Playing with Fire
by Thom Palmer
August 2, 2016


GOP Accomplishments since 2000
War declared based on lies, costing 4000 American and up to 500,000 Iraqi's their lives.
The Rise of ISIS
Racial discord in the United States
Extreme abuse of prisoners through torture.
Economic collapse world-wide
Voter suppression
Gerrymandering to the extreme
Hate mongering
Fear mongering
Race baiting
Religious repression
Attacks on Women
Deny Health Care (attempted)
Cut Food Stamps (attempted)
Eliminate minimum wage (attempting)
Destroy the Planet (drill baby drill)
Deny scientific fact
and much, much more.
A look at the GOP platform over the last two decades
There are parallels between the actions, inactions of the party and the teachings of the Bible. Particularly in the Book of Revelation. A WOLF in sheep's clothing. In the book, Satan lies and courts an unsuspecting populous into believing things that are not true. Dividing society to bring about hate and division, and that final battle between good and evil.
With a 10% approval rating, Republicans managed to gain seats in the House of Representatives as well as the Senate in 2014. The main reason being VOTER APATHY. Voters don't think they can make a difference or have given up, so they throw the election by not showing, thereby allowing further control by the party that gave them the apathy to begin with. So, it's a vicious circle.
Andy Borowitz reports that the Republican Convention mirrored much of the prophecy contained in the Book of Revelation. In his article, he points out some eerie parallels. Reverend Logsdon of Divinity School, University of Minnesota says "The first thing that stuck me on night one, was when the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon like blood. That's too close to be a coincidence." Then, the appearance and messages from Cotton, Ernst, Guliani and Flynn netted the next quote "The four of them didn't ride in on horseback, but it was still clear who they were supposed to be". When you replay the hateful rhetoric by those four, it does seem uncanny.
When questioned on the similarities, Paul Manafort told reporters "I swear to you that no one involved in this campaign has ever gone near a Bible. Certain things that we've done to spice up the convention, like having smoke rising from the abyss have been in the planning stage for weeks. This is just a case of great minds think alike ".
Andy Borowitz writer for the New York Times finally states "Despite the controversy, the Convention proceeded smoothly on Tuesday night, as delegates officially nominated a Beast with seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns on his horns in a traditional roll-call vote."
If you really want to cross the "T"s and dot the "I"s, let's talk about Trump. Through the fear and hate that the Republican Party has been pumping into the electorate for two decades now, the toxic slime that is Donald Trump was given rise. He is their creation, and they are his children. No matter how much this guy hates, no matter how little he knows about domestic and foreign affairs, he continues having the support of nearly half of the electorate. Let's take it one crazy step further. If you then go into what appears to be a near incestuous "love" that Trump shows for his daughter, publicly touching her in all the wrong places, stating that he would date her if he could, etc., then it becomes easy to draw the line from that, to a coupling of Trumps eldest son and youngest daughter, to produce, and I realize how ridiculous this sounds, the Antichrist. It's perfect if you happen to be a fan of the "End of Days", "The Devil's Advocate", or if you're just dying to hang that "The End is Near" sign around your neck.
Okay, so there you have it. Any reasonable person, at the very least, would have to conclude that the leader of the Republican Party is a person they molded and produced. Created through decades of diabolical attacks on the common man and woman, which is really bad for the long-term prospects for Humanity.
Now, half of this article is bullshit, but if you happen to believe the Bible verbatim, you simply cannot vote Republican. As the hate between sections of society, races, colors and religions grow, and as nuclear proliferation is promoted by Trump to advance the possibility of nuclear annihilation, the stage could be set for a self fulfilling prophecy.
Now I'm going to say what you'll never hear a Republican leader say...
"This entire article is designed to scare the crap out of you".
It is not based on fact, with the exception of the logo and the Republican agenda, which are proven fact. I have seen too many weird people hanging a sign around their necks stating "The End is Near". We made it through 1984 & 2012, and every single President who has been elected in my lifetime has been tagged with the title of "Antichrist" by one party or another. We're still here, but.... WE NEED TO VOTE, and we need to do it EVERY TWO YEARS.
I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather vote out Republicans in the House and Senate, and deny Trump the White House rather than play Russian Roulette with "He's an outsider...let's ignore all the bad stuff and see what happens".
"God, No......Hell No"
Send your message. Vote BLUE across the board
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