Thursday, November 30, 2017


PARALLELS - A HISTORY LESSON - We ARE headed for WAR. Can we prevent it?

What does history have to say about Trump's call for an oil embargo against North Korea?

Late July, 1941, the United States froze Japanese assets, and establisted an oil embargo on Japan. The situation was that Japan had invaded China, Indonesia, parts of Russia and was in a full on imperialistic march toward world domination. When Japan calculated that their oil and gas reserves were to run out soon, they were then compelled to attack the instigators of the embargo; the United States. Nearly wiping out the entire U.S. Naval Fleet, and capturing key areas of Southeast Asia would allow them to freely exploit the natural resources of those countries in order to continue their march for military supremacy. This resulted in the deaths of over 3 million Japanese and about half a million Americans. There's a lot more to it, so google the history when you get a chance.

While the current threat of North Korea's nuclear capability is on a different level of threat, they are not trying to take over the world. Nonetheless, we've spent the last few decades trying to reduce the risk of nuclear holocaust by reducing stockpiles and using both sanctions and incentives to keep non-nuclear countries from acquiring nukes. Sanctions are important if we're to ever reverse Kim Jung Un's aggression. At the same time, diplomacy is required in order to convince him that we're not trying to conquer North Korea.

One of the biggest challenges is to get Un to overlook the fact that we also convinced Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi to abandon their nuclear aspirations, and then proceeded to support their overthrow and assassinations. Actions speak louder than words, and diplomatic efforts need to be accompanied by guarantees. Frankly, I don't have a clue how we do that, but someone needs to figure it out. Perhaps Republicans need to just look at the progress that we made with Iran in order to find a path with North Korea.

Implementing an embargo on natural resources on North Korea, as Trump has proposed, is almost a guarantee that Kim Jung Un will have no alternative but to declare war against the United States, which means that U.S. strategic positions all around South-East Asia will be under attack. Whether or not this involves nuclear warfare is unknown, but either way, South Korea, Japan and other U.S. allies in the region will suffer unimaginable losses, and North Korea will be destroyed.

All of this is unnecessary. The psychopath that holds the highest position in the country is not mentally equipped to deal with this situation. He continually pokes the bear, and is hell bent to provoke a military response from North Korea in order to start his war. The President of the United States is mentally unstable. Member of his own cabinet say that he has dementia, yet the Republicans who have the majority in both the House and Senate continue looking the other way.

The President, as well as the GOP establishment are threats to humanity. We're currently in a race against the clock. If they do not choose to remove this President very soon, then we MUST remove the Republicans from the House and Senate, so that sanity can do its thing.

We ARE headed for WAR.  

1 comment:

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .

    اعزائي العملاء اهلا ومرحا بكم عنا في شركة تختص بخدمات نقل العفش في منطقة جدة شركتنا من الشركات المعروفة في مجال نقل العفش فاا بحثت اسم واحة الخليج لنقل العفش بجدة سوف نظهر لك في محركات البحث .

    شركة نقل عفش بجدة

    تشمل خدماتنا مراحل عدة تمر بها مرحلة نقل العفش لكي تتم الخدمة بكل سهولة ويسر :

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    خدمة وضع العفش بطرق صحيحة في سيارات خاصة بنقل العفش

    تعرف على معلومات وتفاصيل اكثر عن طريق زيارة الخدمات الاتية بالضغط عليها وسوف يقوم بتحويلك على الخدمة مباشرة :

    نقل عفش برابغ شركة
    شركة نقل عفش بمكة

    شركة مكافحة الحمام بالدمام

    شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالدمام

    شركة مكافحة النمل الأبيض ببقيق

    شركة مكافحة النمل الأبيض بالخبر
