By Thom Palmer
July 14, 2016
Driving Hillary's approval rating from 66% in 2012, touted as one of our greatest Secretary's of State, to just 40% today has taken a lot of effort by the GOP . Whenever I hear a Republican state as fact that Hillary broke the law, committed a crime, or can't be trusted on MSNBC or CNN, and the host does not push back with the truth, my shoulders drop, an audible sign comes from my chest, and I worry about the future of humanity. It really makes me want to punch them in the face a few times.
Every single claim of dishonesty or corruption about Hillary, waged originally by Republican witch-hunters, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc. have been completely debunked. Early GOP hit men admit that it has been a three decade long smear campaign, designed to do exactly what it has done to you. As a matter of convenience, some Bernie supporters jumped on the bandwagon over the last year and repeated the smears in order to bolster Bernie's chances. Even Bernie stayed out of the muck for the most part, but his supporters are a tight-knit group, and the smears were circulated for a year within your section of the Democratic party. It is very difficult to defend when this stuff was sold as fact to you for so long. The reality is that Politifact and most reputable journalists have determined that Hillary happens to be the most honest candidate that ran for President in either party. She has worked her ass off for decades for the betterment of society as a whole, not just here, but world-wide as well.
If the truth is allowed to prevail, Hillary's approval rating will once more be at 66% or greater within the first two years of her Presidency. How many lies perpetrated by Republicans have to be debunked before you give her the benefit of the doubt? The really strange thing is how so many Republicans can lie on a daily basis, be proven to be dishonest in their rhetoric, and yet the lies still stick, and Republicans get a pass on their own corruption.

I don't know what can convince you that she's honest. Even though ALL of the FBI investigators cleared her of any corruption, and stated publicly that she did not break any laws, Republicans are on TV daily claiming that she broke the law, shouldn't be given security clearance, etc. They call the Clinton Foundation, which has done amazing work throughout the world, The Clinton Crime Family Foundation. This just plays into the preconceived notions that have been pumped into the electorate for the last three decades, but none of it is true. NONE.

Media has a lot to do with this. As long as CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News allow the lies to be told without being challenged in the face of overwhelming fact, Hillary's approval numbers will stay under 50%, which benefits Republicans (their whole mission). As long as media play the ratings game, meaning that more people watch when the race is close, then the truth cannot prevail without a epic grass roots effort by us to debunk the fake claims. From what I see, grass roots may not be enough, but if we continue pushing back, eventually I believe media will realize that they could be responsible for some really bad changes in Washington, which will set back progress on climate change, women's rights, civil rights, voter rights, environmental protections, world-wide reputation, wars, common-sense gun control, income inequality, and a host of other things that if not tackled over the next couple of years will surely put humanity in a really tough bind that some feel will be too difficult to pull through. Humanity itself is at risk under Trump and Republicans. There is too much at stake to allow media to control the results through lack of accountability. Send them letters and emails, demanding honest journalism.
So, you have enough proof that claims of Hillary's dishonesty and trustworthiness are lies. When someone is bullied for three decades, as she has been, and the claims have all been debunked, don't we have an obligation to give her the benefit of any doubt that remains in your mind? Someone who had nothing to gain by running for President, but has devoted her entire adult life to making positive changes to society by protecting the environment, assisting children get ahead, getting everyone insured, making positive advancements in treatment of disease in third-world countries, bringing nations together for common causes, etc. is running to put the icing on the cake, and making generations-long changes for the betterment of Americans and mankind as a whole. On top of that, she happens to be a woman, and it may be the last time in a long time that a woman has a shot at the top job in the free world, which will have a long flowing ripple effect throughout the world.
There is no room for lies. Mankind is at a crossroads, and one of the roads ends at a cliff, and it's a long way down. The other road advances peace, prosperity, allows middle and lower class students to go to college, which evens up the playing field, increases wages nation-wide, adds tens of thousands of clean energy jobs, and brings the world together to solve our most pressing problems. To those of us who have already rejected the Republican lies, this is a total no-brainer. What we don't understand is how so many people can still allow themselves to be taken for fools by Republicans. Enough is enough. Reject Republican partisan lies and obstructionism.
Go to and read up on her positions. I'm sure that if you make the leap of faith, you'll be proud that you voted for her.
If you need more information on how you've been taken for fools by Republicans, browse the following articles which lay some of these things out fairly well.
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