly put their party ahead of their country, denying what is so obviously clear to anybody who is watching about his complete and total manifest unfitness for this office"

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Saturday, October 29, 2016


By Thom Palmer
October 29, 2016

Weiner and Trump - "What difference does it make?"
Multiple sexual assault scandals, several involving underage girls. Openly admits to arbitrarily groping girls and women, claiming that he's famous, so it's okay. Clear ties to Russian financial and political interests. Carries massive debt to China and Russia.

Result: FBI won't comment on the investigations. Fails to release any details of the investigation, which sources say is underway. Republicans endorse him for President. GOP leadership accepts the Trump/Putin ticket as the leader of the Republican party. 

Three separate sexting scandals, one involving an underage girl.

Result: Immediately ejected from the House of Representatives by Democrats. Investigated by the FBI. Republican FBI Director Comey publicly implies, while admitting there is no evidence, that emails on Weiners computer may or may not be related to Hillary Clinton's email server investigation, which had been cleared of any wrong-doing in July, 2016. 

Paul Manafort
Russian operative Paul Manafort
Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, along with half of Trump campaign top staff and
surrogates have a proven track record of working with Vladimir Putin and his top supporters. Promoting the Putin agenda for diminishing U.S. influence in Europe and the Middle-East. Trump has repeatedly promoted Putin, supports Russian aggression and the killing of innocent Syrian's, and has gone as far as to say that we should pull out of NATO, the worlds largest peacekeeping coalition between nations. This IS BEING INVESTIGATED by the FBI, and criminal charges of treason are possible in the near future. However, Comey has been silent. Other that leaks coming from other FBI employees, you would think there's nothing happening. This is clearly a partisan attempt at hiding the truth from the public by the FBI director.

Republican FBI Director  James Comey
After months of pressure from Republican leadership, James Comey crumbled, participating in the GOP "factory of misinformation" in order to help Trump and his GOP, joining Wikileaks, Breitbart and Vladimir Putin's Russian propaganda machine.  

Now, James Comey is under investigation for violating federal law as well as FBI policy. He blatantly violated the Hatch Amendment of 1993 in an attempt to rig the Presidential election, in favor of the guy featured in the video's below. 

Comey may be guilty of more than violating the Hatch Amendment. His actions, as well as his inactions,  border on treason. An DOJ investigation into the details in in order.

Cable news agencies, such as CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News jumped the gun. In an effort to improve waning ratings, as Hillary Clinton's lead in the polls was causing the public to stop staring at their TV sets in nervous anticipation, they decided to create a feeding frenzy. This election season has been a windfall for media profits, but in the final weeks of the election cycle, profits were taking a nose dive. Close elections equal higher ratings, which equals more corporate profit. So, they falsely claimed that the FBI is re-opening the case against Clinton. Some Journalist are refusing to play the game, well aware that there is too much at stake to play games with the electorate, but many are enjoying the frenzy that Comey and the GOP have created in their effort to suppress the vote, and pollute the electorate with enough false information to change the anticipated rejection of some extremely dangerous policies which violate the America people. 

Three generations have passed since our Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers fought and died, defending us against fascism. They are no longer around to tell us the stories, but history records between 50 and 80 million people who perished. They died as a result of the public turning a blind eye to the rise of a leader and political party hell bent on ethnic cleansing, corporate leadership, suppression and killing of journalistic opposition, and military profits.  HOW SOON WE FORGET !

Which political party MOST REFLECTS YOUR VALUES ? 


Trevor Nolan explains FASCISM

Donald Trump makes the case for Hillary Clinton for President


Friday, October 28, 2016

The TRUMP-PUTIN TICKET - Clear and Present Danger

The Trump-Putin Ticket

By Thom Palmer

July 26, 2016

This is a re-write of an article I wrote back in July. Off the topic for a second, who else thinks that Pence's airplane skidding off the runway is a metaphor for the entire Trump campaign? 

Yesterday, former Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley took the gloves off on Fox News, and decimated the fake journalists in a way that no other had ever done before. He shut them up, or at least exposed their lack of intelligence and logic. In the interview, he called out Trump as a Putin puppet and fascist. Then he backed it up, and refused to allow the three right-wing extremist hosts to rattle him. In the end, after 8 minutes of being humiliated by O'Malley, they shut down the segment. However, the damage to the Trump-Putin ticket had been done. It was beautiful, and it's highly possible that Martin O'Malley has caused many historically Republican voters to finally take a stand against fascism, and will refuse to vote "Red Army". Just before they cut to a commercial, O'Malley raised his fist and added "GO HILLARY!". I really hope Hillary can get him out there in the final week on all the news networks, because he's putting the bow on the package. 

Let's break down O'Malley's claims. We know that Russia has hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails. We also know that every time Trump accidentally drops a bomb on his own campaign, Wikileaks releases another sexy email which attempts to paint Hillary as corrupt, although nothing in the emails is illegal, immoral, or even unethical. The clear beneficiary of the release of the emails is Donald Trump. It might be much worse than we thought. Now it appears as if Wikileaks is acting in concert with the Trump-Putin campaign. It's a diabolical assault on the United States of America, where Trump, Putin, and certain journalist have conspired in espionage bordering on treason. Here are the facts...

During the Republican Convention, Donald Trump indicated that he would walk away from NATO. His isolationist goals, sealing off the borders, abandoning trade deals, kicking out immigrants, etc tells us something. Under Trump, the United States would walk away from Europe as an active ally. This would clearly and demonstrably open up a vacuum, and open the door for increased infiltration of Russia into the financial and military policy positions of the European Union, Middle East, Africa and around the globe. 

Vladimir Putin, an ex KGB guy, is for Russian economic and military dominance. Trump seems to now be a puppet for Putin, and has vowed to clear the way for the dictator to claim Europe, and return the world to the Cold War. If Trump is elected, we might expect the Soviet Union to return in one form or another. Expect the United States to shrink as a superpower and leader of the free world. This would be by design. Such is Trumps America.

For two decades, Trump has made numerous trips to Moscow. Russian investors have invested in Trump's properties around the world. Trumps son, Donald Jr. told a real estate conference that a disproportionate amount of investments comes from Russia. The Trump Soho development in Manhattan, was the hit with a series of lawsuits claiming that Trump defraud investors by making false claims on the financial health of the project. In the investigation, evidence of secret financing for the project from Russia and Kazakhstan came to light, with ties to the Russian mafia, or criminal underworld.

Let's see...
1. Trump wants an isolationist United States.
2. Trump doesn't speak out against Assad in Syria, who Putin is helping.
3. Trump wants to walk away from NATO, leaving Europe to Putin as far as influence goes.
4. Trump owes millions to Russia in loans. Russia is heavily invested in Trump Enterprises.
5. Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign manager worked as consultant to ex Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych.
6. Yanukovych was granted asylum from Putin after being driven from power in Ukraine.
7. Manafort was hired to clean up Yanukovych's image in Russia, just like he's attempting to do with Trump.
8. Trump's tax returns would likely show his connections to and dependence on Russia and Putin.
9. Trump refuses to produce his tax returns because "It will hurt my campaign". 

Politico's James Kirchick and TPM's Josh Marshall have a pretty good beat on this topic. I'm still studying and watching for FBI updates, but seriously, what the hell kind of reckless megalomaniac are Republicans supporting here? This is serious stuff that needs an immediate and thorough investigation by the FBI as well as the responsibility of Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC investigative reporters. The entire backbone of the nation could at risk of being broken under a Trump regime. I seem to recall that Hitler and Stalin were aligned before Hitler screwed Russia. Historical parallels are abundant, and scary as hell.I've listed a few bullet points from Josh Marshall's article to wet your whistle, but click on the links for the "Full Monty".

1. Trumps debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. His liquid assets have also decreased. Trump has been blackballed by all major US banks.

2. Post-bankruptcy Trump has been highly reliant on money from Russia. He has relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world.

3. Trumps Soho project was the hit with a series of lawsuits claiming fraud against investors. Emerging out of that litigation however was news about secret financing for the project from Russia and Kazakhstan. Most attention about the project has focused on the ties to the Russian criminal underworld.  

"The project occasionally received unexplained infusions of cash from accounts in Kazakhstan and Russia."

4. Trumps campaign manager and top advisor. Paul Manafort spent most of the last decade as top campaign and communications advisor for Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian Ukrainian Prime Minister and then President whose ouster in 2014 led to the on-going crisis and proxy war in Ukraine. Yanukovych was and remains a close Putin ally.  

5. Trump's foreign policy advisor on Russia and Europe is Carter Page, a man whose entire professional career has revolved around investments in Russia and who has deep and continuing financial and employment ties to Gazprom. You can't be involved with Gazprom without being wholly in alignment with Putin's policies.  

6. Over the course of the last year, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media behind Trump.  Trump has repeatedly praised Putin, not only in the abstract but often for the authoritarian policies and patterns of government which have most soured his reputation around the world.

There's more. Josh's article goes on about Trump walking from NATO, refusing to back NATO members in the Ukraine in the event of Russian invasion, and suggests very strongly that Trump may have in fact pulled off the biggest deal of his life, by selling out the United States of America in order to eliminate his Russian debt.

Trump has recently told the public that he would "negotiate down" debt to China and elsewhere, making deals which would crash the world economy. A deal with Putin to reduce or eliminate his personal debt sounds exactly like something Trump would do. He regularly brags on how he uses the system for financial gain as he rips off others to bolster his personal wealth.While this entire article alleges something very fishy going on, it is just in the beginning stages of investigation.  

The sad part of all this is the damage Trump has done. The division he has created within the United States and around the world. This campaign will be sliced and diced for centuries by psychologists and historians alike. Unfortunately, it's part of US History now, but hopefully Trump will be viewed in the same light as Benedict Arnold or Aaron Burr, so that the lesson of how fragile our brand of democracy can be, when the public accepts and allows FEAR and HATE to be used for personal political gain.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

JASON CHAFFETZ - UNFIT FOR CONGRESS - Can we give him the boot?

JASON CHAFFETZ - UNFIT FOR CONGRESS - Can we give him the boot?

Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz made a startling and dangerous statement on Wednesday. In an effort to suppress the Democratic vote, Chaffetz announced that he would continue to waste millions of dollars of our (taxpayers) money on phony scandals, and politically motivated hearings in Washington in with the sole objective of obstructing progress in climate change, reining in the pharmaceudical industry for price gouging, and promoting unnecessary wars in order to increase oil and weapons profits to the nations largest corporations.

We have a better idea ..... VOTE OUT CHAFFETZ ..... It takes a village.

Currently, his opponent, Democrat Stephen Tryon is behind, but as I've said before, NO REPUBLICAN SEAT IS SAFE this year. With a BLUE WAVE underway, opportunity knocks.

I've donated $25 to Stephen's campaign, and encourage anyone who has a few extra bucks to do the same. I know time is short, but victory is possible, and would certainly send a strong statement to the rest of the Repubicans in the House and Senate. Even if the race ended up close, the statement made from a last minute surge in Stephen's poll numbers would send the same statement. If you have $5, $10, or $15 you can spare, it could go a long way in final ad buys for Stephen.

Here are a few things you should know about Steven Tryon, followed by things you should know about Jason Chaffetz.....

"I am Stephen Tryon: a career citizen, veteran with a Bronze Star medal for valor in combat, successful business executive, gun-owner, author, and proud Democrat. I believe in our Constitution: a framework for government based on the principle of individual liberty. We have a republic where individuals are supposed to be free to make the best life they can, and love and worship as they wish, consistent with the same freedom for all others. We are all supposed to enjoy the equal protection of our laws. Republican rhetoric undermines constitutional principles. A few years ago, Texas Republicans officially condemned efforts to teach critical reasoning in public schools, and the national party platform this year advocated teaching the Bible in public schools. In other venues, phrases like "free speech" and "religious freedom" are used to pander to intolerance and bigotry. The right wing of the Republican party apparently doesn't understand the Constitution, or doesn't care about it. I encourage all American's to reject their philosophy." -Stephen Tryon

From a multi-level marketing salesman (think Amway) to Congressman, it seems that Chaffetz can sell snake oil to the public better than anyone. In 2010, Chaffetz defeated Republican conservative Chris Cannon. Cannon states “the extremists who don’t want to win elections have taken over the party. We don’t want that to happen in Utah. Politics is way too important to leave to the boors.” Yet, the tea party salesman effectively romanced the public. 

Since then .....

Chaffetz has received substantial support from the drug industry over the years. Pharmaceutical companies were the top contributor to his campaign in the 2014 election cycle, and No. 2 so far this cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Overall, pharmaceutical interests have donated over $198,000 to Chaffetz during his career, more than any other industry. He has consistently voted against access to affordable prescription drugs throughout his career, according to the organization Progressive Punch.

As the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, he presided over an interrogation of the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, in a performance that was both bullying and ineffectual — which may be the worst of all possible worlds. Progressives were outraged at Chaffetz’s aggressive questioning of Richards and interrupting her before she could answer, while conservatives were angry that he nonetheless failed to land any punches.

It was already obvious that the select committee was misusing its authority since there had already been eight earlier Benghazi investigations which had thoroughly examined the facts and issued numerous reports, but Chaffetz, for political expediency, championed the misuse of millions more taxpayer dollars on another witch-hunt designed to limit Hillary Clinton's ability to run for President. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) admission pulled back the very thin veil of legitimacy and exposed the Republicans to charges of malfeasance. But among the first to rush to the cameras was none other than Jason Chaffetz, the man who had just hours before been justly railing against the Secret Service illegally using its authority to damage his reputation, defending the Benghazi committee for doing the same thing and criticizing his friend Kevin McCarthy for accidentally speaking the truth.

Everywhere you turned, it seemed Jason Chaffetz was on television, so much so that if you didn’t know better you might think he was running for speaker himself. Lo and behold, by the weekend, he was. A week that started off with him brow-beating the director of Planned Parenthood ended with him on “Fox News Sunday”and explaining to Politico that his rationale for running for Speaker was his superior communication skills. (And truthfully, compared to McCarthy, he’s Winston Churchill.)
He wants to slash Social Security, ban gay marriage and looked into impeaching President Obama. He has been everything from a liberal Democrat to a moderate Republican to a hard-right zealot, depending on where the opportunities lie at any given moment.

He is good communicator, except for the fact that he seems to have a tiny problem with the truth, which he perfectly illustrated in the Planned Parenthood hearing, when he offered up a chart so misleading that it caused Politifact to call it not only misleading, but, quoting one expert, “ethically wrong.” And while he may have a point that Kevin McCarthy screwed the pooch on Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi committee, his own history of being loose-lipped and excitable puts McCarthy’s little faux pas to shame.

"...Being a freshman doesn't give him a pass for the lies he has told to his own constituents or the blind loyalty he has given to his party leaders--who haven't been freshmen for a considerable time. Chaffetz is a darling among the right-wing media because he parrots the party line so well. The few positive things I give him credit for simply aren't enough to outweigh the betrayal of party politics that he has so eagerly embraced. Chaffetz has proven himself to be as much of a pawn of the GOP as any other member. He propagates their lies as gospel truth. He ridicules the current administration while making excuses for the one that preceded it. Instead of proposing practical solutions, he riles up his base with half-truths, insinuations and regurgitation of whatever misinformation he is fed by his party handlers. Chaffetz has embraced the despicable practices of the extreme Right wing of his own free will and has become corrupted by it..." - Joe Puente (Puente's Perspective Blog)


By Thom Palmer
October 27, 2016

This article tackles the Wikileaks problem, followed by details on Clinton Foundation, which everyone should read up on.

If you're worried about today's Wikileaks dump, it might be a good idea to fight back, but not worry too much. ALL Presidents make money on speeches and serve on boards of directors after they leave office. Money that Bill earned separate from the Clinton Foundation is not illegal or even unethical. If his relationships with these companies helped the Clinton Foundation raise money to help treat AIDS victims and fix a lot of other problems around the globe, then GOOD FOR HIM. Secondly, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that there is any connection between Bill's paid speeches, etc and Hillary with regard to the State Department. Media CANNOT conflate the two and skew the story to make it look like a quid pro quo, or corrupt in any manner with a straight face. It's all about raising their ratings, thereby improving their media profits. They DID NOT LIKE the fact that Hillary was running away with it, and viewers stopped watching in suspense. So in an effort to improve ratings, they're insinuating that something wrong happened, which in turn gives Trump surrogates ammunition, which in turn tightens the race.
Discount any of the emails, many of which have been fabricated, and many have been edited and clipped by Vladimir Putin's surrogates, in order to attempt to give Europe to Russia something supported by Trump and his surrogates. 

It is of no surprise that the day after Trump drops a bomb on his own campaign, another Wikileaks email comes out, and the conversation changes. The Wikileaks espionage is being coordinated with the Trump-Putin campaign.

WIKILEAKS IS ESPIONAGE ... and we need to call out CNN and MSNBC (no hope for fox) on their AIDING and ABETTING. Many Republicans agree. Unfortunately, regardless of their admission, continue to support the aiding and abetting of treason and espionage by supporting a Putin fascist for President of the United States.


THE FACT: Clinton Foundation spends 89% on charity. Receives an "A" rating.

The Clinton Foundation is an aggressive program to tackle some of the worlds most pressing issues. These are issues that Americans are generally disconnected from. We feel bad, but have done little about it year after year, decade after decade. They work diligently toward the betterment of humanity, even in the face of constant scrutiny and lies. To be the subject of thirty years of abuse by a political party hell bent on destroying you, your spouse, and your family for political gain, yet still have it in your heart to fight on. It is truly inspirational. Below you’ll find highlights, along with some links which support this article for those who wish to look into it further. 
I’ll just keep saying it. 1990’s Republican hit man David Brock admitted that all these conspiracy theories are lies. He calls it a “right-wing factory of misinformation designed to destroy Bill Clinton’s Presidency and Hillary’s future political career”. When so many of these are proven fake you simply have a responsibility to ignore the flood of new fake scandals. They are all generated from the same factory of misinformation. The scandal and the conspiracy is the misinformation itself, generated by Republicans, not the Clinton family. Note: David Brock is now a Hillary Clinton supporter and fights the lies.


Founded in 2001, the Clinton Foundation has grown into a very productive group of organizations, which work toward the improvement of . 89% of all money donated to the various entities is spent on improving the health, living conditions, education, and environment of millions of people world-wide. Over $30,000,000 per year is spent on over 2000 employees world-wide, making them actual job creators. The Clinton family, Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea do not take a salary. Everything they do is for charity with no financial upside for them. They don’t need the money. All money speeches and appearances that they do on behalf of the foundation is donated back into the charity. There is absolutely no evidence to the contrary. While serving as Secretary of State, Hillary backed out of her role in the Clinton Foundation

The Clinton Foundation (The Mother Ship)
One of the greatest things about being an Ex-President is that you have an opportunity to do great things outside of the White House that you are unable to do while serving in the White House. Jimmy Carter has Habitat for Humanity, helping needy families build affordable homes for their families. The Reagan Research Institute works on Alzheimer’s research. The most extensive charitable organization by any President in history is the the Clinton Foundation. So much good is done here that adding the Foundation to the right-wing witch hunt against Hillary Clinton is downright evil. Here we go…

The Clinton Foundation expanded rapidly, and these associated charitable entities were formed for various specific needs. They are…

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)
Helps businesses and global leaders organize their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems, such as climate change, environmental problems, poverty, etc. CGI does not give grants to anybody. What it does is bring together world leaders and large corporations to crunch their heads and find solutions. Grants are given to specific charities and companies through the other Initiatives. CGI has brought together 150 world leaders, 20 Nobel Prize laureates, hundreds of CEO’s and heads of NGO’s as well as media. These members have made over 2300 commitments which have improved the lives of over 400 million people in over 180 nations.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
CHAI has brought aid to those living with HIV/AIDS with brokering deals with the drug industry and medical equipment suppliers. In Africa, over 750,000 people struggling with HIV are helped through reduced prices on drugs and equipment negotiated by CHAI. The organization has 22 governments who have signed agreements and are now finally able to help their people as the AIDS epidemic in Africa has not slowed. These deals are negotiated with drug companies and manufacturers by Bill and Chelsea Clinton.

Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)
CCI was formed in order to combat greenhouse gas emissions. The Clinton Climate Initiative develops smaller scale projects that can be tailored to local conditions while also serving as innovative models for tackling global climate change. This community approach (smaller scale) helps provide real-world demonstrations of how we can cut emissions while compressing the time frame for delivering real progress. They work with low-lying Island nations, helping them free themselves from dependency on oil for power. Through their building retrofit and HEAL program, CCI reduces over 33,000 tons of carbon from entering Earths atmosphere each year, slowing climate change. CCI serves as a beacon for the world to see and emulate. It’s amazing.

Clinton Development Initiative (CDI)
CDI was formed in 2006 as a partnership with philanthropist Sir Tom Hunter of Scotland which targets the root causes of poverty in Africa. It promotes economic growth in Rwanda and Malawi, but also serves as a model for other third-world countries This initiative will spend over $100 million over ten years to improve food, clean water and sanitation, which in turn cuts down on illness and death from starvation and contaminated food and water. Another good deed by this family, which is continuously being punished by the GOP.

Alliance for a Healthier Generation
This is a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association. The goal is to mitigate childhood obesity in the United States. The Healthy Schools Program, the Empower Me Movement, are designed to improve the health of our children through nutritional education and online “hands-on” assistance for educators and students. Exercise programs are worked out. The Alliance does not accept money from food and beverage companies, as it negotiates deals with food providers to provide lower cost healthy foods. The program targets over 8000 schools in states with the highest childhood obesity rates.

Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative (CEOI)
Beginning with the Harlem Small Business Initiative in 2002, the CEOI provides pro bono consulting services. The initiative provides money management education to individuals and families and small businesses. The focus was to promote financial stability. It also initiated the Entrepreneur Mentoring Program, which pairs inner city entrepreneurs with successful business mentors. This is sort of a Big Brother Program for the less fortunate. It also released a Harlem Guide, which highlights hundreds of local businesses in order to expose them to a larger audience, and also to attract additional economic development into the community.

Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI)
This initiative builds on the fight against childhood obesity and global health work of other initiatives. It activates individuals, communities, and organizations to make contributions the the health of others. It implements systems and strategies with the goals of reducing the prevalence of diseases, reduces health care costs associated with preventable diseases, and provides a platform to provide scalable results through the ability to contrast positive results of the program with other communities. It works to close the gaps in health disparities between underprivileged area and more privileged communities. It’s a proving ground of sorts.

Clinton Guistra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI)
This initiative works with local communities, private sector businesses, governments, other organizations to develop models which will spur social and economic development in third-world countries. It is focuses on market-driven development that creates jobs and increases incomes, as well as improving health and education. It focuses on Latin America and then expands to African nations, and beyond. It works to deliver health care and job training to people in rural areas.

No Ceilings Project
This is a partnership between Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It gathers and studies data on the progress of women and girls around the world. This is an amazing program that demonstrates improvements in the lives of women and girls, and the positive effects on the economy of those nations that participated in the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing Conference of 1995. At the conference, 189 nations declared in one voice that “Women’s Rights are Human Rights”. A full report was written, and I highly recommend everyone read it. See link below.

Disaster Relief
After Hurricane Katrina, George W. Bush asked Bill Clinton to raise funds to help rebuild the Gulf Coast. Along with George H.W.Bush, they established the Bush/Clinton Katrina Fund designed to identify unmet needs in the region, and to foster economic opportunity and to improve the lives of those affected by the storm. To date, $158 million has been raised. The foundation also became involved following the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

As you can see, attacking the Clinton Foundation with false accusations, and attacking Hillary Clinton by framing her as dishonest is to the detriment of humanity itself. As James Carville stated recently "Media and Republicans will probably shut down the Clinton Foundation for political gain and advertising profits, and a lot of people will die that could have been saved. Someone's going to hell over this crap".


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The media assault on our intelligence is renewed in the final days
By Thom Palmer
October 26, 2016

As Hillary Clinton attempts to wind up this campaign season on high notes, trying to
move away from the negative campaigning, media prefers the vitriol of all out war. You see, when the campaign is a side show of crazy reality TV, their ratings are higher. So, less attention on substance and more attention on whichever side will be the dirtiest. It's about corporate profit, and not about the future of America and the world.

Whether they are catering to Trump's whining and crying about a non-existent media bias, treating the fascist with kid gloves,  or whether it is about improving TV ratings (more likely) as the election draws near, CNN and MSNBC seem to be falling back on their wild-card, in order to tighten up the race. A closer race equals more viewers, which equals more profit.

So, they've renewed and are trying to give credence to false claims of corruption by Hillary Clinton. They have rewarded a clear and present danger to the United States and everything we have stood for by allowing Breitbart fake scandals and even Russian espionage to infect the electorate. Even though there is nothing of value in the Wikileaks stolen emails, the emails are discussed as if there is a problem, questioning the honesty of Secretary Clinton. Doesn't this make CNN and MSNBC co-conspirators? Are they not aiding and abetting the crimes of theft and espionage? I think so. But for the sake of ratings and profit, they're allowing a set of false narratives, narratives that they know full well are useless and baseless lies, to be told many times per day to millions of viewers.

This display of media greed weakens the First Amendment as well as block the natural progression of our political landscape in the future. There is too much as stake to allow media to profit from GOP misinformation and slight of hand. 

They fail to realize that the nation NEEDS a Democratic Congress for a few years. Earth and humanity are at crossroads, and time is running out in order to make progress with regard to climate change and clean energy, world peace, and also repairing the damage caused by the Republican party and the Trump campaign with regard to racism, sexism and hatred. It's going to take a cooperative Democratic House of Representatives and Senate to repair the damage done. This is just not a time to screw around with ratings and media profits at the expense of millions of people and thousands of animal species that will be harmed by climate change, for example. 

Let them know how you feel. Change the channel when you hear bullshit being spoken, and flip them an email.

Here, Soledad O'Brien, reporter for CNN calls out her own company for profiteering from fake narratives. Below the video, find contact information for news agencies, and let them know how you feel. 

Compliments of The Free Speech Zone 

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