Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fulfilling a Destiny

Fulfilling a Destiny 
By Thom Palmer
August 30, 2016

Below is a list of some of Hillary Clinton's personal accomplishments as well as the accomplishments of the Clinton Foundation. A very short biography of her life follows. Find out why she's called the most qualified candidate ever to run for President.

What makes you think Hillary is more qualified than Trump? 
Amazingly, this question has been asked of me several times over the last few months in one form or another. Public perception, driven by the "right-wing factory of disinformation", in order to counter the extreme recklessness and lack of qualification of the GOP nominee, is that Hillary is dishonest and lies.Polls tell us that Independent and right-center voters are leaning toward Hillary, not because she's that good, but because Trump is that bad. Mainstream media has been doing a very bad job of covering the 2016 election, allowing equal time to this "factory of disinformation" in order to tighten poll numbers, and increase TV ratings. If truth were allowed to prevail, this thing would be over. This article clears up a few things regarding the level of competence and qualifications of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State with a 66% approval rating. Since announcing her candidacy for President, conservative media has been throwing dishonest and misleading information at the electorate about her in wave after wave of fake scandals. Even when the scandals are debunked, they continue the same narrative in the hope that they can hold her approval rating down through the election. Win or lose, the "Crooked Hillary" narrative will cease to exist after November 8th, because the slanderous attacks, which actually cross the line on abusive behavior, will no longer be advantageous. 

This article is a re-write of my article "Rise".  I have added a single list compiled by DailyKos a while ago to this article. I suggest everyone copy and paste the list, and share it, along with portions of the "Defending Hillary" series with those who still believe there's little difference between these candidates. Then we go into a deeper dive into the life's work of Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

  • First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
  • Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
  • Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action.
  • Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.
  • Former civil litigation attorney.
  • Staff attorney for Children’s Defense Fund 
  • Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
  • Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
  • First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation.
  • First female partner at Rose Law Firm, one of the largest law firms in Arkansas.
  • Twice named by The National Law Journal as one of the 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America.
  • Former First Lady of Arkansas.
  • Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983.
  • Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession.
  • Created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth.
  • Instrumental in passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
  • First Lady of the United States.
  • Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses.
  • Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health.
  • Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome).
  • Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice.
  • Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act.
  • First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree.
  • Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
  • Two-term New York Senator and the first ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate.
  • Served on five Senate committees: Budget (2001–2002), Armed Services (2003–2009), Environment and Public Works (2001–2009), Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009) and the Special Committee on Aging.
  • Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
  • Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
  • Worked with Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
  • Former United States Secretary of State.
  • Brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas in 2012.

  • If Trump's dismal business record of is to be used to determine his qualifications, or lack thereof, then we are fully justified in using Hillary's Clinton Foundation record, which flies a thousand miles above Trumps record. Here's a list of a few of the Accomplishments through the Clinton Foundation, which includes several entities, all of which tackle some of the worlds most pressing issues.

    The Clinton Foundation is a culmination of several entities which work to improve the lives of millions world-wide as well as improve the health of both people and planet. Clinton Foundation is the closest thing we have to a global troubleshooting program with small and large scale models for the advancement of humanity.

    Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)
    Brought together 170 world leaders, 20 Nobel Prize laureates, hundreds of CEO’s and heads of NGO’s as well as media, and produced over 2300 commitments which have improved the lives of over 400 million people in over 180 nations.

    Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
    Brokers deals with the drug industry and medical equipment suppliers. In Africa, over 750,000 people struggling with HIV are helped through reduced prices on drugs and equipment negotiated by CHAI. The organization has 22 governments who have signed agreements and are now finally able to help their people as the AIDS epidemic in Africa has not slowed. Deals are negotiated with drug companies by Clinton Foundation.

    Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)
    To combat greenhouse gas emissions. The Clinton Climate Initiative develops smaller scale projects that can be tailored to local conditions while also serving as innovative models for tackling global climate change. Through their building retrofit and HEAL program, CCI reduces over 33,000 tons of carbon from entering Earths atmosphere each year, slowing climate change. CCI serves as a beacon for the world to see and emulate. It’s amazing.

    Clinton Development Initiative (CDI)
    Promotes economic growth in Rwanda and Malawi, but also serves as a model for other third-world countries. This initiative will spend over $100 million over ten years to improve food, clean water and sanitation, which in turn cuts down on illness and death from starvation and contaminated food and water. 

    Alliance for a Healthier Generation
    This is a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association. The goal is to mitigate childhood obesity in the United States. The Healthy Schools Program, Provides “hands-on” assistance for educators and students. Exercise programs are worked out. The program targets over 8000 schools in states with the highest childhood obesity rates.

    Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative (CEOI)
    Provides pro bono consulting services. The initiative provides money management education to individuals and families and small businesses in the Harlem area as a model for other areas. The focus was to promote financial stability. It also initiated the Entrepreneur Mentoring Program, which pairs inner city entrepreneurs with successful business mentors. This is sort of a Big Brother Program for the less fortunate.  

    Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI)
    This initiative builds on the fight against childhood obesity and global health work of other initiatives. It activates individuals, communities, and organizations to make contributions the the health of others. It implements systems and strategies with the goals of reducing the prevalence of diseases, reduces health care costs associated with preventable diseases, and provides a platform to provide scalable results through the ability to contrast positive results of the program with other communities. It works to close the gaps in health disparities between underprivileged area and more privileged communities. It’s a proving ground of sorts.

    Clinton Guistra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI)
    This initiative works with local communities, private sector businesses, governments, other organizations to develop models which will spur social and economic development in third-world countries. It is focuses on market-driven development that creates jobs and increases incomes, as well as improving health and education. It focuses on Latin America and then expands to African nations, and beyond. It works to deliver health care and job training to people in rural areas.

    No Ceilings Project
    This is a partnership between Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It gathers and studies data on the progress of women and girls around the world. This is an amazing program that demonstrates improvements in the lives of women and girls, and the positive effects on the economy of those nations that participated in the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing Conference of 1995. At the conference, 189 nations declared in one voice that “Women’s Rights are Human Rights”. A full report was written, and I highly recommend everyone read it. See link below.

    Disaster Relief
    After Hurricane Katrina, George W. Bush asked Bill Clinton to raise funds to help rebuild the Gulf Coast. Along with George H.W.Bush, they established the Bush/Clinton Katrina Fund designed to identify unmet needs in the region, and to foster economic opportunity and to improve the lives of those affected by the storm. To date, $158 million has been raised. The foundation also became involved following the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

    For a deep dive into the objectives, goals and accomplishments of the Clinton Foundation, go to https://www.clintonfoundation.org . Then, compare that to Trump's accomplishments of profiting by ripping off workers, stealing others land to build on, racial discrimination, and encouraging economies to fail in order to increase profits at his golf course.  The big question is; which candidate has a stronger record of accomplishing goals which improve the lives of Americans and people world-wide? The answer is a blowout. Trump has nothing but empty promises based on nothing. 

    Let's examine some of the highlights of Hillary's life so far. A life and path that has led her to this moment. By examining the past, the present makes more sense, and the future is easier to extrapolate. When forecasting climate change, future profits for businesses, etc., we need to take the facts from the past, combine them with present data, and then use logic to draw the line into the future. The model reveals a most unbelievable destiny, but the destiny was not a matter of stars aligning in a certain pattern, cannot be explained by simply calling it "being in the right place at the right time". Her place in history has been designed and written, engineered, and has been tested and put on trial by fire, honed, tempered, and refined over the last six decades...by HER.

    She was a favorite among her teachers. Active in sports, Brownies and then Girl Scouts, she moved into her teens with a higher level of drive than most pre-teens seem to feel. Her parents were conservative Republicans, but advocated for Hillary to be independent and to not be limited in what she decides to do in life by her gender, so in her mind, there was no difference in what a woman could do versus what a man could do in life. In 1961, at age 13, she sent a letter to NASA, asking them what steps she could take in order to be an astronaut some day. They responded that "No women were being accepted into the space program". This must have had quite an impact on her, since her mother had always told her that she could be anything she wanted to be when she grows up. I would imagine that, from everything I know about Hillary, that this irked her first, and then this hard headed Republican kid got mad. As the 60's rolled on, she watched as women began fighting for equality and respect.

    Never afraid to fail, get back up, dust herself off, and try again. In High School, she was in the Student Council, National Honor Society member, and lost her bid for Class President in her Senior Year to a boy who told her "You are really stupid if you think a girl can be elected President." I would love to hear the conversation with this boy, now a 67 year old man after Hillary is elected 45th President of the United States of America. 

    Because her parents were Republican, and they were her biggest influences, the young Republican's political career began at just 13 years old, when she helped canvass neighborhoods in Chicago for Republicans and Richard Nixon in 1960. At age 17, she actively campaigned for failed Republican candidate Barry Goldwater. Her youth minister introduced her to Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1962. It appears that the stage was set for young Hillary to begin making a difference.

    What does a highly driven girl do when she loses her bid for High School Class President to a misogynist? She dusts herself off and runs for Class President in college and wins, of course. Wellesley College, Massachusetts, graduating in 1969. By then, having been around politics a while, Hillary realized that her ideals were more closely aligned with the Democratic Party, and she broke with her parents and registered as a Democrat, having seen the Republican party become less and less a party of the people, and more the party of big business. She saw President Johnson follow through with President Kennedy's goals of improving civil rights, and she was very moved by the speeches and peaceful protests by Martin Luther King, Jr. Hillary felt that the best way to improve things in the United States was to become a part of the solution, so, she attended Yale Law School and graduated with Honors in 1973. She then did one year of post-graduate study on children and medicine, which as you'll read later suggests that many of her bold goals had been set, and she was taking the steps to implement them at just 27 years of age. 

    In 1970, after graduating from Wellesley, she secured a grant and first went to work for the Children's Defense Fund. In the summer of 1971, she went to Washington and worked on Senator Walter Mondale's subcommittee on migrant workers, housing, sanitation, health and education. It as here that she was introduced and became involved in George McGovern's 1972 Presidential bid, working on western states. Once more, she lost (McGovern lost), and once more, Hillary would dust herself off and keep on going.  At Yale Law School, she volunteered in their Child Study Center, studying new research on early childhood brain development. She also volunteered at New Haven Hospital, where she took on cases of child abuse, providing free legal service to the poor. After graduating from Yale, she served as staff attorney for the Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

    In 1974, she was hired as one of the 44 lawyers to investigate Watergate. Hillary was one of the people in the room listening to Nixon's Watergate tapes for the first time, and advised the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives. In the fall of that year, after Nixon's resignation, she was hired at the University of Arkansas Law School, where her boyfriend from Yale, Bill Clinton was also a Professor.  They would marry shortly thereafter.

    By the age of 27, Hillary Rodham had amassed more political knowledge and insight than just about anybody her age could be expected to absorb.  She had already formed her thoughts and ideas on how she could make a difference, and was constantly going out of her comfort zone, traveling the country to amass more data. 

    In 1975 after four years of dating, Bill and Hillary tied the knot. She was appointed in 1978 President Jimmy Carter to the board of Legal Services. The same year, husband Bill won bid for Governor of Arkansas, the first of five terms as Governor before winning the Presidency. Hillary was hired and then became a partner in the Rose Law Firm, served on the Board of Directors for Arkansas businesses such as TCBY and Wal-Mart, where she fought for equal opportunity for women as well as environmental issues pertaining to business. This gave her a needed and comprehensive insight on economics and business. She chaired for the Arkansas Education Standards committee and co-founded Advocates for Children and Families, and served on the boards of Arkansas Children's Hospital Legal Services and the Children's Defense Fund. She wrote a weekly newspaper column titled "Talking it Over". Talking it over appears to have been a prelude to her ability to go into the community and discuss and learn about issues affecting everyday Americans. She was twice named to the list of The 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America.

    At age 45, Hillary became the First Lady to the 42nd President of the United States. After nearly two decades of doing good work in Arkansas, Bill won his 1992 bid for the Presidency. In retrospect, it is highly theorized that this was Hillary's first and second term as President. I do not believe Bill could have done it without her, and the active role she played and good work she had done in Arkansas, combined with one of Bill Clinton's campaign slogans "You're getting two for the price of one" tells me that she served side-by-side, more than likely advising Bill on a daily basis. Which one was actually in charge? I'm not sure, but by the end of the Clinton Presidency, our economy was booming, we were running a budget surplus, and the world at relative peace.

    Within five days of taking over the White House, Bill named Hillary to head the President's Task Force on Health Care Reform. Her efforts raised national awareness on the problem of millions of uninsured Americans. While her objective of transforming heath care failed, her efforts gave way to later compromises, which led to the Affordable Health Care Act passed in 2009, allowing millions of Americans to gain health insurance, allowing students to remain on their parents insurance policies through age 26, and forbids insurance companies to deny or drop people for pre-existing conditions. Since passing ACA, the rate of inflation of insurance premiums has been at the lowest level in decades. 

    In addition, Hillary worked on many other health care issues, such as initiating the Children's Health Insurance Program, increases in funding for prostate cancer, childhood asthma, assistance for Gulf War Veterans who had been suffering the toxic side effects of the chemical "Agent Orange" used in that war. She is credited with the Adoption and Safe Families Act, helping orphaned children, rallying support from private foundations who helped lobby for the Act's passage in 1997 and then the Foster Care Independence Bill, helping unadopted children transition to adulthood. She held and hosted numerous White House conferences that related to children's health, school violence, reading development which pediatricians provided free books for new mothers to read to their infants, which in turn nurtures their rapidly developing brains. She pushed for annual mammograms for older women, covered by Medicare, in order to reduce the rate and survival of breast cancer. She was involved in many decisions made by the President, such as Welfare Reform, violence Against Women, and continued her work for gender equality in economics, employment, health care and education.

    On the international stage, Hillary spoke out against abuse of women by the Taliban and other oppressive groups. She helped form Vital Voices, an international effort to promote participation of women in their nation's political process, which is something very impressive, as we see more women at the higher ranks of politics world-wide today as a result. Vital Voices also played a role in the "Good Friday Peace Agreement", which ended the civil war in Ireland. Her own candidacy today is testament to the success of her efforts. She actively supported the USAID, which awarded loans to small businesses begun by women. She openly challenged the Chinese government in September, 1995, when she spoke at the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, a controversial and effective speech. Hillary doesn't back down to tough challenges. Never has...never will.

    Regarding traditional First Lady roles, she initiated the "Save the Treasures" program, to rescue national sites and items from deterioration and neglect, National First Ladies Historical Site, Millennium Project, Sculpture Garden artwork, Restoration of the Blue Room, State dinners and other traditional First Lady duties. She hosted the Bicentennial State Dinner, which hosted more Presidents and First Ladies than any other time in history. 

    On November 7th, 2000, HIllary Rodham Clinton became the first First Lady ever to be elected to public office, winning the U.S.Senate seat vacated by retiring Senator Patrick Moynihan. Just as President Bill Clinton was ending his political career as an elected official, Hillary's was just beginning. 

    U.S. SENATE 
    Hillary served as Senator for three weeks while also serving as First Lady. She served on many Senate Committees and sub-committees, including Armed Services, Airland, Readiness and Management, Environmental and Public Works, Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property, Nuclear Safety, Fisheries, Wildlife, Water, Waste Control, Risk assessment, Senate Heath, Education, Labor, Pensions, Aging, Children and Families. Very busy woman indeed. She worked to secure a $21 billion fund to assist in the cleanup and recovery following September 11th WTC, and to provide health tracking for first responders and volunteers at Ground Zero. She issued two studies in 2005 which examined disbursement of federal Homeland Security funding to local communities and first responders. She visited and spoke with American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, continued work on heath care and other benefits for Veterans. In addition, she won the extension of the Unemployment Insurance benefits for those who lost their jobs in the 2008 financial crash. She was arguably the most active and hardest working Senator in Washington, working with Republicans to get things done for the American people, and protecting the middle class.

    Veterans and First Responders
    Serving in the Senate Armed Services Committee, she introduced the "Heroes at Home Act" to help family members care for Veterans with traumatic brain injuries, She increased the military survivor benefit from $12,000 to $100,000, in order to help families whose loved ones were killed in action. She worked hard for Veterans during her time in the Senate. She saved 800 jobs in New York by working across the aisle to keep the Niagara Falls Air Station open while the Pentagon was shutting down bases. 

    Hillary racked up quite a lot of major achievements during her time in the Senate. From expanded health care for National Guard members and reservists, fighting hard to secure funds 9/11 rescue and recovery volunteers, immigration reform, health care, stockpiling of vaccines for public health emergencies, No Child Left Behind, Prevention First Act, designed to decrease abortions and increase access to family planning, and much, much more. Looking at Hillary's voting record in the Senate, she constantly pushed for the middle class, and pushed to reduce poverty and hopelessness. There is way too much to outline in this article.

    Hillary's time in the Senate, serving on the Armed Service Committee seemed to fill in the only missing link in her current experience level, which millions feel surpasses the experience and insight of any candidate that has ever run for President, man or woman. Foreign policy experience. She went on to lose her battle to win the White House in 2008, but made such a huge impression on President-Elect Barack Obama, that he simply couldn't blow the chance to have such an experienced, intelligent and well-rounded Secretary of State behind him in Washington. 

    Another trail-blazing accomplishment, Hillary became the first First Lady turned Senator turned Secretary of State in history in January, 2009. Hillary's responsibilities as Secretary of State were to serve as the primary adviser on foreign affairs to the President, to enact Presidential policy decisions through the State Department. She was also responsible for negotiating with foreign leaders on treaties, passports, and in advising the President on individuals for the post of Ambassadors and consuls, etc. She used what she viewed as "smart power", or strong diplomacy efforts combined with military "hard power". With global economic and social issues, "soft power" was used to improve global economics, developmental aid, technology, creativity and human rights advocacy. 

    Hillary visited 112 countries during her tenure at the State Department, where she also worked on the empowerment and welfare of women and girls world-wide. What has come to be known as The Hillary Doctrine", she viewed improvements in women's right as playing a critical role in U.S. security interests by linking the level of violence against women and gender inequality within a state, and the instability to international security of that state. Time magazine stated that "Clinton's endurance during her time as Secretary of State is legendary".  She held town hall meetings, speaking with leaders, press as well as the public in 40 countries, learning, answering questions, and promoting her peace platform and human rights agenda. 

    According to President Obama, Hillary was a huge player in the decision to send in helicopters to Pakistan to kill Osama Bin Laden. She advocated and encouraged taking the risk, stating that the goal was worth the risk in light of the superior talent of our Seal Teams, military power, combined with the evidence at hand. She showed strong leadership in the situation room, and helped the President get over the top on the decision to invade. It turned out pretty well. Her ability to calmly assess a bad situation and make an intelligent decision is second to none.

    She lobbied for the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution, and declared that gay rights are human rights, creating a huge shift around the world and at home as LGBT employees had a safer, more stable place to work. Negotiating the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, Hillary took to the air as rockets rained down on Israel. One day after she landed, a ceasefire took effect, and things have been mostly quiet ever since. Whatever she did over there was amazing. 

    The list goes on and on. Under the Clinton State Department, exports of products made in the U.S.A. to China increased 50%. She negotiated with United Nations on putting sanctions on Iran, forcing them to the table to negotiate an end to their nuclear weapons program. The result of her efforts was that Iran came to the table, destroyed or delivered all of their enriched uranium to the United Nations, and agreed not to work on a nuclear weapons program. U.N. inspectors are now able to go into Iran and verify compliance, and the world is a much safer place as a result of her hard work. She worked her tail off as Secretary of State. 

    Back in the mid 1990's, David Brock, a conservative Republican writer, known as a right-wing political hit man, attacked the Clinton's with fake scandal after fake scandal. Brock's articles were designed to discredit Bill Clinton and de-legitimize his Presidency, as well as quash any political aspirations of Hillary Clinton, as her path was becoming evident. He later recanted his own articles, is now a Hillary Clinton supporter. He is also the founder of "Media Matters". Brock now admits that he was part of a right-wing conspiracy to smear Bill and Hillary with false information.  In his book “Killing the Messenger,” Brock admits the Republican conspiracy in what he describes as “a steady infiltration of mainstream by the right-wing factories of disinformation”.

    The false scandals are so plentiful, the attacks continue and are sold as fact to the public, with the objective of creating a plausibility in the minds of the electorate. Each and every fake scandal has been debunked, but as Mark Twain stated, "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes". But in the digital age, a good lie can permeate through cyberspace and be shared millions of times before the truth has a chance to begin to fight back. 

    We believe that Hillary Clinton has the experience, intelligence, and proven results at a time when humanity really needs a strong leader. By year 2100, Earths temperature will have risen by three degrees over the last century, putting islands and low-lying coastal communities under water. Thousands of species of animals will become extinct, and up to a billion people will be displaced without immediate action. Terrorists are trying to take over nations, and countries are trying to obtain nuclear weapons. The world economy continues to be on edge from the global financial melt-down of 2008, and the gaps in so many aspects of life in the United States and around the world seem to widen with each and every false statement and fear mongering by conservative pundits. Glass half empty or glass half full? We choose the latter, and believe that Hillary Clinton has prepared herself for this moment in human history better and longer than any candidate in history. 

    We're at a crossroads of sorts in the evolution of human history. One path leads to a cliff, and it's a long way down. The other path leads to possibilities and cooperation to heal many of mans self-inflicted wounds. This is an opportunity that I certainly hope the electorate wakes up to, and give DESTINY a chance to do it's thing. It is time for us to RISE, and reject the witch-hunt once and for all. There is an unemployed man in Michigan, a polar bear in the Arctic, a whale in the Pacific, and a 5 year old girl in Indonesia counting on us to make the right decision. 

    "We can either FALL together, or we can choose to RISE together. The choice is ours." -Hillary Clinton

    For those of you still questioning the integrity and honesty of Hillary, please find your answers in the "Defending Hillary" series in http://www.dailynewsbin.com/author/thom-palmer/ . Some links are listed here for your convenience. Share freely, all or part of any article which clears things up. Opportunity knocks.

    Friday, August 26, 2016

    TRUMP, the GOP, and the Play-Doh Wall

    TRUMP, the GOP and the Play-Doh Wall
    By Thom Palmer
    August 26, 2016

    "...Sorry GOP, but you grew the toxic scum known as Trump from your infectious petri dish known as "THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM". We have no intention of letting you off the hook as you all attempt to fly off of the Trump bandwagon.  Nope.......Donald's tiny hands have a tight grip on all of your balls, and you're going down with him whether you like it or not..."

    A group consisting of a combination of African American and White men were on their lunch breaks at a local factory, watching CNN. A Trump rally was underway, and Trump stood before his racist base, and stated that "Hillary Clinton is a bigot". After their jaws dropped in disbelief, uncontrollable laughter filled the room. The belly laughs came from all colors. This statement would be equivalent to Adolf Hitler calling Mahatma Gandhi a bigot. It just doesn't hold water. Trump's base is upset, because they were fired up over the pending race and religious wars.  Oh... Don't worry Trumpsters; Donald will still try to build that wall if elected, but just on a small scale model on the floor of the Oval Office, using his left over Play-Doh. On a fun side note, Play-Doh is made in China. Hasbro outsouced it years ago. I'm still trying to figure out how Trump could have thought that giving Play-Doh to a city full of people who just lost their homes, food and clothing was logical thing to do. Can we talk about JUDGEMENT please?

    Yesterday, Hillary Clinton decimated Trump and his so called "reboot", better classified as "flip-flop" or "complete 180". His entire "softening" is nothing more than his Campaign Manager getting through to him that he is not electable. In order to be elected, she had to get through to him that he must hide who he is for a while, and PRETEND to be something he is not. For a year and a half, Trump has been fanning the flames of racism, religious persecution, xenophobia and white supremacy. He destroyed his competition in the primaries by being himself, and being himself could never win an election versus a competent challenger. He please the angry Republican base, who clearly know even less than he about the world in which they live, or the challenges of the Presidency. Now, in a sudden "pivot", his new "handlers" and pollsters convinced him that he's losing with his ACTUAL platform. They told him "In order to win, you'll need to PRETEND". So, since Trump actually operates at a sixth grade level, he told his campaign staff to just write the words down and put it in the teleprompter, and he would recite it at his speeches. Whatever it takes, just type it in there. Just get my poll numbers back up. Trump's ego can't take it, and he caved to the pollsters and handlers that he accused his primary opponents of relying on. What he fails to understand is that we have video in the 21st century, and every ridiculous promise he made, and every single bit of bullying he did to his primary opponents is recorded, and available to anyone who can type the word(s) "YOUTUBE". Keep all of this in mind when Trump pretends to know the basics during the debates. 

    Hillary stated today that the Trump has pulled the Alt-Right, which are extremist white supremacist's, into the mainstream of the Republican party, and that he is destroying the GOP. Well, this is actually the first time I disagree with my candidate. She may be letting Republicans off the hook a bit, since they are abandoning Trump, and she'll be needing to work with them for the next eight years. I don't have to be that nice, and I fully disagree with Hillary and here's why....

    The Republican party has been racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-science for over two decades now. The only reason Donald Trump even had a shot at the GOP nomination is because he amplified, and boldly stated verbally the sentiment of the Republican party. The ONLY difference between Trump and the party itself is that he does not use the dog whistle. He just blasts racism and points of fascism loudly and with frequency. 

    Republicans have repeatedly and continually.....
    • Voted against equal pay for women (every Republican)
    • Redrawn Congressional Districts to disenfranchise African American voters
    • Voted to kill the Voting Rights Act, which guarantees African Americans equal access to polls
    • Have refused to vote for a path to citizenship for immigrants with families born in the United States
    • Support outrageous tax breaks for billionaires while adding tax burden and debt to the middle class
    • Oppose the minimum wage, basically supporting slave wages
    • Deny science evidence of man-made global warming
    • Oppose clean energy while promoting and dirty energy for maximum profit
    • Support and promote oil wars for oil and weapons profits
    • Deny health care for millions for maximum health care and drug profits
    • Violated the Constitution by denying approval of a Supreme Court Justice, as required by law
    The list goes on and on, but clearly demonstrates that Trump IS NOT dragging them down. No, Trump is not bringing white supremacy into the Republican party. Trump is not bringing racism, sexism, xenophobia into the Republican party. He simply grabbed the torch, ran with it, and in his loud mouth, ignorant fashion, blasted their platform into full public awareness. 

    Sorry GOP, but you grew the toxic scum known as Trump from your infectious petri dish known as "THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM". We have no intention of letting you off the hook as you all attempt to fly off of the Trump bandwagon.  

    Nope....... Donald's tiny hands have a tight grip on all of your balls, and you're going down with him whether you like it or not. A vote for any Republican is a dangerous vote.

    The Party is Over!  VOTE BLUE


    Thursday, August 25, 2016


    By Thom Palmer
    August 25, 2016

    I never really know how many people are impacted by my writings. Many Clinton supporters who are frustrated and dismayed at the constant barrage of incoming fire from the right-wing and lately the left-wing media. Their attempts to boost ratings and tighten the race by selective editing, giving credence to false scandals is very frustrating. I am also among my readers who can gain a renewed sense of hope and inspiration to keep fighting for the truth, and for the future. However, I don't know how many people actually change their minds, and abandon the mountain of misinformation enough to reject the lies and see the truth. Personally, I know that many have opened up their eyes, but I have no idea what the full impact is with all the sharing and discussing that goes on which I would be unaware of. The number of flips could be from the hundreds to thousands to hundreds of thousands. When you add the other REAL journalists combined with reader sharing, I believe that collectively, we influence millions of people.

    I re-connected with my old high school choir director a few years ago on Facebook. Since then we've had dinner together, hung out at the beach in Southern California and have stayed in touch via Facebook ever since. Rick was (still is) a die-hard Bernie supporter, but now understands what is at stake. He was un-crackable in high school, but I think I cracked the anti-Hillary shell with him. He's a tough nut with a big heart.

    I thought I would share with you our exchange from this morning, and encourage you all to share the "Defending Hillary" series of articles with all your might whenever you have the opportunity to flip a voter. If you're still undecided, you really need to read this stuff, because this is the most consequential election in the history of the United States, and has long-term implications as to the future of humanity itself. It's just one person which, in and of itself doesn't change the electoral map,but you know, one rock thrown into the lake creates a never ending ripple effect. This is grass roots. WE DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

    SEE LINKS AT THE BOTTOM FYI. You'll find answers which debunk just about every fake scandal produced and distributed by the "factory of misinformation". Vote with confidence.

    Rick: How did the Republican Party get so out of touch with "the people"? Or has it always been this way and I just didn't know it? ? Very sad!!!

    Thom: Rick, It started getting really bad about 20 years ago, but in the last decade it's gone completely nuts. They've become fascist by definition. I wrote yesterday that Republicans are now zombies, walking around eating each other and anyone they can catch. It turned really bad when the black guy was elected. They chose to deny Americans anything good that was proposed by Obama in the hope that voters would blame the President. The Republican party died in 2008 and now they're just decomposing. Read this if you haven't already done so.


     By Thom Palmer
     June 2nd, 2016

    “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.”  ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

    "After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home." - Ronald Reagan

    I must admit, researching and studying for this article on a challenge, an article which questions whether fascism is alive and well in the United States of America, my mind became in full disarray for quite a while. Fragments of evidence, mixed with fragments of history, quotes and proclamations, mores and folkways, paradigms, psychological tricks, laws, and the Constitution. The question morphs into broader questions of the ethical limits of a repressive government, the constitutionality of fascism. Fascism is alive and well, but to a degree, we are protected by the United States Constitution, but only if we raise the shield. The Constitution has been increasingly challenged by the Republican Party for over two decades. So, I jumped in with both feet, delving further into my mental state of complete chaos, staring at walls, with a pit in my stomach for extended periods of time. I have tried to make sense of some things that I never took the time to fully understand. What I thought I knew was incorrect. It was there all along, but I failed to recognize it as FASCISM.  

    fas·cism (ˈfaSHËŒizÉ™m ) noun : an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. 
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice. Political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

    Fascism, in order to succeed, must be sold to the population as a good thing and in their best interest. A sense of national pride and the condemnation of large groups of people who are accused by the government of "being the problem". Religious and racial persecution is a big part of being a good fascist, since denigrating these minorities promotes that "our race", "our religion", "our color" is superior to theirs, and that they need to be purged from "our society". Fascism exploits fear, and exploits the deepest, darkest corners of the mind of the disenfranchised and low education voters. In essence, it is mob psychology, convincing those who have little, that they have little because of outside influence on the economy, and perceived threats on their way of life. Benito Mussolini popularized fascism, and swung the concept to the far right. Selling fascism to the majority, or even a strong minority, gives way to dictatorship and hate crimes, oppression and removal of basic human rights eventually.  Adolf Hitler transformed Germany into a fascist state. All opposition to his Nazi philosophy was removed. The government controlled which textbooks would be used in schools, and teachers who disagreed were either terminated or sent to camps to become good Nazi's. All radio broadcasts and publications were monitored and controlled by the government. Then there was the systematic removal of what Hitler considered "unwanted" elements of society, such as Jews, which resulted ultimately in death camps and the holocaust. Hitler justified the holocaust by proclaiming that this "new Christianity" would usher in a thousand years of peace. Germans turned a blind eye, convinced that ethnic purity was in their best interest. They trusted their "strong leader", because he was making GERMANY GREAT AGAIN following hard times after World War I.

    The fascist government is anti-union and anti-collective bargaining. It opposes the empowerment of the less empowered. It opposes a minimum wage. The fascist is against any socialist program, such as welfare, government assisted health care, social security, food stamps, etc. Fascists typically only accept their religion. A bible based theocracy, for example, which has been promoted and endorsed by many Republicans, especially during this 2016 election cycle. The fascist government must maintain military superiority and intimidation, backed by force. Killing or intimidating your political foes is much easier than dealing with principled Congress or electorate. Fascism cannot survive over the long-haul. It's merely a matter of how many will die before it fails.


    The notion that OUR way is the right way, and no other form of government is valid. Nation building in order to force our values on other nations. Building walls, both physical and metaphorically, intimidating those who wish to immigrate to the United States from doing so. Closing borders and suppressing immigration is important for a fascist state. Immigration has always been one of the greatest things about this nation. Our entire population, with the exception of Native Americans, is the result of immigrants being free to come, and find a better life. We were that Shining City of the Hill, but are now at risk of losing that noble title.

    Most leaders of the Republican Party, as well as most Republicans in the House and Senate, have recently advocated carpet bombing and killing innocent civilians in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq as a way to defeat ISIS. Ted Cruz wants to carpet bomb the Middle East. Lindsey Graham, John McCain and most other Republicans have vowed to start several other wars, and increase ground troops tenfold once more in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine. They have all advocated attacking Iran as well, rather than negotiating the dismantling of their nuclear weapons program, and eliminating their enriched uranium stockpile as President Obama did. They have even threatened Russia with military force.  Fear mongering has been at its highest, which is one of the greatest forms of propaganda in selling fascism to the population.

    Hitler did it in 1938, and Republicans did it in 2003, with a seemingly plausible pile of false evidence of chemical and nuclear weapons in Iraq. In the end, it didn't matter to the American people whether or not the evidence was fraudulently manufactured by Bush and Cheney, we were committed once the war began, another 4,400 Americans died, over 32,000 injured, thousands of other committing suicide after returning from the war, and then there's the biggie; nearly 500,000 dead Iraqi's, including a couple hundred thousand innocent civilians.

    Today, the leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump has advocated nuclear proliferation by promoting that Japan and South Korea develop nuclear weapons to defend themselves against potential nuclear threat from North Korea. This reckless abandon of everything that we have tried to accomplish in the fight against nuclear proliferation for the last half century would guarantee that other small nations, with less control, develop nuclear weapons as a normal, accepted form of defense against would be attackers. Republican Senior Senator Lindsey Graham declared that, as President, he would stage a military coup, using our military to force Congress to reverse recent cuts in military spending.  Almost all other Republican candidates promised new wars. We've seen many crazy leaders in the world in the last century, and many exist today. The Trump/Republican doctrine would surely end badly for humanity, and it needs to be stopped dead in its tracks, right now, in 2016.

    The Bush administration refused coffins to be photographed as they returned from Iraq with our dead boys. They, as Hitler did in the 1940's, kept the horrors of their fabricated war from the eye of the common folk. There were no protests, and everyone here went on about their lives, as millions of people halfway around the world were displaced, maimed, and killed. Americans turned a blind eye, just like the German people did. The final toll as a result of that ignorance by the German people was over 60,000,000 dead world-wide, or about 3% of the world’s population at the time.

    The systematic expulsion of Mexican immigrants, tearing apart their families, and the prohibition of Muslims, good Muslims, from entering the United States legally is being supported by the masses who have blindly accepted Republican fear mongering tactics as fact, and perceive these groups as the reason they haven't been able to get ahead, and the false narrative that all Muslims pose a terrorist threat. The reality is that most terror attacks in the United States are committed by right-wing extremists, and of the more than one billion Muslims in the world, there are less than 1% that support the ideology of ISIS and the Al Queda.

    The G.W. Bush administration and Republicans rolled back some very important regulations, which allowed banks to send the world economy into a depression. This recklessness cost millions of Americans to lose their jobs and their homes. Yet, the false narrative pushed forward by Republicans is that their problems are caused by an outside force. A narrative sold as they continue to pass legislation which holds back the middle class. This is classic fascism.Massive scapegoating is a rolling snowball, guaranteed to be a recruitment tool for ISIS and other terrorist groups, which can easily result in massive fear, and potentially the unthinkable; United States concentration camps and/or mass deportations up the road. This would surely be a global nightmare, and with just a bit of turning a blind eye, or a few tweaks to our Constitution by Republicans, this alternate future is not only possible, but likely, and this needs to be stopped.

    Republicans are against equal pay for women. They ALL voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act, which passed in Obama's first year in office as the House and Senate were safe in the hands of Democrats. Since then, with Democrats failing to show up at mid-term elections, both the House and Senate has been under Republican regime, which constantly attempts to deny women of their human and civil rights. The only firewall women have had over the last six years is President Obama in the White House, denying these sexist attempts at "putting women in their place". Our Constitution has protected women from some really bad changes, only because the President has veto power over a repressive and fascist Republican regime in the House and Senate. In 2013, The Republican Congress dismantled the Voting Rights Act, claiming that racial discrimination at the polls was no longer an issue. At the same time, they worked to limit polling places in highly black communities, add voter I.D. laws, cut down voting times, and even closed DMV's in the hopes that they won't bother to obtain their I.D. this is all for the purpose of suppressing the Democratic and Black vote. This dismantling of the Voting Rights Act got through a conservative Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin, straight along party lines, with all conservative justices voting in favor of dismantling the act for political gain.
    Picking up steam in the 1980's, the rise of Jerry Falwell, an evangelical politician, pushed the notion that the religious freedom portion of the Constitution should only apply to Christians, and that the separation of church and state is wrong. The verbal persecution of non-Christians by Republicans has been on full display within the Republican Party for decades, but seems to have increased greatly now. Fear mongering includes their phony claims of a "war on Christmas", even though a large majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, decorate their homes, and celebrate the birth of Christ in their churches. Hitler also claimed that the Jews were anti-Christian, and that Christianity should be the official religion of Germany. All others should be removed from society. Today, many Republicans now advocate the removal of Muslims from society. In the 1930's Hitler brokered a deal with the Pope. He promised to stay away from Rome if the Pope agreed to stay out of German politics. Call it bad judgment by the Pope, misinformation sold by Hitler to the Pope, or a deal with the devil. It doesn't matter, since in the end, even the Pope turned a blind eye, and 60 million people perished. Hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazi's here in the United States are ALL Republicans because they find support for their twisted views of sexism, white supremacy, religious intolerance, and anti-Semitism.  This is right out of Mussolini and Hitler's playbooks.

    Most Republican led states have attempted to diminish or eliminate the power of collective bargaining, or unions. Their problem is that unions promote a safe working environment, which costs money to corporations, and a fair living wage for all employees. Life for the average American is greatly enhanced through the work of unions, and unions are being threatened nation-wide as large corporations pump millions of dollars into the coffers of Republican politicians, and guarantee them lifetime positions on their Board of Directors once they leave public office. It is nothing short of systematic theft of the average American's lifetime net worth. This anti-union agenda is sold to unwitting average Americans as a good thing, and blames unions for unemployment. Nothing could be further from the truth, but it is another item sold as fact to a non-engaged or uneducated population
    Climate change denial for the sole purpose of monetary gain, and the continued destruction of our planet for oil, coal, and natural gas profits. Lies told to the American people as fact, the public character assassination of those scientists and politicians that understand the dangers, and effects of the billions of tons of carbon pumped into Earth’s atmosphere over the last century in order to serve the elite. The "Flat Earth Society", or Republicans leadership in red states, are forcing public schools to teach the Christian bible version of creationism as a viable alternative to scientific fact. This serves to pre-condition the next generation of Americans that a religious state, similar to some of the Middle Eastern Islamic states, should prevail, and that other religions are unacceptable or invalid. It flies against the Constitution and violates our separation of church and state. What it does is separate Americans from intelligence, freedom, and liberty. This is also in the fascist playbook.

    Republicans speak regularly about the need to eliminate voter fraud, even though none exists. Their solution to the imaginary problem is to invoke a fraudulent set of restrictions on Democratic leaning voters. Republicans have engaged heavily over the last decade passing state laws which reverse the voting rights act, suppressing the vote of millions of Americans who would tend to vote against fascism, and the Republican doctrine. From gerrymandering congressional districts to group large numbers of Democratic voters into one district, so as to swing the remaining districts into Republican control, which in turn provides more local endorsements for Republican state government, etc in one way to suppress the little guy.

    Another popular thing admitted by many Republicans is to decrease voting hours, so that working class voters have a harder time making it out to the polls. Here's the really crazy thing that they're getting away with. They require a government issued photo I.D., which costs money and time that many don't have, cut down the number of polling places in Democratic districts so that many will find the wait time unacceptable ( three hours of more in places ), and then say "The people have spoken".  This is fascism without a doubt. Attempting to quash political opposing views through intimidation and laws designed to fix elections is classic fascism.

    Ronald Reagan, while his methods and company that he kept began the fascist fire that we now face from Republicans, I believe that his heart was in the right place. Others that followed used momentum to create fascism. Trickle-down economics, military buildup, runaway national debt while decreasing taxes on the wealthy, decreased environmental regulations, as well as the influence of right-wing extremist Jerry Falwell, one of President Reagan's main religious confidants and his "moral majority". Falwell began the attacks on religious freedom, civil rights, LGBT rights, racial intolerance and the war on women. If you were a fan of Reagan, you need to understand that, while many of his policies were in error, they were born out of his sincere desire to make life better and safer for Americans. Three decades later, the Republican Party bears no resemblance to President Reagan. If Reagan were alive today, he would renounce his affiliation with the Republican Party as well as atone for his own mistakes in judgment which started the fire of fascism in the United States of America.

    "I've been at that window upstairs, I've thought a bit of the 'shining city upon a hill.' The phrase comes from John Winthrop, who wrote it to describe the America he imagined. What he imagined was important because he was an early Pilgrim, an early freedom man. He journeyed here on what today we'd call a little wooden boat; and like the other Pilgrims, he was looking for a home that would be free. I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still. And how stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home." - Ronald Reagan (Farewell speech, January 1988)

    To get back to that, but without trickle-down economics and massive military spending would surely be a great thing. This can only be accomplished by rejecting the Republican Party, rejecting Donald Trump, and moving forward as our nation’s Founding Fathers intended for us. Will Americans meet the challenge given to us by makers of the Constitution or will we wither and cower under the false blanket of fear-mongering forced on us by the Republican Party?

    The United States Constitution is our shield against fascism, and a guiding light for other nations to follow.  The shield cannot be broken or penetrated unless we turn a blind eye and fail to raise the shield.  Our nation, the United States of America, is a very large ship indeed. The big ship is directed by 350 million navigators under the guidance of our Constitution. It takes a lot to turn this big ship, but the direction it turns is dependent on the will, or lack of will of the navigators to find the right course.