It doesn't matter where you live. YOU can help flip this district. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS.
By Thom Palmer
October 25, 2016
Tim Sheridan (D) vs. Ken Calvert (R)
In an earlier article, I pointed out that there is no Republican House of Representatives seat that is "safe" this year. The GOP, after the election, will be splintered into three parts. There is much disgust with their nominee, the leader of the House and Senate, and in the childish ways that they've handled things over the last decade. RIGHT NOW Democrats have a real chance to take control of both the Senate and the House, which would bode well for ending obstructionism by giving Clinton a mandate (should she win). If you have a Republican Congressperson and feel your Democratic challenger has a shot, please let me know and we'll write it up. With a little bit of community effort, Republican Ken Calvert, known as one of the most corrupt people in Congress can be defeated. We just need to get the word out.
California Congressional District 42 covers the Inland Empire (Riverside County) cities of Corona, Lake Elsinore, Murietta, Menifee, Wildomar and Temescal Valley. However, as vast Southern California is, the average drive to work is 45 minutes. Just about everybody in Southern California knows people in surrounding counties. They work together and play together, share Facebook groups, etc.
IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE LIVING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, or LIVE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOURSELF, then I ask you to share this article directly with them, ask them to re-share, and also post on your wall, so that other friends of yours can do the same.
In 2014, of the 717,000 people living in CA-42, just 113,000 showed up at the polls. Ken Calvert defeated Tim Sheridan 74,000 to 39,000. In part, this was due to name recognition, which is a silly reason to vote for someone. Here's the deal...
I will....
TIM SHERIDAN - Democratic Challenger
I will....
* Support the research, development and implementation of green technologies for American firms. To this end, I will support tax credits, low-interest loans/loan guarantees and grants to encourage such work;
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Democratic Challenger Tim Sheridan |
* Support legislation to ensure that American companies can compete with foreign firms as well as structure appropriate tax benefits for companies that keep jobs in the United States and encourage the development and manufacture of goods that are Made in America;
* Focus on securing the necessary resources to both upgrade our area’s infrastructure and to find solutions to the traffic problems that we face;
* Support modifying the tax code so that corporations have incentives to hire American workers;
* Support legislation that makes it easier for citizens to start small businesses and to ensure that small business owners have a reasonable opportunity for success through direct lending programs with reasonable terms;
* Support the creation and funding of job training programs that will ensure that businesses will have a ready workforce of prospective employees for the future;
* Support the rights of all employees to organize, select a bargaining representative of their choice, work in a safe environment and be free from intimidation and retaliatory tactics.
Protecting Social Security is a multi-faceted plan. Currently, our Senior Citizens are experiencing an annual decrease in benefits, putting many into poverty. Their only hope is for someone like Tim Sheridan to enact increases in benefits while increasing the money paid into the pool and at the same time avoid increases in contributions to anyone earning less than $115,000 per year. Protecting the middle class and those in poverty from debilitating tax increases is very important to Tim.
First: Raise wages. The more folks earn, the stronger Social Security is.
Second: Take action to reduce income inequality – it is generally recognized that CEO’s make 300% more than their workers. Because there is a cap on the amount of income on which people pay FICA tax, the greater disparity between what CEO’s earn versus workers means less money going into the SS Trust Fund.
Third: A creative alternative to entirely eliminating the cap. I think completely eliminating the cap would hurt middle class folks. Instead I support the keeping the cap, but subject those who make more than a certain amount – say $500,000 – to pay additional FICA tax above that amount.
Fourth: Rescind the rule prohibiting rebalancing of OSA and DI funds, and find creative measures (such as that proposed by Elizabeth Warren) to provide future revenue for Social Security funds.
Climate change is one of the most important issues facing the world today. Given our position, the United States must be the world’s leader in taking action to combat climate change. Unlike some in Congress, I believe what the climate scientists are telling us about what is happening to the earth. When I’m in Congress, I will be a leading voice in supporting legislation that will stop and begin to reverse the effects of climate change.
Among the climate change corrections that I support are...
*Defend, implement, and extend smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan and standards for cars, trucks, and appliances that are already helping clean our air, save families money, and fight climate change.
*Invest in clean energy infrastructure, innovation, manufacturing and workforce development to make the U.S. economy more competitive and create good-paying jobs and careers.
*Ensure safe and responsible energy production. As we transition to a clean energy economy, we must ensure that the fossil fuel production taking place today is safe and responsible and that areas too sensitive for energy production are taken off the table.
*Cut the billions of wasteful tax subsidies oil and gas companies have enjoyed for too long and invest in clean energy.
*Cut methane emissions across the economy and put in place strong standards for reducing leaks from both new and existing sources.
*Keep public lands public, strengthen protections for our natural and cultural resources, increase access to parks and public lands for all Americans, as well as harness the immense economic potential they offer through expanded renewable energy production, a high quality of life, and a thriving outdoor economy.
Climate change is one of the most important issues facing the world today. Given our position, the United States must be the world’s leader in taking action to combat climate change. Unlike some in Congress, I believe what the climate scientists are telling us about what is happening to the earth. When I’m in Congress, I will be a leading voice in supporting legislation that will stop and begin to reverse the effects of climate change.
Among the climate change corrections that I support are...
*Defend, implement, and extend smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan and standards for cars, trucks, and appliances that are already helping clean our air, save families money, and fight climate change.
*Invest in clean energy infrastructure, innovation, manufacturing and workforce development to make the U.S. economy more competitive and create good-paying jobs and careers.
*Ensure safe and responsible energy production. As we transition to a clean energy economy, we must ensure that the fossil fuel production taking place today is safe and responsible and that areas too sensitive for energy production are taken off the table.
*Cut the billions of wasteful tax subsidies oil and gas companies have enjoyed for too long and invest in clean energy.
*Cut methane emissions across the economy and put in place strong standards for reducing leaks from both new and existing sources.
*Keep public lands public, strengthen protections for our natural and cultural resources, increase access to parks and public lands for all Americans, as well as harness the immense economic potential they offer through expanded renewable energy production, a high quality of life, and a thriving outdoor economy.
Read Tim's position on Women's rights, Roe v Wade, etc - CLICK HERE
Read Tim's position on Women's rights, Roe v Wade, etc - CLICK HERE
It has become increasingly apparent that a vocal minority in Congress is targeting women’s rights (including reproductive sovereignty, access to affordable health care services, and wage equality), in an attempt to dismantle hard-won protections. I am committed to opposing this minority by affirming and protecting the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and ratified by the Supreme Court. I believe women should be safe from domestic, institutional and sex-trade violence, and that we should preserve and expand protections offered by the Violence Against Women Act. I will work to protect the right of women to have a full range of affordable reproductive health care options and services available to them. This includes access to contraception, maternity and newborn care, and the right to choice. I do not believe that the government, employers or health insurance companies should determine what elements of health and reproductive services a woman can access. Women deserve equal pay for equal work. This concept seems irrefutable to most of us, yet Congress is increasingly obstructing legislation designed to ensure equal pay for equal work. I would like the opportunity to be a vote for change.
VETERANS and THEIR FAMILIES - Read Tim's positions on Veterans - CLICK HERE
As an American and as a candidate for Congress, I think every day about the tremendous commitment of courage and sacrifice that so many of our brave young men and women make, and have made, to our great country since 9/11. I honor their commitment. To that end, I’m committed to increasing pay and benefits for our military personnel who are currently serving and their families.
As an American and as a candidate for Congress, I think every day about the tremendous commitment of courage and sacrifice that so many of our brave young men and women make, and have made, to our great country since 9/11. I honor their commitment. To that end, I’m committed to increasing pay and benefits for our military personnel who are currently serving and their families.
EDUCATION - Read Tim's position on Education - CLICK HERE
Innovation and breadth of knowledge are critical assets in today’s highly competitive global market. Here in the wealthiest nation on earth, we should be nurturing the best and brightest minds from all socio-economic spheres by providing every child with the opportunity for a first-class public education. I will support legislation and programs designed to improve access to, and the quality of, public education.
Innovation and breadth of knowledge are critical assets in today’s highly competitive global market. Here in the wealthiest nation on earth, we should be nurturing the best and brightest minds from all socio-economic spheres by providing every child with the opportunity for a first-class public education. I will support legislation and programs designed to improve access to, and the quality of, public education.
GUN SAFETY and the 2nd AMENDMENT - Read Tim's position on Guns - CLICK HERE.
I support all amendments to the Constitution, including the Second Amendment. In District of Columbia et al. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Supreme Court of the United States said that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense within the home. I support the Supreme Court’s decision, and as your Representative, I will oppose any attempt to ban or confiscate lawfully owned firearms from American citizens.
I support all amendments to the Constitution, including the Second Amendment. In District of Columbia et al. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Supreme Court of the United States said that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense within the home. I support the Supreme Court’s decision, and as your Representative, I will oppose any attempt to ban or confiscate lawfully owned firearms from American citizens.
Nevertheless, I am shocked and appalled by gun violence. Additionally, like firearms owners and collectors across the nation – I personally have a longtime interest in historically significant firearms – l see no conflict between the right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms and taking common sense measures regarding the sale of firearms. In this regard, the Heller court also said: “[N]nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”
IMMIGRATION - Read Tim's position on Immigration - CLICK HERE
At the foot of our Statute of Liberty is a bronze tablet with a poem by Emma Lazarus which in part says: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
At the foot of our Statute of Liberty is a bronze tablet with a poem by Emma Lazarus which in part says: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
These words have greeted immigrants coming into New York harbor with the hope of attaining the American Dream harbor for decades. It represents the spirit and unselfish desire of shared liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is what makes our country great!
HEALTH CARE - Read Tim's position on Health Care - CLICK HERE
"...While the ACA is not perfect, it is a start. Common sense dictates that Congress should work together to fix the issues that have been raised about the law. Doing so will ensure that we will continue to have the best health care in the world. More importantly, it will give all Americans access to reasonably affordable health care as the necessary fine-tuning of the law continues. Mr. Calvert, on the other hand, simply wants to repeal the law. He is not interested in working with anyone to resolve the issues that need to be fixed. Worse yet, Mr. Calvert has not offered a plan to replace the ACA. Thus, if Mr. Calvert and his Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives get their way, the 9 million Americans who have signed up for the program, including 1.3 million Californians, will lose their health care coverage and the security that having such insurance provides. That is not acceptable. If Mr. Calvert and those who want to repeal the ACA have a better way, they should present it to the American people. If not, they should work toward improving the law.When I’m sworn in next January, I pledge to you that I will work with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to resolve the problems with the law that need to be fixed. Doing so will ensure that more Americans will enjoy the security of having health insurance. More importantly, it is the right thing to do – especially for the 9 million Americans who now have health care..."
HEALTH CARE - Read Tim's position on Health Care - CLICK HERE
"...While the ACA is not perfect, it is a start. Common sense dictates that Congress should work together to fix the issues that have been raised about the law. Doing so will ensure that we will continue to have the best health care in the world. More importantly, it will give all Americans access to reasonably affordable health care as the necessary fine-tuning of the law continues. Mr. Calvert, on the other hand, simply wants to repeal the law. He is not interested in working with anyone to resolve the issues that need to be fixed. Worse yet, Mr. Calvert has not offered a plan to replace the ACA. Thus, if Mr. Calvert and his Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives get their way, the 9 million Americans who have signed up for the program, including 1.3 million Californians, will lose their health care coverage and the security that having such insurance provides. That is not acceptable. If Mr. Calvert and those who want to repeal the ACA have a better way, they should present it to the American people. If not, they should work toward improving the law.When I’m sworn in next January, I pledge to you that I will work with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to resolve the problems with the law that need to be fixed. Doing so will ensure that more Americans will enjoy the security of having health insurance. More importantly, it is the right thing to do – especially for the 9 million Americans who now have health care..."
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Republican Incumbent Ken Calvert |
KEN CALVERT - Republican Incumbent Needs to go away NOW.
Calvert proudly wears the title "Most Corrupt Member of Congress". He has constantly voted to overturn ACA and to defund Planned Parenthood. He is quiet about it, since he knows that California is a fairly liberal state. If his actions and positions are well known throughout the district, he wouldn't stand a chance, and would not be able to steal money from the taxpayers to line his pockets. He continually votes for more oil pipelines, both on land and in our Pacific Ocean, which destroys life, coral reefs, and pollutes our beautiful beaches from San Diego to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara to San Francisco, and up the coast all the way to Alaska. He is FOR allowing weapons to be sold to Terrorists on terror watch lists, and against any type of background checks. Calvert takes tons of donations from the gun lobby. He's a war profiteer, voting with the GOP on just about every measure which puts our soldiers in harms way. Voted for the Iraq war, which killed over 5000 Americans and up to 1,000,000 Iraqi service men and innocent civilians. As Dick Cheney and Halliburton profited by the billions in the war, Calvert quietly increased his personal wealth at the expense of the American taxpayer and on the backs of thousands of dead soldiers.
A few years ago, Calvert was busted by police in Corona with a known prostitute in his car. According to reports, the prostitute was known in the area selling her body for drug money. Calvert was caught red handed receiving oral sex by this prostitute. The charges were somehow dropped (surprise..surprise) as he used his position to get the DA to say that there was no proof that money had been exchanged. Calvert is considered to have no moral or patriotic fiber, yet he wins every two years, while quietly doubling the number of lawn signs as opposed to his challenger. Few in the district know how corrupt he is, so they vote on name recognition. Voter apathy played a role in 2014 as well, as just 17% of registered Democratic voters turned up at the polls. READ THE POLICE REPORT HERE.
Calvert challenged Sheridan to a debate on October 12, 2016. He then failed to show in a display of chickensh*t. The Lake Elsinore Citizens Committee decided to allow Sheridan to take the stage anyway, and he was able to answer questions and clear up a few things. YOU CAN READ THE DEBATE NOTES HERE.
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