Friday, August 26, 2016

TRUMP, the GOP, and the Play-Doh Wall

TRUMP, the GOP and the Play-Doh Wall
By Thom Palmer
August 26, 2016

"...Sorry GOP, but you grew the toxic scum known as Trump from your infectious petri dish known as "THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM". We have no intention of letting you off the hook as you all attempt to fly off of the Trump bandwagon.  Nope.......Donald's tiny hands have a tight grip on all of your balls, and you're going down with him whether you like it or not..."

A group consisting of a combination of African American and White men were on their lunch breaks at a local factory, watching CNN. A Trump rally was underway, and Trump stood before his racist base, and stated that "Hillary Clinton is a bigot". After their jaws dropped in disbelief, uncontrollable laughter filled the room. The belly laughs came from all colors. This statement would be equivalent to Adolf Hitler calling Mahatma Gandhi a bigot. It just doesn't hold water. Trump's base is upset, because they were fired up over the pending race and religious wars.  Oh... Don't worry Trumpsters; Donald will still try to build that wall if elected, but just on a small scale model on the floor of the Oval Office, using his left over Play-Doh. On a fun side note, Play-Doh is made in China. Hasbro outsouced it years ago. I'm still trying to figure out how Trump could have thought that giving Play-Doh to a city full of people who just lost their homes, food and clothing was logical thing to do. Can we talk about JUDGEMENT please?

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton decimated Trump and his so called "reboot", better classified as "flip-flop" or "complete 180". His entire "softening" is nothing more than his Campaign Manager getting through to him that he is not electable. In order to be elected, she had to get through to him that he must hide who he is for a while, and PRETEND to be something he is not. For a year and a half, Trump has been fanning the flames of racism, religious persecution, xenophobia and white supremacy. He destroyed his competition in the primaries by being himself, and being himself could never win an election versus a competent challenger. He please the angry Republican base, who clearly know even less than he about the world in which they live, or the challenges of the Presidency. Now, in a sudden "pivot", his new "handlers" and pollsters convinced him that he's losing with his ACTUAL platform. They told him "In order to win, you'll need to PRETEND". So, since Trump actually operates at a sixth grade level, he told his campaign staff to just write the words down and put it in the teleprompter, and he would recite it at his speeches. Whatever it takes, just type it in there. Just get my poll numbers back up. Trump's ego can't take it, and he caved to the pollsters and handlers that he accused his primary opponents of relying on. What he fails to understand is that we have video in the 21st century, and every ridiculous promise he made, and every single bit of bullying he did to his primary opponents is recorded, and available to anyone who can type the word(s) "YOUTUBE". Keep all of this in mind when Trump pretends to know the basics during the debates. 

Hillary stated today that the Trump has pulled the Alt-Right, which are extremist white supremacist's, into the mainstream of the Republican party, and that he is destroying the GOP. Well, this is actually the first time I disagree with my candidate. She may be letting Republicans off the hook a bit, since they are abandoning Trump, and she'll be needing to work with them for the next eight years. I don't have to be that nice, and I fully disagree with Hillary and here's why....

The Republican party has been racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-science for over two decades now. The only reason Donald Trump even had a shot at the GOP nomination is because he amplified, and boldly stated verbally the sentiment of the Republican party. The ONLY difference between Trump and the party itself is that he does not use the dog whistle. He just blasts racism and points of fascism loudly and with frequency. 

Republicans have repeatedly and continually.....
  • Voted against equal pay for women (every Republican)
  • Redrawn Congressional Districts to disenfranchise African American voters
  • Voted to kill the Voting Rights Act, which guarantees African Americans equal access to polls
  • Have refused to vote for a path to citizenship for immigrants with families born in the United States
  • Support outrageous tax breaks for billionaires while adding tax burden and debt to the middle class
  • Oppose the minimum wage, basically supporting slave wages
  • Deny science evidence of man-made global warming
  • Oppose clean energy while promoting and dirty energy for maximum profit
  • Support and promote oil wars for oil and weapons profits
  • Deny health care for millions for maximum health care and drug profits
  • Violated the Constitution by denying approval of a Supreme Court Justice, as required by law
The list goes on and on, but clearly demonstrates that Trump IS NOT dragging them down. No, Trump is not bringing white supremacy into the Republican party. Trump is not bringing racism, sexism, xenophobia into the Republican party. He simply grabbed the torch, ran with it, and in his loud mouth, ignorant fashion, blasted their platform into full public awareness. 

Sorry GOP, but you grew the toxic scum known as Trump from your infectious petri dish known as "THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM". We have no intention of letting you off the hook as you all attempt to fly off of the Trump bandwagon.  

Nope....... Donald's tiny hands have a tight grip on all of your balls, and you're going down with him whether you like it or not. A vote for any Republican is a dangerous vote.

The Party is Over!  VOTE BLUE


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