Yesterday while driving on one of Southern California's congested freeways, I once more tuned in to conservative radio just to see how they were framing the Trump flip-flops and so called "reboot" as well as the depths of their Clinton paranoia. Here is what I heard in just 5 minutes of listening, at which point I had no alternative but to put on some classic rock, since I may have caused an accident as my nervous system began breaking down. The discussion was already on Huma Abedin, then moved into a completely wild rant of a series of fake scandals long debunked. The witch hunt continues.
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Huma Abedin |
This was amazing and extremely frightening. The conservative hosts rattled off every fake, long debunked scandal in about a three minute rant. The host asked the co-host "Have you noticed that Clinton supporters completely ignore the FACT that she's guilty of lying to the FBI, killed people in Benghazi, Stole money from America as Secretary of State, GAVE Russia uranium in trade for donations to Clinton Foundation, leaves a trail of dead people behind her? Her corruption goes back to when she was First Lady of Arkansas with Whitewater which she is GUILTY of, tears apart women, defends rapists, and clearly used her position as Secretary of State for personal wealth. She has personally killed dozens of people everywhere she goes..." and it went on. Then they moved into the latest fake scandal.
Somehow they're calling Hillary Clinton a terrorist sympathizer by association with Huma Abedin. Somewhere in their rant, they also claimed that Huma is not a REAL Muslim as she is educated and does not wear the burka, therefore she's not a real Muslim woman. Pure stereotypical Republican racism. They were worked up into a frenzy, seeming to really believe the lies they told. No amount of proof whether an FBI Director stating unequivocally that Hillary had not lies and broke no laws. No Congressional hearing that concluded with "There is no evidence of any wrong-doing", no physical evidence matters. The lies were told and they're sticking with them regardless of facts. By continuing the narrative, which would never be done with any other candidate in history, they keep the question in the news, and the potential plausibility that mountain of false claims of corruption might be true. Adding more fake scandals on top of the mountain of existing fake scandals doesn't make any of the fake scandals real. I don't understand how Republicans can allow themselves to be enveloped in such a thick cloud of negativity and stench.
They, conservative media and their listeners, are zombies. They move forward blindly eating each other and whoever else they can catch. It's a very dangerous sickness for sure. What are they worried about? Do they really think Hillary is coming for their guns? Do they really think she's going to change the Constitution? Do they really think that appointing a Supreme Court Justice is the end of the United States as we know it? It's pure insanity, paranoia, fear-mongering and hate. They call all media liberal and biased with the exception of one news agency and a few conspiracy theorist sites. Could it be that they're delusional and stuck in an ever-shrinking pool of slime? Let's dig in to the claim that Huma Abedin is connected to terrorist sympathizers.
Born in Kalamazoo, Michigan to Syed and Saleha Abedin. Both parents are Ph.D.'s from University of Pennsylvania. and how she had once worked for her mother for a Muslim publication. Her mother at the time was, by hard core Muslim standards quite liberal, and was running the publication. She had been against some of the work of Hillary Clinton however, stating that Clinton was too progressive in her attempt to lift up women's rights around the world. Huma did not agree with her mother, and began working for Hillary in 1996 as an intern, but her extensive knowledge and intelligence eventually lifted her to Hillary's primary assistant in 2009. Abedin is well known as Hillary's right hand person when it comes to historical and cultural issues. Perceived ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, now considered a terrorist organization, began with Huma's father Syed, back in the 1970's was affiliated with the Muslim Students Association at Western Michigan University. Syed, helped start the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs with a mission “devoted to the Muslim Diaspora in non-Muslim lands.” Her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, was born in Pakistan. Saleha received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1977. NONE OF THIS HAS TO DO WITH TERRORISM. Religious paranoia by Republican pundits and Trump create a false connection. There was a remote connection between one of the publication that Syed worked for in Saudi Arabia a couple of decades ago and the Muslim Brotherhood. However, the Muslim Brotherhood was not engaged in any terrorist activity. Founded in 1928 by a schoolteacher, Hassan al-Banna, was in opposition to what he saw as political and social injustice and to British imperial rule. They focused on educational and charity. In a fairly short timeframe, they became a major political force, championing the causes of disenfranchised classes of people, and played a huge role in the Egyptian Nationalist Movement. It is an interesting history, but they were no more of a terrorist organization than any other nation or group in the middle east at the time..
Huma's father passed away in 1993, LONG before the Muslim Brotherhood was anywhere near being considered a terrorist organization. The Arab Spring uprisings changed things for the organization. Since 2011, it has been considered a terrorist organization by the governments of Bahrain, Egypt, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Huma's mother has written on United States aggression in the Middle East as having played a role in the 9-11 attacks, which is true.
Well, simply put, there isn't one. Abedin, while a student at George Washington University, began as an intern at the White House under then First Lady Hillary Clinton. She took advantage of Hillary's willingness to further educate and mentor her, and in 2000, she was hired on as Hillary's person aide. Now, she also serves as one of Hillary's most trusted advisors in Middle Eastern affairs, as Huma's extensive background, education, and journalistic work has given her the most well rounded view of the problems of the Middle East. This has been a great advantage to Hillary as she navigates through the murky waters finding solutions to problems, something that she's great at to begin with. Huma Abedin is proud of being Hillary's right hand person, and has become known as Hillary's secret weapon. She has publicly stated that she is blessed in this job, because not only is she a part of history, but she's able to help people directly and indirectly. Everything I have read, and everything I have heard supports the fact that Huma Abedin is a really good person that we will be very lucky to have in her position for the next eight years, should Hillary be elected.
This is true, but the bodies are not what Republicans would lead you to believe. They are a long trail of dead terrorists that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have zapped like flies with drone strikes and other military strikes throughout the Obama presidency. She's tough on terror, but smart about it. Killing the leaders of ISIS and lowering the number of ISIS fighters has been obvious. I'll accept that claim of a trail of dead terrorists, as it is the precursor to the end of ISIS under a Clinton Presidency. Do Republicans really think Hillary is going to be nice to terrorists? They said the same thing about Obama, proven false. When will they learn?
It is possible that Hillary will appoint Huma as WH Chief of Staff. The mere appearance of a strong American Muslim woman who rejects the ideology of ISIS and AL-QUEDA is sure to castrate these terrorist organizations in the eyes of the world, and the eyes of Muslims everywhere who have seen the extremist hatred and racism pushed forth by the Republican Party and Donald Trump. I believe this will be the beginning of the end for ISIS, as the tiger loses his teeth.
The United States of America, with its Constitution that guarantees religious freedom and opportunity for all will be on full display. We boast liberty for all, but without a demonstrated backbone, proof that opportunity exists for all races and religions, the void is filled with propaganda from terrorist groups like ISIS. How can the defend their position if our defense is a clear cut set of examples which are indisputable and impenetrable against the anti-American rhetoric being sold by ISIS?
Huma Abedin is a patriotic American who has worked hard for human rights and women's rights. After many years of mentoring by Hillary Clinton, she will serve as one of the most influential figures in history against misogyny, abuse of women world-wide, and in support of liberty everywhere. It really doesn't get any better than to have a figurehead of sorts, a Muslim woman born bred and educated in the United States, who supports liberty and freedom, and women's rights to send a message to the Islamic world without speaking a word. Republicans will not see this as positive, because they're stuck in their toxic pond of slime and can't find their way out.
Oh, Republicans are happy to shut down all sorts of things for purely political purposes. They will happily allow those that the Clinton Foundation saves, to die. They will be happy to feed ISIS fuel for their propaganda. They will be more than happy to give themselves tax breaks while leaving the middle class carrying the debt. They'll strip away people's health care, food stamps, meals on wheels and just about anything that is good for humanity if it gives them a political advantage. They're more than happy to ignore global warming, allowing thousands of species of animals on Earth to become extinct in the next century, up to a billion people in low-lying areas around the globe to have to flee, becoming refugees for the rest of the world to deal with as they close our borders off in classic fascist style. EVERYTHING GOOD, REPUBLICANS HATE. At some point the Devil is going to claim his due on these guys, but in the meantime, we have a lot of work to do, and don't have time for games.
Read up on the Clinton Foundation. Currently, the foundation which does an enormous amount of good world-wide, is at risk of being shut down for political gain by the Republican Party. Founded after Bill Clinton's presidency, the foundation has provided worldwide cooperation in solving AIDS and other diseases, helped to set the world on a path to clean energy and other environmental corrections, improved women's rights world-wide, and a whole lot more. The Clinton's do not profit from the Clinton Foundation at all, and relationships with leaders worldwide began long before Hillary was asked to serve as Secretary of State. There is no conflict. Never was, never will be. The Clinton Foundation, in many ways, is the last best hope for humanity to move forward in the right direction, and is at risk of being shut down in a political witch-hunt by Republicans. To attack the Clinton Foundation or its donors and volunteers is PURE EVIL. WE CAN'T ALLOW THIS TO STAND.
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