You know, if you're going to be invoking words like "kleptocrat", I raise you up. Thanks for the history less, Chris.
I find that those of the "drain the swamp" crowd have the same kind of logic as one who
would say "burn down the house, then rebuild it" when you're dealing with a clogged toilet.
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" I've got my eyes on you. Don't screw this thing up " |
If you truly believe that DJT, a man who apparently has a taste for 13-year-old girls, is going to make any kind of positive contribution to this country, then you could be rightfully accused of not paying attention to the man's personal and business history. If you're of the opinion that a Trump presidency wouldn't be so bad, and that "the people" will rise up in revolution and cleanse our infected political system, then I would surmise that you haven't spent much time studying the history of revolutions.
The "American Revolutionary War" is a myth that is taught to elementary school children. It was, more accurately, a War of Independence. At its conclusion, the same people on this side of the Pond who had been in charge of the actual running of the country were still in charge. But, I digress - if you look at some of the "real" revolutions of the not-so-distant past, the pictures portrayed by them are not very pretty: The French Revolution, spurred by a populace sick of a kleptocratic aristocracy, led directly into the anarchy of the Reign of Terror. That period only ended with a self-appointed Emperor Napoleon and his continental wars.
The revolution that could, arguably, be described as a true attempt to replace an absolute monarchy with an American-styled democracy was the Russian Revolution. Its meetings were opened to everyone and were attended by soldiers who still had mud on their boots from the front lines of WWI. The problem with revolutions, though, is that, by the very fact of their anarchic nature, they can't be directed or controlled.
I quote: "At this time Stalin appeared in the Ex(ecutive) Com(mittee) for the Bolshevik Party.... Stalin ... during his modest activity in the Ex. Com. produced ... the impression of a grey blur, looming up now and then dimly and not leaving any trace. There is really nothing more to be said about him." (The Russian Revolution 1917: Eyewitness Account" N.N. Sukhanov)
Then, of course, were our good WWII pals, the Chinese. They rose up to overthrow a feudal system and ended up with Mao who, probably killed more of his own people than Hitler and Stalin combined. So, my friend, if your "drain the swamp" is about bringing on a revolution, you're definitely talking to my hand.
Editors Note: I think what Chris is trying to say is
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