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Ann Coulter Gets Roasted at Rob Lowe's Roast
September 7, 2016
Well, I'm sure we've all had the desire to throw something like a shoe or bullet at the television as Ann Coulter barfs her white supremacist propaganda all over the place. Come on, you can admit it; if you could, just once, have about 8 minutes to rip the hell out of her, or better yet, throw her into a den of hungry lions, you would, right? I mean...What if you could say to her face...
"The only person you'll ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave" or
"Ann Coulter is one of the most repugnant, hateful, hatched faced bitches alive"
Well, as a publicity stunt to promote her new book, Coulter agreed to go on Comedy Central's Celebrity Roast of Rob Lowe. The liberal cast did not pull punches. She was a gift to them, like a slab of raw meat. So in a cruel and decimating massacre, they did your dirty work for you, and it was.. BEAUTIFUL.
So, having tivo'd the roast, I whipped out my Galaxy Note 3 phone, propped it up on an end table, used a rubber band to latch it to a small box of Arm & Hammer baking soda creating a hellova great monopod, and pieced together this extremely high quality 8 minute video for you. (Still using the Note 3 because it just won't finish breaking).
Those of us that have had to endure the worst of humanity simply must share in the joy when the worst of humanity is ripped to shreds live in front of a studio audience. Now, I'm not particularly into gladiator matches or feeding someone to the lions in the Coliseum for my amusement, unless of course it's Ann Coulter.
To her credit, other than her public humiliation, she handled it well, did not walk off stage, and actually ended up standing at the mic promoting her book for a couple of minutes to the dirty looks, jeers and boo's of an audience that grabbed their opportunity and ran with it. The strange thing is that I believe Coulter was perfectly fine with the humiliation. After all, she was successful in promoting hate once more, even if it's hate toward her, which once more proves that Ann Coulter is missing her soul. This might explain why she looks like the living dead.
ENJOY MY REALLY BAD VIDEO. I have to ask you all to watch Comedy Central's Celebrity Roast of Rob Lowe, since I'm sure somewhere in credits which I did not view, there is probably an "no reproduction without the express written consent of Comedy Central. They'll run it about a hundred times as the usually do, so check dates and times at
WARNING. THIS VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC LANGUAGE and will probably offend you. If bad language bothers you, PLEASE do not click on the video. In fact, just forget you ever saw this entire post. If you are okay, or even LOVE a good potty mouth, then ENJOY!
Unfortunately, YouTube removed the video, but I'm working on another way. Stand by.
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Ann Coulter Gets Roasted at Rob Lowe's Roast |
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