Tuesday, November 29, 2016



San Francisco has made a bold statement, making good on it's promise to be the gatekeeper of freedom in the United States in spite of the election of Trump, where it has become apparent that the election was rigged through foreign espionage, FBI election tampering, voter suppression and voting machine tampering. Given the illegitimacy of this President-Elect, we feel that as many cities as possible throughout the United States should adopt similar resolutions. The statement MUST BE SENT that democracy is not for sale, and corruption in our election process will not be tolerated. Share with your local city councils and officials, and ask them to stand up, and stand with you. 

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently passed a resolution, introduced by Board President London Breed, in response to the election of Donald Trump. The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to become the 45th President of the United States; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That no matter the threats made by President-elect Trump, San Francisco will remain a Sanctuary City. We will not turn our back on the men and women from other countries who help make this city great, and who represent over one third of our population. This is the Golden Gate—we build bridges, not walls; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That we will never back down on women’s rights, whether in healthcare, the workplace, or any other area threatened by a man who treats women as obstacles to be demeaned or objects to be assaulted. And just as important, we will ensure our young girls grow up with role models who show them they can be or do anything; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That there will be no conversion therapy, no withdrawal of rights in San Francisco. We began hosting gay weddings twelve years ago, and we are not stopping now. And to all the LGBTQ people all over the country who feel scared, bullied, or alone: You matter. You are seen; you are loved; and San Francisco will never stop fighting for you; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That we still believe in this nation’s founding principle of religious freedom. We do not ban people for their faith. And the only lists we keep are on invitations to come pray together; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That Black Lives Matter in San Francisco, even if they may not in the White House. And guided by President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, we will continue reforming our police department and rebuilding trust between police and communities of color so all citizens feel safe in their neighborhoods; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That climate change is not a hoax, or a plot by the Chinese. In this city, surrounded by water on three sides, science matters. And we will continue our work on CleanPower, Zero Waste, and everything else we are doing to protect future generations; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That we have been providing universal health care in this city for nearly a decade, and if the new administration follows through on its callous promise to revoke health insurance from 20 million people, San Franciscans will be protected; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That we are the birthplace of the United Nations, a city made stronger by the thousands of international visitors we welcome every day. We will remain committed to internationalism and to our friends and allies around the world—whether the administration in Washington is or not; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That San Francisco will remain a Transit First city and will continue building Muni and BART systems we can all rely upon, whether this administration follows through on its platform to eliminate federal transit funding or not; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That California is the sixth largest economy in the world. The Bay Area is the innovation capital of the country. We will not be bullied by threats to revoke our federal funding, nor will we sacrifice our values or members of our community for your dollar; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That we condemn all hate crimes and hate speech perpetrated in this election’s wake. That although the United States will soon have a President who has demonstrated a lack of respect for the values we hold in the highest regard in San Francisco, it cannot change who we are, and it will never change our values. We argue, we campaign, we debate vigorously within San Francisco, but on these points we are 100 percent united. We will fight discrimination and recklessness in all its forms. We are one City. And we will move forward together.

[ end of resolution ]
WE MUST .......
  • Obstruct efforts by Trump and the Republicans to build more dirty oil pipelines, wage oil wars. Stop them from voter suppression and reducing civil rights. Don't let them weaken EPA regulations which protect our air, land and water.
  • Oppose all proposals which make the Earth less safe and more polluted, and oppose any attempt the the Trump administration to weaken the First Amendment of the Constitution.
  • Organize and Defend the Constitution of the United States, and INCREASE VOTER REGISTRATION, and increase VOTER TURNOUT on November 6, 2018.
  • Protect ALL FOREIGN-BORN AMERICANS residing or visiting the United States from hate and fear. Trump's agenda, if not opposed, will be used as an ISIS recruiting tool. 
  • Protect RELIGIOUS FREEDOM which our nation was founded upon.
  • Protest. Join in as many protests as you can. Write letters and voice you opinions as often as possible.
  • Do Not Normalize this guy. To do so sends our nation down a deep hole which will be difficulte to dig ourselves out of.  Trump is, and will remain an existential treat to the United States and the world as a whole. We must show our dissent in really big ways in order to stop it. 
  • OPPOSE MAINSTREAM MEDIA who choose PROFITS over JOURNALISM. Trump was elected in large part due to false and misleading reporting by CNN, MSNBC, and of course, FOX News. The agencies need to be boycotted and opposed if they choose to continue manipulating polling number for increased viewership and increased corporate profits.


Monday, November 28, 2016

STANDING WITH STANDING ROCK - Protest on December 5th.

By Thom Palmer
November 28, 2016

Below you'll find an hour long audio file of the Tribal Meeting of September 30, 2014. In the meeting, pipeline representatives attempt to present the project in a positive light, followed by the rebuttals and concerns of the tribe and citizens, all of which are valid reasons to stop the project. Since it's a long audio file, you can listen in chunks when you have a few minutes. It's a real eye-opener for those of us who have been disconnected from this pending disaster, and another assault on the Sioux by corporate greed.

I believe we need to organize and join the Sioux in their fight to remain on federal lands, and to support their efforts through larger participation in their protests at Standing Rock.

If you are currently involved in the protest, or know of any protests being organized, please contact me or post information. Thanks.

ON DECEMBER 5th, 2016, the Sioux will be challenged to leave their protest area or face prosecution. I'm thinking that if we all show up, this intimidation tactic by North Dakota law enforcement will flip in favor of the Sioux of Standing Rock.

UPDATE: Army Corp of Engineers is planning on shutting down the access to the current protest staging area on the 5th of December. Military Veterans are planning to show up in support of the Sioux on the 4th so that they're not shut out. CHECK BACK FOR MORE UPDATES.

The Sioux are embattled in a another war of sorts with the United States government, and WE need to side with them this time. When the U.S. Calvalry conquered the Sioux Nation back in the late 1800's, the United States agreed to never invade or harm sovereign tribal land, burial grounds and ancient artifacts. Now, for oil profits, their land and life giving waterways are at risk of being destroyed, polluted by leaky oil pipilines being run across the rivers that feed their population.

MAKE NO MISTAKE ... THIS IS AN OIL WAR IN THE MAKING. There is a difference between Native Americans occupying federal lands to protest and the Bundy standoff in Oregon in 2014, where the Bundy clan, white nationalists, armed and dangerous were given a pass from the United States government, all being aquitted of all charges.  The difference being that the protests in North Dakota are being done peacefully, yet for almighty oil industry profits and the exploitation of federal land for profit, the Army Corps of Engineers is giving them until December 5th to vacate the protest area on federal land, and move to an area back into Reservation territory. Failure to do so could be cause for arrest and prosecution. This is nothing more than an intimidation tactic, using law enforcement to quash a legal and important attempt at stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline from being constructed through the Missouri and several other rivers which give life to the Sioux.

This is also a precursor to a final assault by the oil industry and congressional Republicans to approve and build the Keystone XL Pipeline. Very simply they are planning on running many more pipelines throughout the United States, converting gas pipelines to oil pipelines, and building more, which are guaranteed to leak into rivers and streams, and harming tribal lands throughout the mid-west and south on their way to south Texas.

September 20, 2014 Meeting Audio. Sioux Tribal Council Meeting with DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) representatives.  Note: The DAPL representative claims a small number of added jobs once the pipeline is completed, however, he makes no mention of the trucking and shipping jobs that will be lost in the event of pipeline completion and implementation.

Dakota Access Pipeline Project is owned by....
Energy Transfer Equity Dallas,Tx own general partnership of other entities
Energy Transfer Partners, San Antonio owns pipeline.
Regency Energy Partners, Dallas TX
Sunoco, Pennsylvania

There are currently71,000 miles of pipeline between all the entities currently

The 1,172 mile long oil pipeline, if implemented, will run crude oil from northwest North Dakota down through South Dakota, through Iowa and then into Illinois, where it will then connect to an existing natural gas line which will be converted to crude oil. The oil will then run to the Texas oil refineries near the Gulf of Mexico for refinement and inevitably be exported for oil profits.

There will be 346 miles of pipeline from 12" to 30" diameter. Johnsons corner is last gathering point which will run oil at a diagonal south-east to illinios. 346 miles in North Dakota and 267 in South Dakota, and then down through several states to the Gulf of Mexico.

There will be gathering facilities (pumping stations and tank farms) in North Dakota, one near Stanley, one near Tioga, one near Epping, one near Trenton, one near Watford City and one near Johnson's Corner.

There are binding commitments from shippers for 320,000 barrels per day of crude oil, all of which will be produced in North Dakota, currently being moved primarily by rail. This pipeline will give producers an alternative means of moving product. Builders claim that it will be more energy efficient and a safer way to transport crude oil long distances.  346 miles starting in Montrail County, through Williams, McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton and Emmens County.

Total cost of the project is 3.74 billion dollars. North Dakota would be just over a billion dollars, and approximately a billion in South Dakota. Construction jobs for building the pipeline and gathering stations would be between 8-12 thousand (North Dakota 2-4 thousand and South Dakota 2-4 thousand). Overall there will be only 40 full time jobs created, including just 10-15 in North Dakota and 10-15 in South Dakota. Have not finalized where operating offices will be as of yet.

Builders claim to have done a lot of routing work to avoid environmentally sensitive areas, known cultural artifact areas, federal lands, tribal lands. We have avoided the existing tribal boundary property.  2500 feet is the closest the pipeline actually comes to tribal boundary, but the expected oil leaks travel through sovereign territory.

READ THE OFFICIAL COMPLAINT against the Army Corp of Engineers following their approval and granting of permits to proceed with the pipeline. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2016/images/08/31/north.dakota.pdf

States which will be adversely affected are being silent about Standing Rock. They too will be experiencing drastic environmental disasters as a result of the transfer. There is no way to avoid oil spills. Recent study on the XL Pipeline show that spills are regular and unable to be avoided. Therefore, we can consider the following states at risk of great environmental damage as well as health risks to their population.

Affected States
North Dakota
South Dakota

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dear President Obama : We Need You Now more than Ever

By Thom Palmer and Daniel Gever
November 22, 2016

Dear President Obama, 

This letter is on behalf of many millions of Americans who have had your back for the last eight years. As you will be leaving office with an historically high approval rating, we know that you have had our backs as well.

We, the American people, thank you for the class with which you handled the racism and the planned unprecedented obstruction for the stated purpose of trying to make you and out nation fail, resulting in hardship upon our fellow citizens. Your strength and resolve standing strong against that obstruction should have been enough after your first term to command respect from the Republican Party, but sadly, it was not. The respect that you earned from us through your class, your intellect, and your steely resolve, never came from far too many of our citizens misled by the the barrage of falsifications created by the right wing and the alt right media.

You protected us having resisted involving our country in additional reckless wars for oil, while moving climate change corrections to the forefront of American ingenuity and determination, which if continued would put us in the financial and moral lead in the fight against climate change.  You have rejected the Keystone pipeline and have put the brakes on the continued leasing of our public lands in Alaska, in our National Parks, and off our shores for continued fossil fuel development. Through your efforts, some 20 million Americans now have decent, affordable healthcare, and all Americans with medical insurance have enjoyed enhanced basic coverages, the end of lifetime caps on benefits, the end of pre-existing conditions being used to deny coverage, as well as extended coverage for our children through age 26.

We now face the prospect of your successor being someone who is not capable of leading our country with the competence, integrity, class, honesty, and integrity required by the office that you have so eloquently occupied these last eight years. Your office is set to be loaded with advisors and a cabinet of science deniers, warmongers, white supremacists, xenophobes, and homophobes.  While you have been the firewall against the continued Republican assault against our people and our Constitution, we will soon lose you, our last line of defense, as the Republicans will now control all three branches of government having held you and the Constitution hostage since the death of Justice Scalia. Without you as our firewall we have now come to fear the immediate future.

The Republicans are poised to reverse everything that Democrats have struggled to achieve over decades of time along with everything that you have accomplished over the last eight years. Speaker Ryan has vowed to build those pipelines, to repeal the ACA, to eliminate regulations which keep our air and water safe, and to engage in an unconstitutional assault against the rights of immigrants, same sex couples, and anyone who is not White, Christian, and male. This incoming administration, along with the Republican Congress, is not likely to keep us safe, equal, or prosperous.

We will need some way to fend off the impending assault by the incoming administration on the nation and world. Our nation is in full crisis mode and it seems likely that things will get worse as this new government makes all of our lives exponentially more difficult over the next few years. President Obama, you Sir can take some steps that might provide us with some long-lasting protections against the incoming hate and incompetence that will most certainly characterize the administration that will take the place of yours. So we, the kind, the reasonable, the fair, and the forward thinking American people, ask you to take the following steps and sacrifices for us as you finish out your term as the finest President during most of our lives.


Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states; 
“The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.”

SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE CONSENTED through their refusal to act on your nominee and by falsely claiming that there was legal and historical precedents for their refusal when there is not. The Constitution clearly and specifically grants the president the power to make recess appointments.

There is precedent for you to move forward with this nomination. President Eisenhower made a recess appointment swearing in Justice William J. Brennan on October 1, 1956. YOU CAN, AND SHOULD PROTECT US and have Merrick Garland sworn in, and you should do it before December 20th, the day after the Electoral College vote. This will help keep the playing field level, especially during the first year of the new administration. This will be a critical time when the SCOTUS might be the only protection that We the People may have from the numerous expected violations of our laws that the next administration can be expected to routinely make.

Yes, this action will be controversial with legal battles, protests, and criticism certainly to follow, but, so what? We think you would be saving democracy by doing so, and would also be protecting the Constitution of the United States by making the statement that obstructing a Supreme Court nominee is unacceptable. This should have never happened, and it should never happen again. Taking the opportunity to use your recess powers of appointment to HAVE JUDGE GARLAND SWORN IN is something that the Republicans, who use every procedural and parliamentary rule at their disposal to achieve their political ends, would do if given the opportunity. While you are at it, if given the opportunity for recess appointments, fill everyone of the current 97 Federal Judiciary vacancies as well. 


We realize that you want to be an example to the world on what a peaceful transfer of power looks like. However, it does appear possible that the Republican nominee's campaign, including the Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees themselves, worked with Russian operatives, in concert with Wikileaks. to influence our 2016 general election. If true, this could prove to be a much more serious matter than were the actions by President Nixon which led to his resignation on August 9, 1974. We assume there are ongoing investigations into these possible connections. Given these circumstances, along with the troubling actions by the FBI Director, James Comey, who appears to have improperly effected the outcome of this election, as well as the appearance of covert election tampering through the New York division of the FBI which possibly included Rudolf Giuliani, a potential cabinet appointee in the next administration, if indictments are forthcoming they need to be made public NOW, not after December 19th. These potential investigations, along with the reports of voter suppression and uncounted votes in Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, and Wisconsin, have cast a pall over the election results that smells pretty bad.

WE BELIEVE THAT A BACK-DOOR COUP WAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ON 11/8/16 and if this was the case, legal action must be taken before the Electoral College votes on December 19, 2016

The ensuing quake will apply media pressure to the GOP as well as their Electors now considering voting for the Republican candidate thus opening the door for enough Electors to abandon their support for the Republican candidate.

To make this clear, we are UNDER NO ILLUSION that Secretary Clinton would ever be the victor of the Electoral College vote on December 19th or that if given the opportunity, the House of Representatives would choose anyone other than the apparent Republican winner of this election. Yet, the message needs to be sent throughout history that espionage and election tampering in the United States WILL NOT be tolerated and that those who engage in such transgressions will be punished to the fullest extent allowed by law.

For the first time in the modern era, we endured a candidate for President of the United States refuse to make tax returns public well in advance of election day. Naturally we are concerned what it is that this candidate could be hiding. Given the news reports about his financial interests abroad, along with those of his fired campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his use of the campaign for personal gain, which seems to be continuing, as well as his refusal to follow the tradition by all previous presidents to turn his assets over to a blind trust if not to completely divest himself of all his business interests, we demand that this troubling pattern be addressed. Allowing your wife, your children, and your son in law to run your business while they sit in on meetings with foreign dignitaries and are provided the highest level of security clearances, is not something that any of us will stand for.

If blocking the  inauguration of the apparent Republican winner is not possible, at least through these actions you can make removal from office through impeachment or by other constitutional means, much more likely. 

"Come On Man!" You've had our backs up until now, don't let us down now.

The America You Know and Love And That Loves You Back



Thom Palmer is a Journalist residing in Southern California. Thom's focus has been promoting the Progressive agenda, and in calling out the childish gamesmanship that has increasingly infected our political landscape over the last couple of decades. You can read and follow Thom's writings at http://thompalmerpolitics.blogspot.com/

Daniel Gever is a retired lawyer, political scientist, and public school teacher. Daniel has been actively involved in Democratic, Liberal, and Progressive Politics writing for several platforms since 2013. Daniel resides in Denver, Colorado.

Also Read: Letter to Media

Dear President Obama : We Need You Now

By Thom Palmer and Daniel Gever
November 22, 2016

Dear President Obama, 

This letter is on behalf of many millions of Americans who have had your back for the last eight years. As you will be leaving office with an historically high approval rating, we know that you have had our backs as well.

We, the American people, thank you for the class with which you handled the racism and the planned unprecedented obstruction for the stated purpose of trying to make you and out nation fail, resulting in hardship upon our fellow citizens. Your strength and resolve standing strong against that obstruction should have been enough after your first term to command respect from the Republican Party, but sadly, it was not. The respect that you earned from us through your class, your intellect, and your steely resolve, never came from far too many of our citizens misled by the the barrage of falsifications created by the right wing and the alt right media.

You protected us having resisted involving our country in additional reckless wars for oil, while moving climate change corrections to the forefront of American ingenuity and determination, which if continued would put us in the financial and moral lead in the fight against climate change.  You have rejected the Keystone pipeline and have put the brakes on the continued leasing of our public lands in Alaska, in our National Parks, and off our shores for continued fossil fuel development. Through your efforts, some 20 million Americans now have decent, affordable healthcare, and all Americans with medical insurance have enjoyed enhanced basic coverages, the end of lifetime caps on benefits, the end of pre-existing conditions being used to deny coverage, as well as extended coverage for our children through age 26.

We now face the prospect of your successor being someone who is not capable of leading our country with the competence, integrity, class, honesty, and integrity required by the office that you have so eloquently occupied these last eight years. Your office is set to be loaded with advisors and a cabinet of science deniers, warmongers, white supremacists, xenophobes, and homophobes.  While you have been the firewall against the continued Republican assault against our people and our Constitution, we will soon lose you, our last line of defense, as the Republicans will now control all three branches of government having held you and the Constitution hostage since the death of Justice Scalia. Without you as our firewall we have now come to fear the immediate future.

The Republicans are poised to reverse everything that Democrats have struggled to achieve over decades of time along with everything that you have accomplished over the last eight years. Speaker Ryan has vowed to build those pipelines, to repeal the ACA, to eliminate regulations which keep our air and water safe, and to engage in an unconstitutional assault against the rights of immigrants, same sex couples, and anyone who is not White, Christian, and male. This incoming administration, along with the Republican Congress, is not likely to keep us safe, equal, or prosperous.

We will need some way to fend off the impending assault by the incoming administration on the nation and world. Our nation is in full crisis mode and it seems likely that things will get worse as this new government makes all of our lives exponentially more difficult over the next few years. President Obama, you Sir can take some steps that might provide us with some long-lasting protections against the incoming hate and incompetence that will most certainly characterize the administration that will take the place of yours. So we, the kind, the reasonable, the fair, and the forward thinking American people, ask you to take the following steps and sacrifices for us as you finish out your term as the finest President during most of our lives.


Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states; 
“The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.”

SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE CONSENTED through their refusal to act on your nominee and by falsely claiming that there was legal and historical precedents for their refusal when there is not. The Constitution clearly and specifically grants the president the power to make recess appointments.

There is precedent for you to move forward with this nomination. President Eisenhower made a recess appointment swearing in Justice William J. Brennan on October 1, 1956. YOU CAN, AND SHOULD PROTECT US and have Merrick Garland sworn in, and you should do it before December 20th, the day after the Electoral College vote. This will help keep the playing field level, especially during the first year of the new administration. This will be a critical time when the SCOTUS might be the only protection that We the People may have from the numerous expected violations of our laws that the next administration can be expected to routinely make.

Yes, this action will be controversial with legal battles, protests, and criticism certainly to follow, but, so what? We think you would be saving democracy by doing so, and would also be protecting the Constitution of the United States by making the statement that obstructing a Supreme Court nominee is unacceptable. This should have never happened, and it should never happen again. Taking the opportunity to use your recess powers of appointment to HAVE JUDGE GARLAND SWORN IN is something that the Republicans, who use every procedural and parliamentary rule at their disposal to achieve their political ends, would do if given the opportunity. While you are at it, if given the opportunity for recess appointments, fill everyone of the current 97 Federal Judiciary vacancies as well. 


We realize that you want to be an example to the world on what a peaceful transfer of power looks like. However, it does appear possible that the Republican nominee's campaign, including the Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees themselves, worked with Russian operatives, in concert with Wikileaks. to influence our 2016 general election. If true, this could prove to be a much more serious matter than were the actions by President Nixon which led to his resignation on August 9, 1974. We assume there are ongoing investigations into these possible connections. Given these circumstances, along with the troubling actions by the FBI Director, James Comey, who appears to have improperly effected the outcome of this election, as well as the appearance of covert election tampering through the New York division of the FBI which possibly included Rudolf Giuliani, a potential cabinet appointee in the next administration, if indictments are forthcoming they need to be made public NOW, not after December 19th. These potential investigations, along with the reports of voter suppression and uncounted votes in Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, and Wisconsin, have cast a pall over the election results that smells pretty bad.

WE BELIEVE THAT A BACK-DOOR COUP WAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ON 11/8/16 and if this was the case, legal action must be taken before the Electoral College votes on December 19, 2016

The ensuing quake will apply media pressure to the GOP as well as their Electors now considering voting for the Republican candidate thus opening the door for enough Electors to abandon their support for the Republican candidate.

To make this clear, we are UNDER NO ILLUSION that Secretary Clinton would ever be the victor of the Electoral College vote on December 19th or that if given the opportunity, the House of Representatives would choose anyone other than the apparent Republican winner of this election. Yet, the message needs to be sent throughout history that espionage and election tampering in the United States WILL NOT be tolerated and that those who engage in such transgressions will be punished to the fullest extent allowed by law.

For the first time in the modern era, we endured a candidate for President of the United States refuse to make tax returns public well in advance of election day. Naturally we are concerned what it is that this candidate could be hiding. Given the news reports about his financial interests abroad, along with those of his fired campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his use of the campaign for personal gain, which seems to be continuing, as well as his refusal to follow the tradition by all previous presidents to turn his assets over to a blind trust if not to completely divest himself of all his business interests, we demand that this troubling pattern be addressed. Allowing your wife, your children, and your son in law to run your business while they sit in on meetings with foreign dignitaries and are provided the highest level of security clearances, is not something that any of us will stand for.

If blocking the  inauguration of the apparent Republican winner is not possible, at least through these actions you can make removal from office through impeachment or by other constitutional means, much more likely. 

"Come On Man!" You've had our backs up until now, don't let us down now.

The America You Know and Love And That Loves You Back



Thom Palmer is a Journalist residing in Southern California. Thom's focus has been promoting the Progressive agenda, and in calling out the childish gamesmanship that has increasingly infected our political landscape over the last couple of decades. You can read and follow Thom's writings at http://thompalmerpolitics.blogspot.com/

Daniel Gever is a retired lawyer, political scientist, and public school teacher. Daniel has been actively involved in Democratic, Liberal, and Progressive Politics writing for several platforms since 2013. Daniel resides in Denver, Colorado.

Also Read: Letter to Media

Monday, November 21, 2016

Dear President Obama: We Need You Now.

By Thom Palmer and Daniel Gever
November 22, 2016

Dear President Obama, 

This letter is on behalf of many millions of Americans who have had your back for the last eight years. As you will be leaving office with an historically high approval rating, we know that you have had our backs as well.

We, the American people, thank you for the class with which you handled the racism and the planned unprecedented obstruction for the stated purpose of trying to make you and out nation fail, resulting in hardship upon our fellow citizens. Your strength and resolve standing strong against that obstruction should have been enough after your first term to command respect from the Republican Party, but sadly, it was not. The respect that you earned from us through your class, your intellect, and your steely resolve, never came from far too many of our citizens misled by the the barrage of falsifications created by the right wing and the alt right media.

You protected us having resisted involving our country in additional reckless wars for oil, while moving climate change corrections to the forefront of American ingenuity and determination, which if continued would put us in the financial and moral lead in the fight against climate change.  You have rejected the Keystone pipeline and have put the brakes on the continued leasing of our public lands in Alaska, in our National Parks, and off our shores for continued fossil fuel development. Through your efforts, some 20 million Americans now have decent, affordable healthcare, and all Americans with medical insurance have enjoyed enhanced basic coverages, the end of lifetime caps on benefits, the end of pre-existing conditions being used to deny coverage, as well as extended coverage for our children through age 26.

We now face the prospect of your successor being someone who is not capable of leading our country with the competence, integrity, class, honesty, and integrity required by the office that you have so eloquently occupied these last eight years. Your office is set to be loaded with advisors and a cabinet of science deniers, warmongers, white supremacists, xenophobes, and homophobes.  While you have been the firewall against the continued Republican assault against our people and our Constitution, we will soon lose you, our last line of defense, as the Republicans will now control all three branches of government having held you and the Constitution hostage since the death of Justice Scalia. Without you as our firewall we have now come to fear the immediate future.

The Republicans are poised to reverse everything that Democrats have struggled to achieve over decades of time along with everything that you have accomplished over the last eight years. Speaker Ryan has vowed to build those pipelines, to repeal the ACA, to eliminate regulations which keep our air and water safe, and to engage in an unconstitutional assault against the rights of immigrants, same sex couples, and anyone who is not White, Christian, and male. This incoming administration, along with the Republican Congress, is not likely to keep us safe, equal, or prosperous.

We will need some way to fend off the impending assault by the incoming administration on the nation and world. Our nation is in full crisis mode and it seems likely that things will get worse as this new government makes all of our lives exponentially more difficult over the next few years. President Obama, you Sir can take some steps that might provide us with some long-lasting protections against the incoming hate and incompetence that will most certainly characterize the administration that will take the place of yours. So we, the kind, the reasonable, the fair, and the forward thinking American people, ask you to take the following steps and sacrifices for us as you finish out your term as the finest President during most of our lives.


Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states; 
“The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.”

SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE CONSENTED through their refusal to act on your nominee and by falsely claiming that there was legal and historical precedents for their refusal when there is not. The Constitution clearly and specifically grants the president the power to make recess appointments.

There is precedent for you to move forward with this nomination. President Eisenhower made a recess appointment swearing in Justice William J. Brennan on October 1, 1956. YOU CAN, AND SHOULD PROTECT US and have Merrick Garland sworn in, and you should do it before December 20th, the day after the Electoral College vote. This will help keep the playing field level, especially during the first year of the new administration. This will be a critical time when the SCOTUS might be the only protection that We the People may have from the numerous expected violations of our laws that the next administration can be expected to routinely make.

Yes, this action will be controversial with legal battles, protests, and criticism certainly to follow, but, so what? We think you would be saving democracy by doing so, and would also be protecting the Constitution of the United States by making the statement that obstructing a Supreme Court nominee is unacceptable. This should have never happened, and it should never happen again. Taking the opportunity to use your recess powers of appointment to HAVE JUDGE GARLAND SWORN IN is something that the Republicans, who use every procedural and parliamentary rule at their disposal to achieve their political ends, would do if given the opportunity. While you are at it, if given the opportunity for recess appointments, fill everyone of the current 97 Federal Judiciary vacancies as well. 


We realize that you want to be an example to the world on what a peaceful transfer of power looks like. However, it does appear possible that the Republican nominee's campaign, including the Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees themselves, worked with Russian operatives, in concert with Wikileaks. to influence our 2016 general election. If true, this could prove to be a much more serious matter than were the actions by President Nixon which led to his resignation on August 9, 1974. We assume there are ongoing investigations into these possible connections. Given these circumstances, along with the troubling actions by the FBI Director, James Comey, who appears to have improperly effected the outcome of this election, as well as the appearance of covert election tampering through the New York division of the FBI which possibly included Rudolf Giuliani, a potential cabinet appointee in the next administration, if indictments are forthcoming they need to be made public NOW, not after December 19th. These potential investigations, along with the reports of voter suppression and uncounted votes in Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, and Wisconsin, have cast a pall over the election results that smells pretty bad.

WE BELIEVE THAT A BACK-DOOR COUP WAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ON 11/8/16 and if this was the case, legal action must be taken before the Electoral College votes on December 19, 2016

The ensuing quake will apply media pressure to the GOP as well as their Electors now considering voting for the Republican candidate thus opening the door for enough Electors to abandon their support for the Republican candidate.

To make this clear, we are UNDER NO ILLUSION that Secretary Clinton would ever be the victor of the Electoral College vote on December 19th or that if given the opportunity, the House of Representatives would choose anyone other than the apparent Republican winner of this election. Yet, the message needs to be sent throughout history that espionage and election tampering in the United States WILL NOT be tolerated and that those who engage in such transgressions will be punished to the fullest extent allowed by law.

For the first time in the modern era, we endured a candidate for President of the United States refuse to make tax returns public well in advance of election day. Naturally we are concerned what it is that this candidate could be hiding. Given the news reports about his financial interests abroad, along with those of his fired campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his use of the campaign for personal gain, which seems to be continuing, as well as his refusal to follow the tradition by all previous presidents to turn his assets over to a blind trust if not to completely divest himself of all his business interests, we demand that this troubling pattern be addressed. Allowing your wife, your children, and your son in law to run your business while they sit in on meetings with foreign dignitaries and are provided the highest level of security clearances, is not something that any of us will stand for.

If blocking the  inauguration of the apparent Republican winner is not possible, at least through these actions you can make removal from office through impeachment or by other constitutional means, much more likely. 

"Come On Man!" You've had our backs up until now, don't let us down now.

The America You Know and Love And That Loves You Back



Thom Palmer is a Journalist residing in Southern California. Thom's focus has been promoting the Progressive agenda, and in calling out the childish gamesmanship that has increasingly infected our political landscape over the last couple of decades. You can read and follow Thom's writings at http://thompalmerpolitics.blogspot.com/

Daniel Gever is a retired lawyer, political scientist, and public school teacher. Daniel has been actively involved in Democratic, Liberal, and Progressive Politics writing for several platforms since 2013. Daniel resides in Denver, Colorado.

Also Read: Letter to Media

Friday, November 18, 2016

THOM HARTMANN - The Cold Truth About Global Warming (VIDEO) and Trump's plan.

The Cold Truth about Global Warming
By Thom Palmer
November 18, 2016

Being a Solar Energy guy, I've been very sensitive to the damage being caused to Mother Earth, through the greed of the oil industry and their payola to the Republican party. I personally don't believe for a second that so many of them don't believe climate change is real, because such a large group of people simply cannot be so stupid as to ignore and deny pure scientific fact. You know what they say... Follow the Money.

Earths temperature has risen over 1.5 degrees in the last century, and will more than likely be over 3 degrees hotter by the end of the 21st century. The debate on whether or not man contributes to climate change is still happening, but overwhelming evidence of unnatural and untimely increases in greenhouse gasses and global warming is clear, with more than 98% of scientists in agreement. The oil and coal industries allowed the industrial revolution to flourish in the 20th century, but have run their course. This is where things like Citizens United play a role in the influence of big business in politics. Climate change deniers, the 2% that claim they are in denial, are actually pawns of the oil industry. If you follow the money, big oil stands to lose the most when it comes to moving to clean energy. If 98% of scientists believe that man is screwing up the Earth, yet nearly 50% of the public believe otherwise, and nearly 50% of media cover climate change as if it's actually debatable, then it's clear where the confusion comes from, and this is another reason we need to overturn Citizens United.

At this point, it's not a question of whether drilling for oil, mining for coal, or cracking the Earth for natural gas is going to end over the next century or two. It's a fact, and it's necessary in order to limit the pending catastrophes caused by sea rise, extinctions, hurricanes, food wars, mass evacuations of low-lying populated areas on Earth (over one billion refugees expected), etc. Man may somehow survive climate change, but thousands of Earths species of wildlife will not. You see, they don't have air conditioning and public utilities. Population of planet Earth has gone from about 1,500,000,000 at the turn of the 20th century to over 7,000,000,000 (1.5 billion to over 7 billion ) today.

Hillary Clinton was not insensitive to West Virginians, many of whose livelihoods have been affected by clean energy. In fact,  It was just a question of whether you go with the inevitable, and build on a new frontier in clean energy without dirty coal, or do you fight it. Hillary’s $30 billion plan to revitalize coal communities would have ensured that "coal miners, power plant operators, transportation workers, and their families get the respect they deserve and the benefits they have earned; invest in economic diversification and job creation; and make coal communities an engine of US economic growth in the 21st century, as they have been for generations." -Hillary

Thom Hartmann, Investigative Journalist and Radio/TV host, goes into detail on the impact of climate change, and the real pending disaster. Ten thousand times one billion tons of methane is on pace to release from the Arctic Circle within this century, and we have no time to screw around with Trumps energy plan. Currently, the temperatures in the Arctic Circle have are an insane 36 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average. Thom explains the problem, and the mechanics which propel the warming. Put on your thinking cap and SHARE THIS PAGE. 

This needs to be part of the conversation, the PROTESTS and the RESISTANCE.

Thom Hartmann Video on Arctic Trouble and more.
