March 24, 2017

The winners in local elections seldom represent the people of the city or state. For example. Of the 8%-12% of eligible voters that show up in local off-year elections, about half are Democrats. How are we going to fix this stuff with only 1 in 10 registered Democrats show up? Unfortunately, numbers like this are seen in local elections nationwide in odd numbered years. About 90% of the people who DO NOT vote in off-year elections say things like "They're all vote doesn't matter...why should I bother". I say "You didn't vote, so of course your vote didn't matter".
Scroll through the election dates below and find out if your state and/or city is holding elections, and when. Then you'll need to do a little bit of research. Political party is not listed, so you'll need to figure out who is Democrat and who is Republican. Many local and state elections go uncontested (no challenger). If you see that it appears a Republican is running uncontested, contact your local Democratic Headquarters and find out who is thinking about running, or you may choose to run yourself. They will help you.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin.
Note: The information below is taken directly from BALLOTPEDIA, a non-profit, non-partisan resource run by the Lucy Burns Institute. Their mission statement is simple. "To empower our audience to engage in democracy by delivering exceptionally high quality information."
By locating and clicking your city, you will be re-directed to the Ballotpedia page containing more details on your particular local and state elections. It's not "click-bait", just a great resource. I'm a huge fan of this resource and recommend it for all to keep track of the political spaghetti that confuses us all.

Use your social media contacts to promote these elections. Do some research and write about your results. Everybody needs to be a promoter in order to double the numbers of Democratic voters that show up at the polls. It's up to each one of us, and it begins locally in 2017. Then we can gain momentum heading into November 2018 and re-take the House of Representatives through improved support and turnout.
April 4, 2017
Special primary election | Primary election | General election
May 2, 2017
Primary election | General election |
May 6, 2017
General election
May 9, 2017
General election
May 16, 2017
Primary election | General election |
June 6, 2017
General election
June 10, 2017
Runoff election
June 13, 2017
General election
August 1, 2017
Primary election
August 8, 2017
Primary election
August 22, 2017
General election
August 29, 2017
Primary election | General election |
September 12, 2017
September 26, 2017
Primary election
October 3, 2017
General election | Runoff election |
October 10, 2017
Primary election | General election |
October 14, 2017
Primary election
November 7, 2017
Primary election | General election
| Runoff election |
November 18, 2017
General election
November 21, 2017
General election | Runoff election |