Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Open Letter to Center-Right Republican and Independent Voters

Open Letter to Center-Right Republican and Independent Voters
By Thom Palmer
June 28, 2016

Someone asked me to help her respond to several friends, Republican voters who are center-right, as well as some Independent voters who do not want to vote for Trump for obvious reasons, but are not comfortable voting for Hillary either. I'm going to do my best to try to help you understand what Hillary supporters understand and feel about their/our candidate. This is a long article, but I think you'll find it eye-opening. 

It is very frustrating for us to constantly have to defend Hillary's record and trustworthiness. By the same token, it must also be frustrating and confusing for you to feel like she's so dishonest and lacking trustworthiness, yet so many millions of people love her and trust her completely. To those who know her, and have followed her career for the last three decades, she is extremely trustworthy, and quite possibly the most qualified candidate that has ever sought the office of the Presidency. We trust her 100%. Why is this?  

To Hillary supporters, this election is a no-brainer, but for you, voting for Hillary would/will be a major leap of faith. Should you end up voting for her, you'll be voting for clean energy, protection from Wall Street wrecking the economy again, for middle class workers, womens rights, for children, animal rights, common sense background checks for gun purchases, etc. You'll be voting for a real world leader at a time in history when we really need a good one. We need an intelligent and well informed Commander-in-Chief. One that won't shoot first and ask questions later. One that will choose negotiation over war. One that the world trusts. One that will bring nations together to solve the problems of the world. One that understands the responsibility of having the nuclear codes. One that will elevate humanity and not pander to the darker side of human nature. 

"Hillary has brains, she has guts, she has thick skin and steady hands, and most of all, she has a good heart and that's what America needs, and that's why I'm with Her" -Elizabeth Warren

Since 1992, there has been a coordinated effort by conservative media along with Republican leaders in the House and Senate to paint Hillary Clinton as untrustworthy, corrupt, ruthless, and a host of other attacks. David Brock was known as the “right-wing hit man” in the mid and late 1990’s. His articles were designed to discredit Bill Clinton and de-legitimize his Presidency as well as destroy any future political advancement by Hillary Clinton. He later recanted his own articles, is now a Hillary Clinton supporter and an attack dog for progressives. He is also the founder of Media Matters. In his atonement, he admits that he was part of a right-wing conspiracy to smear and derail Bill’s presidency and Hillary Clinton’s future. In his book “Killing the Messenger,” Brock talks of the Republican conspiracy of what he describes as “a steady infiltration of mainstream by the right-wing factories of disinformation”.  See the links at the end of this article to find facts and answers to most of the Hillary scandals favorites.  

You have heard for years, decades in fact, that Hillary is corrupt. From Whitewater to Benghazi to Emails, she has been painted by the conservative pundits as a someone guilty of crimes, guaranteed to be indicted and sent to prison. I sometimes listen to right-wing radio, just to see what new attack they're going to come up with. They define the email scandal like this; "Hillary broke the law, she's under criminal investigation, and she's going to prison". The reality is that no law was broken, she is not under criminal investigation, and after congressional inquiries and investigations, there is absolutely nothing there to suggest that she deleted any classified emails, or shared emails with anyone inappropriately. Her server was never hacked, and every single email sent from her server pertaining to State Department business was sent to a government server, and therefore stored on the (.gov) server. Her email address had per personal domain on the extension, and so everybody was aware, and no laws were broken. The practice of using her personal server had been used by every Secretary of State before her, including Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Madeline Albright, etc. It is non-starter from the beginning, but claims of corruption continue to be sold by right-wing journalists as fact with a guarantee of prosecution. She's as clean as a whistle here, but the attacks continue. 

Think about it logically. If she were guilty of anything, all she would have to do in order to make it go away would be to drop out of politics, make a lot of money doing speeches, and live happily ever after. Hillary has always fought for what is right, and has the experience, brains, and has a network of people that she trusts in order to get things done. Her Senate track record is stellar for the middle class, both men and women, children, environment, economy and global issues.

We believe that humanity is at a major crossroads. Things can get very ugly over the next century if the wrong person is elected in 2016. There is just too much that needs a masterful touch to risk it on the reckless and thoughtless Trump. That's too big of a gamble. Hillary's ability to take the punches and not cower to bullies, her intelligence, her inspiration to women and girls world-wide, combined with the good work she has done as first lady, Senator, and Secretary of State show her passion and guts. She's still standing strong, because she knows she has the moral high ground. The work that her family has done world-wide with the Clinton Foundation is something that nobody else could or would do, and has benefited mankind greatly so far, and there's much left to be done. I encourage you to read the article on the Clinton Foundation. She has always stood up for children and her voting record is stellar. She stands up for the working class, supporting unions and collective bargaining, safe working conditions and equal pay for women. We really need to wean ourselves off of oil now. Her position on clean energy and creating perhaps a million or more good paying jobs through solar incentives added to the tens of thousands of jobs created by improving our crumbling infrastructure. There is no down side to having this woman run the show. We just know this to be true. 

Bigger government under Hillary:. There is no evidence to suggest that Hillary would create a bigger government. Under Bill Clinton, government shrunk, and we ran a budget surplus for the first time in a long time. We were making progress cutting our national debt after Reagan and Bush1 tripled the debt with mass military buildup. After eight years under Clinton, we were running a budget surplus. Under G.W.Bush, reckless wars blasted the budget back into the stratosphere, followed by the 2008 crash, which exacerbated the problem with runaway unemployment reducing revenues further. Gas prices blasted all the way up to over $5 per gallon under GWBush, costing Americans another few thousand dollars per year. The truth of the matter is that government spending always soars under a Republican President, and is reduced under a Democratic President. Look at the charts.  As we know, oil companies, weapons manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry and the NRA have a huge influence on regulations (or lack thereof). Lack of regulations allowed banks to act irresponsibly in the early 2000's, leading to the economic crash of 2008. Lack of regulations is the reason so many children were poisoned in Flint, Michigan. Lack of regulations is the reason the Orlando killer was able to obtain an assault weapon. Yes, it was about terrorism, but it was also about lack of common sense background checks and the ability of the FBI to track the movements of a known ISIS sympathizer. The gun lobby has far too much influence in our Congress. Regulations are absolutely necessary, for our own protection, and for the future of this planet.

So, in the absence of any proof that Hillary is crooked, in spite of the dozens of fake scandals thrown into our faces, we choose NOT to listen to them. We DO NOT question the honesty and integrity of Hillary Clinton, but we DO question honesty and integrity of those who throw fake scandal after fake scandal at the wall, hoping that wave after wave of negative reports will cause a perceived plausibility within the electorate. Their objective, while they know their claims are lies, is to cause enough question in your mind that you would never vote for someone who might be that corrupt. It's not easy defending these things, since we're fighting three decades of accumulated misinformation. 

Here are some links which answer many of the fake scandals that give you pause. I'm sure that once you know the facts, you'll be ready to take that leap of faith, which you will be very proud of as you took part in changing the world for the better at such a critical time in human history. You don't have to love her voice, but you're going to love what she does, because she's in it for YOU not as just an empty campaign promise, but with a strong history and record of working for us all.  

Help us make the much needed improvements in Washington, the Nation, and around the world. Take a leap of faith. You'll be glad you did.

If you have any other issues regarding Hillary that you would like to discuss or have answers, feel free to contact me through facebook. I hope this clears a few things up. Good changes are coming, hopefully. Be a part of history and let's see what the first woman President in history can do. The time is right, and so is this woman.


Thursday, June 23, 2016



(Republican Incumbents vs Democratic Challengers who need our help)

By Thom Palmer  
June 22, 2016

If you're in Michigan, Colorado, or Iowa, or you know someone there, please share via email and social media. FB friends and groups are a great way to spread the word, and ask them to re-share as well. If you're not in one of these states, share it anyway. Links to other states are listed below.

"With an approval rating of 10%, 90% of the House races and 91% of Senate races were won by incumbents.".  

This is a list of Michigan, Colorado, and Iowa House of Representative races where the incumbent Republican is being challenged in November. Currently, money available to the Republicans for spending on their campaign averages 87% to Democratic challengers 13%. This is where we come in. Democrats need donations as well as a massive social media campaign in order to improve name recognition, and to highlight the positive positions of the Democratic challenger. A link to the Democratic challenger web site is included. Email, Facebook, Twitter are great ways to share your candidate, and in addition, you should contact the campaign and pick up a lawn sign. Ask them what you can do to help. We're all busy people, but there is always a great way to help a campaign without too much of a commitment. We have a rare opportunity, as Trump crumbles and Hillary rises, to take control of the House and Senate.   

Each and every one of these Republicans have voted against increases in minimum wage, against the Jobs Act, against background checks for guns, and just about anything else that is good. Every one promotes tax cuts to the very wealthy while putting additional burden on the middle class. They have acted in treasonous fashion against our President, and broken with the Constitution of the United States on many issues. They promote oil wars and windfall profits for weapons manufacturers. They are "flat-earth" climate change deniers, bought and paid for by the oil industry. Year after year, they pull our nation closer to a fascist state through fear, intimidation, voter suppression, voter fraud, and a long list of other tactics. Time for them to go. Stand up and fight. 

I also recommend helping out Democratic challengers to Republican House leaders nationwide. I will be listing other states shortly. 


If your district is not on this list, it is already Democrat. Help your candidate, and if you're able, help one or more of the candidates below as well.
MI-01 Beneshek(ret) Lon Johnson D http://www.lonjohnson.com/
MI-02 Bill Huizenga R Dennis B Murphy D http://www.dennismurphyforcongress.com/
MI-03 Justin Amash R Douglas Smith D http://smithformichigan.com/
MI-04 John Moolenaar R No Democrat none
MI-06 Fred Upton R No Democrat none
MI-07 Tim Walberg R Gretchen Driskell D http://votegretchen.com/
MI-08 Mike Bishop R Melissa Gilbert D http://www.gilbertformichigan.com/
MI-10 Miller R (Ret) Frank Accavitti Jr. D https://www.facebook.com/accavittiforcongress/
MI-11 David Trott R No Democrat none

If your district is not on this list, it is already Democrat. Help your candidate, and if you're able, help one or more of the candidates below as well.
CO-03 Scott Tipton R Steve Sheldon D https://stevesheldonforcongress.com/
CO-04 Ken Buck R Bob Seay D http://www.bobforcolorado.org/
CO-05 Doug Lamborn R Misty Plowright D http://www.mistyforcongress.com/
CO-06 Mike Coffman Morgan Carroll D http://carrollforcolorado.com/

If your district is not on this list, it is already Democrat. Help your candidate, and if you're able, help one or more of the candidates below as well.
IA-01 Rod Blum R Monica Vernon D http://monicavernonforcongress.com/
IA-03 David Young R Jim Mowrer D http://jimforiowa.com/
IA-04 Steve King R Kim Weaver D http://weaverforcongress.nationbuilder.com/

House Speaker Paul Ryan said this yesterday... 

"The sit-in by the Democrats on the House floor is just a publicity stunt." 

Is it Paul? Really? 49 families in Orlando, 350,000 families destroyed by gun violence in the last decade and 300 million Americans disagree with you. Here is a link to his Democratic challenger Tom Breu's donation page. We'll see about that. Since you haven't listened, we'll speak a bit louder Paul. You're fired.

Congressional approval rating in 2012 was about 15%, and by 2013, approval rating was as low as 10% according to Gallup.  In 2014, 435 House members and 33 out of 100 Senators were up for election. With an approval rating of 10%, 90% of the House races and 91% of Senate races were won by incumbents. I give Democratic voters a 17% approval rating in 2014, because only about 17% of Democratic registered voters showed up at the polls. The result, in spite of a 10% congressional approval rating, was that the Republican majority in the House and Senate, the "do nothing congress" gained seats. In the House of Representatives, Republicans are getting very close to a super-majority, or 2/3 control, which would allow them to over-ride Presidential vetoes, and pass anti environmental legislation, etc. Think  of the veto as our only firewall against environmental disaster. In addition, voter suppression will increase, gerrymandering continues, and the progressive agenda is quashed in blue states with red leadership. 

House of Representatives Election Results
After 2008 GENERAL election: Dems 257, Repubs 178. Net gain for Dems +21
After 2010 Mid-Term election: Repubs 242, Dems 193. Net gain for Repubs +63
After 2012 GENERAL election: Repubs 234, Dems 201. Net gain for Dems +8
After 2014 Mid-Term election: Repubs 247, Dems 188. Net gain for Repubs +13

Senate Election Results
After 2008 GENERAL election: Dems 57, Repubs 41. Net gain for Dems +8
After 2010 Mid-Term election: Dems 51, Repubs 47. Net gain for Repubs +6
After 2012 GENERAL election: Dems 53, Repubs 45. Net gain forDems +2
After 2014 Mid-Term election: Repubs 54, Dems 44. Net gain for Repubs +9

I assume everyone sees a pattern here? Democrats need to begin promoting the 2018 mid-term elections beginning now and continuing through November, while the electorate is engaged, and keep the peddle to the metal throughout the next two and a half years. Progressives complain about the republican extremism and obstructionism, and then fail to make the change. 

Remember, 1/3 of the Senate go up for re-election every two years. 100% of the House of Representatives go up for election every two years. If Democrats concede elections every mid-term, you end up automatically increasing Republican numbers with a 66% advantage.   Having the moral high ground means nothing if you freely give up the elections to Republicans. It's like scratching and saving money for years, and then freely giving access to your savings account to a known thief, and then complaining that the thief stole your money.

Share with all your might!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


ILLINOIS AND INDIANA CONGRESSIONAL RACES (Repub incumbents vs Dem Challengers)

By Thom Palmer  
June 22, 2016

If you're in Illinois or Indiana, or you know someone there, please share via email and social media. FB friends and groups are a great way to spread the word, and ask them to re-share as well. If you're not in one of these states, share it anyway. Links to other states are listed below.

"With an approval rating of 10%, 90% of the House races and 91% of Senate races were won by incumbents.".  

This is a list of Illinois and Indiana House of Representative races where the incumbent Republican is being challenged in November. Currently, money available to the Republicans for spending on their campaign averages 87% to Democratic challengers 13%. This is where we come in. Democrats need donations as well as a massive social media campaign in order to improve name recognition, and to highlight the positive positions of the Democratic challenger. A link to the Democratic challenger web site is included. Email, Facebook, Twitter are great ways to share your candidate, and in addition, you should contact the campaign and pick up a lawn sign. Ask them what you can do to help. We're all busy people, but there is always a great way to help a campaign without too much of a commitment. We have a rare opportunity, as Trump crumbles and Hillary rises, to take control of the House and Senate.   

Each and every one of these Republicans have voted against increases in minimum wage, against the Jobs Act, against background checks for guns, and just about anything else that is good. Every one promotes tax cuts to the very wealthy while putting additional burden on the middle class. They have acted in treasonous fashion against our President, and broken with the Constitution of the United States on many issues. They promote oil wars and windfall profits for weapons manufacturers. They are "flat-earth" climate change deniers, bought and paid for by the oil industry. Year after year, they pull our nation closer to a fascist state through fear, intimidation, voter suppression, voter fraud, and a long list of other tactics. Time for them to go. Stand up and fight. 

I also recommend helping out Democratic challengers to Republican House leaders nationwide. I will be listing other states shortly. 


If your district is not on this list, it is already Democrat. Help your candidate, and if you're able, help one or more of the candidates below as well.
IL-06 Peter Roskam R Amanda Howland D http://www.amandahowlandforcongress.com/
IL-08 Duckworth (ret) Raja Krishnamoorthi http://rajaforcongress.com/
IL-10 Bob Dold R Brad Schneider D http://www.schneiderforcongress.com/
IL-12 Mike Bost R CJ Baricevic D http://www.cjforcongress.com/
IL-13 Rodney Davis R Mark Wicklund D http://www.wicklundforcongress.org/
IL-14 Randy Hultgren R Jim Walz D http://jimwalzforcongress.com/
IL-15 John Shimkus R No Democrat none
IL-16 Adam Kinzinger R No Democrat none
IL-18 Darin LaHood R Junius Rodriguez D http://www.rodriguezcongress.com/

If your district is not on this list, it is already Democrat. Help your candidate, and if you're able, help one or more of the candidates below as well.
IN-02 Jackie Walorski R Lynn Coleman D http://www.colemanforcongress.com/
IN-03 Stutzman(ret) Tommy Shrader D https://ballotpedia.org/Tommy_Schrader
IN-04 Todd Rokita R John Dale D http://www.johndale4congress.com/
IN-05 Susan Brooks R Angela Demaree D http://www.demareeforcongress.com/
IN-06 Luke Messer R Barry Welsh D http://welshforcongress.yolasite.com/
IN-08 Larry Bucshon R Ron Drake D http://www.rondrakeforcongress.com/
IN-09 Young(ret) Shelli Yoder D http://shelliyoderforindiana.com/

House Speaker Paul Ryan said this yesterday. "The sit-in by the Democrats on the House floor is just a publicity stunt." Is it Paul? Really? 300 million Americans disagree with you. Here is a link to his Democratic challenger Tom Breu's donation page. We'll see about that, Paul. 

Congressional approval rating in 2012 was about 15%, and by 2013, approval rating was as low as 10% according to Gallup.  In 2014, 435 House members and 33 out of 100 Senators were up for election. With an approval rating of 10%, 90% of the House races and 91% of Senate races were won by incumbents. I give Democratic voters a 17% approval rating in 2014, because only about 17% of Democratic registered voters showed up at the polls. The result, in spite of a 10% congressional approval rating, was that the Republican majority in the House and Senate, the "do nothing congress" gained seats. In the House of Representatives, Republicans are getting very close to a super-majority, or 2/3 control, which would allow them to over-ride Presidential vetoes, and pass anti environmental legislation, etc. Think  of the veto as our only firewall against environmental disaster. In addition, voter suppression will increase, gerrymandering continues, and the progressive agenda is quashed in blue states with red leadership. 

House of Representatives Election Results
After 2008 GENERAL election: Dems 257, Repubs 178. Net gain for Dems +21
After 2010 Mid-Term election: Repubs 242, Dems 193. Net gain for Repubs +63
After 2012 GENERAL election: Repubs 234, Dems 201. Net gain for Dems +8
After 2014 Mid-Term election: Repubs 247, Dems 188. Net gain for Repubs +13

Senate Election Results
After 2008 GENERAL election: Dems 57, Repubs 41. Net gain for Dems +8
After 2010 Mid-Term election: Dems 51, Repubs 47. Net gain for Repubs +6
After 2012 GENERAL election: Dems 53, Repubs 45. Net gain forDems +2
After 2014 Mid-Term election: Repubs 54, Dems 44. Net gain for Repubs +9

I assume everyone sees a pattern here? Democrats need to begin promoting the 2018 mid-term elections beginning now and continuing through November, while the electorate is engaged, and keep the peddle to the metal throughout the next two and a half years. Progressives complain about the republican extremism and obstructionism, and then fail to make the change. 

Remember, 1/3 of the Senate go up for re-election every two years. 100% of the House of Representatives go up for election every two years. If Democrats concede elections every mid-term, you end up automatically increasing Republican numbers with a 66% advantage.   Having the moral high ground means nothing if you freely give up the elections to Republicans. It's like scratching and saving money for years, and then freely giving access to your savings account to a known thief, and then complaining that the thief stole your money.

Blue is Beautiful

Pennsylvania Congressional Hit List

PENNSYLVANIA CONGRESSIONAL RACES ( List of Democrat Challengers to Incumbent Republicans )
By Thom Palmer  
June 22, 2016

If you're in Pennsylvania, or you know someone in Pennsylvania, please share via email and social media. FB friends and groups are a great way to spread the word, and ask them to re-share as well. If you're not in Pennsylvania, stay tuned. I'm working on it. Links to other states are listed below.

"With an approval rating of 10%, 90% of the House races and 91% of Senate races were won by incumbents.".  

This is a list of Pennsylvania House of Representative races where the incumbent Republican is being challenged in November. Currently, money available to the Republicans for spending on their campaign averages 87% to Democratic challengers 13%. This is where we come in. Democrats need donations as well as a massive social media campaign in order to improve name recognition, and to highlight the positive positions of the Democratic challenger. A link to the Democratic challenger web site is included. Email, Facebook, Twitter are great ways to share your candidate, and in addition, you should contact the campaign and pick up a lawn sign. Ask them what you can do to help. We're all busy people, but there is always a great way to help a campaign without too much of a commitment. We have a rare opportunity, as Trump crumbles and Hillary rises, to take control of the House and Senate.   

Each and every one of these Republicans have voted against increases in minimum wage, against the Jobs Act, against background checks for guns, and just about anything else that is good. Every one promotes tax cuts to the very wealthy while putting additional burden on the middle class. They have acted in treasonous fashion against our President, and broken with the Constitution of the United States on many issues. They promote oil wars and windfall profits for weapons manufacturers. They are "flat-earth" climate change deniers, bought and paid for by the oil industry. Year after year, they pull our nation closer to a fascist state through fear, intimidation, voter suppression, voter fraud, and a long list of other tactics. Time for them to go. Stand up and fight. 

I also recommend helping out Democratic challengers to Republican House leaders nationwide. I will be listing other states shortly. In the meantime, I've added Paul Ryan's WI-01 to this list for those who wish to donate to his Democratic Challenger. His district is considered a lock, but I'm not convinced that any Republican is safe this year. They have all done great harm to middle class Americans for political gain. They all vote with their party, no matter what they say in their campaigns, and no matter how wrong their vote is. So, let's just CRUSH them.

WHAT'S MY DISTRICT? (Click link)
If your district is not on this list, it is already Democrat. Help your candidate, and if you're able, help one or more of the candidates below as well.
PA-03 Mike Kelly R (No Dem) Nickerson I Unknown
PA-04 Scott Perry R No Democrat none
PA-05 Glenn Thompson R Kerith Strano Taylor D http://kstforcongress.com/
PA-06 Ryan Costello R Mike Parrish D http://www.parrishforcongress.com/
PA-07 Pat Meehan R Mary Ellen Balchunis D http://balchunis2016.com/
PA-08 Mike Fitzpatrick R Steve Santasiero D http://santarsieroforcongress.com/
PA-09 Bill Shuster R No Democrat none
PA-10 Tom Marino R Mike Molesevich D http://www.mikeforcongresspa.com/
PA-11 Lou Barletta R Michael Marsicano D http://www.marsicano.us/
PA-12 Keith Rothfus R Erin McClelland D http://www.erinforpa.com/
PA-15 Charlie Dent R Rick Daugherty D http://daughertyforcongress.com/
PA-16 Pitts (retiring) Christina Hartman D http://daughertyforcongress.com/
PA-18 Tim Murphy R No Democrat none

Congressional approval rating in 2012 was about 15%, and by 2013, approval rating was as low as 10% according to Gallup.  In 2014, 435 House members and 33 out of 100 Senators were up for election. With an approval rating of 10%, 90% of the House races and 91% of Senate races were won by incumbents. I give Democratic voters a 17% approval rating in 2014, because only about 17% of Democratic registered voters showed up at the polls. The result, in spite of a 10% congressional approval rating, was that the Republican majority in the House and Senate, the "do nothing congress" gained seats. In the House of Representatives, Republicans are getting very close to a super-majority, or 2/3 control, which would allow them to over-ride Presidential vetoes, and pass anti environmental legislation, etc. Think  of the veto as our only firewall against environmental disaster. In addition, voter suppression will increase, gerrymandering continues, and the progressive agenda is quashed in blue states with red leadership. 

House of Representatives Election Results
After 2008 GENERAL election : Democrats 257, Republicans 178. Net gain for Democrats +21
After 2010 Mid-Term election : Republicans 242, Democrats 193. Net gain for Republicans +63
After 2012 GENERAL election : Republicans 234, Democrats 201. Net gain for Democrats +8
After 2014 Mid-Term election : Republicans 247, Democrats 188. Net gain for Republicans +13

Senate Election Results
After 2008 GENERAL election : Democrats 57, Republicans 41. Net gain for Democrats +8
After 2010 Mid-Term election : Democrats 51, Republicans 47. Net gain for Republicans +6
After 2012 GENERAL election : Democrats 53, Republicans 45. Net gain for Democrats +2
After 2014 Mid-Term election : Republicans 54, Democrats 44. Net gain for Republicans +9

I assume everyone sees a pattern here? Democrats need to begin promoting the 2018 mid-term elections beginning now and continuing through November, while the electorate is engaged, and keep the peddle to the metal throughout the next two and a half years. Progressives complain about the republican extremism and obstructionism, and then fail to make the change. 

Remember, 1/3 of the Senate go up for re-election every two years. 100% of the House of Representatives go up for election every two years. If Democrats concede elections every mid-term, you end up automatically increasing Republican numbers with a 66% advantage.   Having the moral high ground means nothing if you freely give up the elections to Republicans. It's like scratching and saving money for years, and then freely giving access to your savings account to a known thief, and then complaining that the thief stole your money.

Pennsylvania Blue