By Thom Palmer
November 18, 2016

Being a Solar Energy guy, I've been very sensitive to the damage being caused to Mother Earth, through the greed of the oil industry and their payola to the Republican party. I personally don't believe for a second that so many of them don't believe climate change is real, because such a large group of people simply cannot be so stupid as to ignore and deny pure scientific fact. You know what they say... Follow the Money.
Earths temperature has risen over 1.5 degrees in the last century, and will more than likely be over 3 degrees hotter by the end of the 21st century. The debate on whether or not man contributes to climate change is still happening, but overwhelming evidence of unnatural and untimely increases in greenhouse gasses and global warming is clear, with more than 98% of scientists in agreement. The oil and coal industries allowed the industrial revolution to flourish in the 20th century, but have run their course. This is where things like Citizens United play a role in the influence of big business in politics. Climate change deniers, the 2% that claim they are in denial, are actually pawns of the oil industry. If you follow the money, big oil stands to lose the most when it comes to moving to clean energy. If 98% of scientists believe that man is screwing up the Earth, yet nearly 50% of the public believe otherwise, and nearly 50% of media cover climate change as if it's actually debatable, then it's clear where the confusion comes from, and this is another reason we need to overturn Citizens United.
At this point, it's not a question of whether drilling for oil, mining for coal, or cracking the Earth for natural gas is going to end over the next century or two. It's a fact, and it's necessary in order to limit the pending catastrophes caused by sea rise, extinctions, hurricanes, food wars, mass evacuations of low-lying populated areas on Earth (over one billion refugees expected), etc. Man may somehow survive climate change, but thousands of Earths species of wildlife will not. You see, they don't have air conditioning and public utilities. Population of planet Earth has gone from about 1,500,000,000 at the turn of the 20th century to over 7,000,000,000 (1.5 billion to over 7 billion ) today.
Hillary Clinton was not insensitive to West Virginians, many of whose livelihoods have been affected by clean energy. In fact, It was just a question of whether you go with the inevitable, and build on a new frontier in clean energy without dirty coal, or do you fight it. Hillary’s $30 billion plan to revitalize coal communities would have ensured that "coal miners, power plant operators, transportation workers, and their families get the respect they deserve and the benefits they have earned; invest in economic diversification and job creation; and make coal communities an engine of US economic growth in the 21st century, as they have been for generations." -Hillary
Thom Hartmann, Investigative Journalist and Radio/TV host, goes into detail on the impact of climate change, and the real pending disaster. Ten thousand times one billion tons of methane is on pace to release from the Arctic Circle within this century, and we have no time to screw around with Trumps energy plan. Currently, the temperatures in the Arctic Circle have are an insane 36 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average. Thom explains the problem, and the mechanics which propel the warming. Put on your thinking cap and SHARE THIS PAGE.
This needs to be part of the conversation, the PROTESTS and the RESISTANCE.
Thom Hartmann Video on Arctic Trouble and more.
oh cool got a solar guy on here about this but he didnt mention anything about our G3 .14% variable star.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering how climate change models are adjusted to solar output increases in gamma and high low ultraviolet bands. these bands of the EM field have only been measured since 1992 as requires satellite out of atmosphere to measure. they are showing an increase of 0.043 increase in gamma hi freq UV and Low Freq UV outputs per decade. This surpasses both ocean and air temperatures recorded but does explain polar climate changes observed. (growth of antarctic ice with shrink of artic) due to earth electromagnetic fields pulling positive ions in north pole disportionately.
As data coming in from high energy EM bands only since 92 and stellar physicists model 14, 42,88,124,212 year cycles on highs and lows with high EM band outputs where is far to early to see where we are in those cycles how can you model CO2?
if checking my data am not talking 11yr sunspot cycle but heat induction/induction of high energy plasma. If we are in fact going into a mauder minimum as seem to be and of are currently double phase peaking in gamma UV a drop in high EM could put us in a very severe ice age. might need to fire up those coal plants to keep snow out of mexico