By Thom Palmer
September 30, 2016

Okay, so when an undecided voter wants to give any credence to the "Hillary is against women" ridiculousness, share this article along with any of the following, and help them put this to bed (no pun intended).
Well, it appears that with his back against the wall, Trump is revitalizing his most disgusting attack of all in the final weeks of the campaign. This is last ditch effort to confuse the electorate, and will prove to be nothing but a scorched-earth approach to losing the election to Secretary Clinton. Accusing Hillary, who has arguably done more for women's rights world-wide than anyone alive today, of being sexist or misogynistic. Accusing her of attacking women back in the 1990's who had attacked and accused her husband of infidelity and worse, which we'll break down in this article. Hillary's motto is "When they go low, we go high", which is clearly what is best for her and for America. She has the moral compass, good temperment and restraint to not respond to this type of distracting attack which is designed to draw women away from Clinton. It is no different than Trump's failed attempt at painting her as a racist, bully, etc. (All of which Trump is provably guilty of).
However, as a writer dedicated to getting proper perspective and truth out there, I don't have to show the same restraint in my response, or to be politically correct in calling out the infectious slime that comes out of Trump, his children, or his surrogates mouths. The silence of the Republican party when it comes to these types of attacks makes the GOP guilty of the same lies, and in fact, they started it all about 25 years ago, and continue infiltrating mainstream media with misinformation designed to violate the electorate with enough false allegations, in order to sucker enough voters to vote against their own interests, and give the keys to our government to the oil industry and weapons manufacturers, while cutting taxes for billionaires leaving the middle class with the national debt, removing protection and rights for the middle class at an alarming rate. Since I believe that the Democratic party is the only firewall we have at this point against a truly fascist state, I choose to fight fire with fire and make sure as many people as possible understand the ridiculousness of this latest attack. After reading this, I recommend you read and share the FASCISM article and RISE in order to know exactly what is at stake this election, and what the two very different futures look like depending on the winner of this election.
Prior to the Monica Lewinsky situation, Bill and Hillary Clinton had already been the subject of multiple attacks from what was described by a prominent conservative journalist as “a steady infiltration of mainstream by the right-wing factories of disinformation”. Bill and Hillary were constantly on the ropes defending punch after punch from Republican attack dogs. Fake scandals included Watergate, Whitewater, Travelgate, Jones, and a host of other “gates”.
So when the claims of an affair with 21 year old Lewinsky were thrown into the mix, and Bill denied any wrongdoing, it was natural for Hillary to say to herself “here we go again” and discount the attack. I would never, and I don’t, excuse Bill Clinton for being so stupid then. But I don’t believe for a second that Lewinsky is innocent here, as history records her bragging to a friend “I’m going to the White House to get my presidential kneepads” among other things. After Bill admitted to the affairs, Hillary no longer answered questions publicly, but has stated since that women should be believed until proven otherwise. Lesson learned, and if you look at her positions and voting record on womens’ rights and abuse issues, she stands firm in defense of women in the workplace and elsewhere. Claims of “enabling” or attacking women are trumped up, and Republicans know it.
I won’t excuse Bill’s indiscretions, but I can certainly understand Hillary’s initial reaction. They survived, they learned, and they’re both old enough now that I don’t think anyone needs to worry about a mid-life crisis. Only a witch hunter would classify Hillary’s initial reaction as “enabling” or sexist. Three immoral misogynistic cheating creeps accusing a wife of enabling her husband? Nice.
Here is the "holier than thou" self-proclaimed moral majority. These scandals should not have a place in campaign strategy, and should be considered personal family matters, but they are nonetheless artillery in proving the double-standards and right-wing witch hunt.
Trump surrogates and current perpetrators of the latest fake scandal, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and Trump himself combine for 9 wives in all, discarding each wife as soon as a younger model comes along. All three have been involved in multiple affairs. They're not the only ones in the Republican party guilty of sex scandals, so let's get to it. If we’re going to rehash Bills dirty laundry, let’s do the whole load. This is just a partial list of Republican double standards compiled by
Donald Trump: On his third wife, multiple affairs. Believes women do not deserve respect if they are not a perfect 10 in his opinion.
Newt Gingrich: Admitted to having an affair with an aide while prosecuting Clinton for the same. Resigned in shame.
Rudy Giuliani: Had a mistress while married, dumped his wife for her.
Bob Livingston: Resigned on the day of the impeachment vote as 4 women came forward on their affairs with Livingston.
Dennis Hastert: An admitted serial child molester currently serving time.
John Boehner: Two affairs. One with a lobbyist and one with a Press Secretary.
Ken Calvert: Busted receiving oral sex with a known prostitute in his car
Herman Cain: Harassed three women, while head of the Restaurant Association.
Chris Myers: Hired gay prostitutes from “Rentboy”.
Phillip Hinkle: Hired a male prostitute.
Christopher Lee: Picking up chicks on Craigslist
Mike Duvall: Caught bragging about 2 affairs, resigned the next day
Mark Sanford: Affair in Argentina
John Ensign: Affair with staffer
Vito Fossella: Affair
David Vitter: Hired prostitutes, DC Madam scandal
Charles Boutin: Prostitute
Bob Allen: Solicited oral sex from male undercover cop
Mark Foley: Sexting scandal with male House pages
Don Sherwood: Affair
James West: Gay affair
Jack Ryan: Sex Clubs
Steve LaTourette: Affair with staffer
Henry Hyde: Affair
Helen Chenoweth-Hage: Affair
Bob Packwood: Sexual harassment and abuse
Jon Grunseth: Affair
Buz Lukens: Statutory rape. Sex with a 16 year old girl
Dan Crane: Sex with teen House page
John Schmidt: Affair
Jon Hilson: Having oral sex in House of Representatives restroom.
Robert Bauman: Statutory rape. Sex with 16 year old boy
Thomas Evans: Affair with lobbyist
Matt Wingard: Affair

So all of them together had as many affairs and rapes as Bill Clinton?
ReplyDeleteCan you find from another party anyone to match John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer pedophile who was a Democratic precinct captain who achieved his life long dream of having tea with Democrat First Lady Rosalyn Carter?