"Belief is so often the Death of Reason"
By Thom Palmer
September 6, 2016
Spoken by Tyrion Lannister in an episode of season 6 of Game of Thrones, but the etymology of the quote goes back some 2000 years from what I can tell. I believe it speaks to what is happening in this election quite well. Mainstream media is providing a quasi legitimate platform for falsehoods, racism and hate, and an equal platform for white supremacists to sound their alarm and create xenophobia throughout the nation, and the world. By allowing this, news agency profits have never been higher asTV ratings breed advertising profits.

Up until recently, most news agencies at least attempted to protect the integrity of the First Amendment by making sure that falsehoods are exposed and TRUTH and FACT are able to rise up. Unfortunately, Political Director of MSNBC has been seduced. Seduced by Fox News Profits, and the thought of stealing market share from the kings of "tabloid reporting made mainstream". The tasty and sexy thought of creating windfall profits through interviews which THEY KNOW are loaded up with lies. Misinformation is now allowed to permeate through the electorate unchecked, given equal opportunity to state a false case. This is done for profit, as advertisers cannot resist paying more money for more viewers, regardless of the facts behind the increase in viewership. IF WE DO NOT HAVE TRUTH IN JOURNALISM, then what the hell is the First Amendment good for? Click this link for the Constitution and what the Legal Profession has to say about Freedom of the Press. http://thompalmerpolitics.blogspot.com/2016/09/freedom-of-press.html
A scandal without fact is no scandal at all, and should not be reported on, especially reported on every day, every hour. Unfortunately, this disgusting display of greed will change the political landscape going forward. It will slow down progress in our fight to reverse global warming, thereby increasing the number of extinctions on the planet as well as the number of refugees forced to flee their homeland in low lying areas around the globe. It will chop down the number of people whose lives would be saved around the world through the efforts of the Clinton Foundation, as they are forced to reduce where they can accept donations from. Thankfully, President Bill Clinton is refusing to shut down the Foundation, but the effectiveness of the organization will be diminished. Many people think they've seen aliens from outer space, but in the absence of fact, these stories are only sold as fact in grocery store tabloids, not mainstream media. One would think that something as important as choosing the leader of the free world would receive the same discretion.
On Sunday "Meet the Press", Vice-Presidential nominee Mike Pence told Chuck Todd that the Clinton Foundation only spent 13% of it's donations on direct charity to those in need, suggesting that Bill and Hillary Clinton profited, or stole many millions of dollars from the donors to the Foundation. Chuck Todd let it fly, provided ZERO challenge to the lie, and ended the interview, knowing full well that Pence told a lie which millions of people heard as fact. Chuck Todd regularly promotes falsehoods, and sells them as potential truths in order to tighten up the polls and create controversy, which bolsters his market share. This in turn increases advertising dollars and profits. However, THIS IS NOT A NEWS AGENCY ANY LONGER. IT'S A SNAKE OIL SALE COMPANY, with a few exceptions. I have now banned Chuck Todd from my living room. He needs to be fired in order to restore the integrity of MSNBC. Too many news agency's are selling their souls for profit these days. #BOYCOTT.
HERE'S THE FACT. 89% of Clinton Foundation donations is spent on changing the condition in which the world operates. Much of the money is spend bringing world leaders together to solve the big issues that governments cannot solve on their own, and to broker deals with drug companies and medical equipment suppliers to provide access to life saving treatment in areas of the world that are poor and unable to provide adequate treatment of AIDS and other diseases. Governments that already had access to the State Department ALSO have a vested interest in improving the lives of millions as well as the long-term health of the planet. They improve water supplies and safe food supplies in third-world nations, put together a "big brother" model for small business run in low income areas in the United States, and provide free solar power in small communities and islands in an effort to prove its effectiveness, etc The list of good work that goes on, but by design, the Clinton Foundation was not set up to give money directly to the needy. No individual or government can do it alone, and that's where the Clinton Foundation steps in.
The Clinton Foundation addresses the disease, not the symptom. For a full description of what the Clinton Foundation does, go to...
There are some bright spots in the media reporting, with a few Journalists who challenge the lies told by Republicans. While I still have a problem with them a platform in which to tell their lies and distort the facts, at least some of the Journalists fight back with the truth, reducing the effectiveness of the falsehoods.
THE BEST: Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell (MSNBC) and sometimes Jake Tapper (CNN).
THE WORST: Chuck Todd (MSNBC) and anybody on Fox News (Banned from my living room and expelled from my TIVO recordings).
Here are a few video clips which call out the media corruption. The real scandal is in media selling out the future of our nation for corporate profit.
In this clip, former right-wing political hit-man David Brock calls out the entire GOP in the "infiltration disinformation into mainstream media".
( Preview Not Available, but click the link for the short video )
In this clip, former James Carville lets mainstream media that there will be hell to pay for their false witness against humanity.
( Preview Not Available, but click the link for the short video )
In this clip, Rachel Maddow gives us a history lesson that should be taught to every child.
Links to further reading. SHARE LIBERALLY
You have great taste in journalists. Joy, Rachel, and Lawrence are the only ones allowed in my home. The press has lost their way, not longer a bastion of truth, but mere gossip mongers who will destroy this nation by deciding for it, whom to elect. The Preamble starts with We the People, not we the press, for a reason. They need to go back to reporting, factually, the news and leave it to the people to make the decisions on whom to elect. As always, a great reporting!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Erica. You're right. We're tagging some of the so called Journalists of MSNBC, CNN and others on this stuff. Emailing as well. If we see a change, we'll know we've made a difference. Share wildly and keep stating your case. -Thom
DeleteThanks so much Erica. You're right. We're tagging some of the so called Journalists of MSNBC, CNN and others on this stuff. Emailing as well. If we see a change, we'll know we've made a difference. Share wildly and keep stating your case. -Thom