The Trump-Putin Ticket
By Thom Palmer
July 26, 2016
This is a re-write of an article I wrote back in July. Off the topic for a second, who else thinks that Pence's airplane skidding off the runway is a metaphor for the entire Trump campaign?
Yesterday, former Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley took the gloves off on Fox News, and decimated the fake journalists in a way that no other had ever done before. He shut them up, or at least exposed their lack of intelligence and logic. In the interview, he called out Trump as a Putin puppet and fascist. Then he backed it up, and refused to allow the three right-wing extremist hosts to rattle him. In the end, after 8 minutes of being humiliated by O'Malley, they shut down the segment. However, the damage to the Trump-Putin ticket had been done. It was beautiful, and it's highly possible that Martin O'Malley has caused many historically Republican voters to finally take a stand against fascism, and will refuse to vote "Red Army". Just before they cut to a commercial, O'Malley raised his fist and added "GO HILLARY!". I really hope Hillary can get him out there in the final week on all the news networks, because he's putting the bow on the package.
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Let's break down O'Malley's claims. We know that Russia has hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails. We also know that every time Trump accidentally drops a bomb on his own campaign, Wikileaks releases another sexy email which attempts to paint Hillary as corrupt, although nothing in the emails is illegal, immoral, or even unethical. The clear beneficiary of the release of the emails is Donald Trump. It might be much worse than we thought. Now it appears as if Wikileaks is acting in concert with the Trump-Putin campaign. It's a diabolical assault on the United States of America, where Trump, Putin, and certain journalist have conspired in espionage bordering on treason. Here are the facts...
During the Republican Convention, Donald Trump indicated that he would walk away from NATO. His isolationist goals, sealing off the borders, abandoning trade deals, kicking out immigrants, etc tells us something. Under Trump, the United States would walk away from Europe as an active ally. This would clearly and demonstrably open up a vacuum, and open the door for increased infiltration of Russia into the financial and military policy positions of the European Union, Middle East, Africa and around the globe.
Vladimir Putin, an ex KGB guy, is for Russian economic and military dominance. Trump seems to now be a puppet for Putin, and has vowed to clear the way for the dictator to claim Europe, and return the world to the Cold War. If Trump is elected, we might expect the Soviet Union to return in one form or another. Expect the United States to shrink as a superpower and leader of the free world. This would be by design. Such is Trumps America.
For two decades, Trump has made numerous trips to Moscow. Russian investors have invested in Trump's properties around the world. Trumps son, Donald Jr. told a real estate conference that a disproportionate amount of investments comes from Russia. The Trump Soho development in Manhattan, was the hit with a series of lawsuits claiming that Trump defraud investors by making false claims on the financial health of the project. In the investigation, evidence of secret financing for the project from Russia and Kazakhstan came to light, with ties to the Russian mafia, or criminal underworld.
Let's see...
1. Trump wants an isolationist United States.
2. Trump doesn't speak out against Assad in Syria, who Putin is helping.
3. Trump wants to walk away from NATO, leaving Europe to Putin as far as influence goes.
4. Trump owes millions to Russia in loans. Russia is heavily invested in Trump Enterprises.
5. Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign manager worked as consultant to ex Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych.
6. Yanukovych was granted asylum from Putin after being driven from power in Ukraine.
7. Manafort was hired to clean up Yanukovych's image in Russia, just like he's attempting to do with Trump.
8. Trump's tax returns would likely show his connections to and dependence on Russia and Putin.
9. Trump refuses to produce his tax returns because "It will hurt my campaign".
1. Trumps debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. His liquid assets have also decreased. Trump has been blackballed by all major US banks.
2. Post-bankruptcy Trump has been highly reliant on money from Russia. He has relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world.
3. Trumps Soho project was the hit with a series of lawsuits claiming fraud against investors. Emerging out of that litigation however was news about secret financing for the project from Russia and Kazakhstan. Most attention about the project has focused on the ties to the Russian criminal underworld.
"The project occasionally received unexplained infusions of cash from accounts in Kazakhstan and Russia."
4. Trumps campaign manager and top advisor. Paul Manafort spent most of the last decade as top campaign and communications advisor for Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian Ukrainian Prime Minister and then President whose ouster in 2014 led to the on-going crisis and proxy war in Ukraine. Yanukovych was and remains a close Putin ally.
5. Trump's foreign policy advisor on Russia and Europe is Carter Page, a man whose entire professional career has revolved around investments in Russia and who has deep and continuing financial and employment ties to Gazprom. You can't be involved with Gazprom without being wholly in alignment with Putin's policies.
6. Over the course of the last year, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media behind Trump. Trump has repeatedly praised Putin, not only in the abstract but often for the authoritarian policies and patterns of government which have most soured his reputation around the world.
There's more. Josh's article goes on about Trump walking from NATO, refusing to back NATO members in the Ukraine in the event of Russian invasion, and suggests very strongly that Trump may have in fact pulled off the biggest deal of his life, by selling out the United States of America in order to eliminate his Russian debt.
Trump has recently told the public that he would "negotiate down" debt to China and elsewhere, making deals which would crash the world economy. A deal with Putin to reduce or eliminate his personal debt sounds exactly like something Trump would do. He regularly brags on how he uses the system for financial gain as he rips off others to bolster his personal wealth.While this entire article alleges something very fishy going on, it is just in the beginning stages of investigation.
The sad part of all this is the damage Trump has done. The division he has created within the United States and around the world. This campaign will be sliced and diced for centuries by psychologists and historians alike. Unfortunately, it's part of US History now, but hopefully Trump will be viewed in the same light as Benedict Arnold or Aaron Burr, so that the lesson of how fragile our brand of democracy can be, when the public accepts and allows FEAR and HATE to be used for personal political gain.
In the meantime...... "GO HILLARY!"
Had Trump been running as a Democrat, Congress would be insisting on treason charges being filed against him long before now.