Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Media beginning to hit the elephant in the room, but still tiptoeing around the obvious

The media as well as the DNC are beginning to hit at the elephant in the room, but hey are still
tiptoeing around very obvious collusion between Donald J. Trump and Vladimir Putin in interfering with the most sacred exercise that the United States of America exhibits each four years; electing a President and a peaceful transition of power. Media is afraid to let the shit hit the fan for unknown reasons.

It is becoming very clear that the Republican leadership WILL NOT investigate this scandal appropriately unless the public pressure crushes them into it. The reality of the situation is that by thoroughly investigating Trump and his administration, they would more than likely incriminate themselves in their part of the election tampering and fraud pertaining to voter suppression, intimidation, and possibly voting machine tampering. This goes much deeper than is being reported by mainstream media. It may well be that the judge, jury and executioner will need to be the American electorate in 2018, and the only way to achieve justice is by flipping both the House of Representatives and the Senate into Democratic control.

There are actually three separate illegal and treasonous conspiracies, two of which Trump MUST be impeached on. The third is a bit more difficult, and relates to election tampering by the GOP, and may be the main reason that the House and Senate are dragging their feet on the other two, as their violations of the Constitution and/or treason may be proven. This has to do with election fraud, voter suppression and intimidation, and possible voting machine tampering by the Republican party, which is really an entirely different article, but related to the outcome of the election.

One scandal relates to Russian operatives and Trump's white supremacists, executives in the Trump campaign, working to hack DNC computers and releasing private strategic information as well as false information in order to skew election results.

The second scandal is related to the Trump campaign, infused with Breitbart white nationalists, Rudy Giuliani and the FBI. There is no shortage of evidence that the interference by FBI Director James Comey three weeks before the election affected the election results. This was by design through an illegal search and seizure of private emails on the email server of Huma Abedin and her husband.


Trump's loudest surrogate, has ties to the New York office of the FBI. He lost his bid for election to the Senate to Hillary Clinton in 2000, and has had an axe to grind ever since.  Giuliani leaked to Fox News that "something big" to happen within days which will change the election, states "we've got a couple things up our sleeve", and gives a sinister laugh. This was two days prior to the Comey letter, which says nothing, but suggests more emails are being investigated. Giuliani's statement is the smoking gun in the FBI scandal.

Breitbart's Steve Bannon, Robert Mercer, Peter Schweizer, Robert Mercer, David Bossie were all players in the Trump campaign, as well as players in both the FBI scandal and Russia's FSB (formerly known as the KGB) scandals. They are all players in Citizens United and various right-wing and white supremecist super-pacs and online tabloid rags. "Government Accountability Institute", is a right wing activist group run by Steve Bannon and Peter Schweizer, and funded by Robert Mercer. . Peter Schweizer is the author of "Clinton Cash", which creates multiple fake conspiracies and injects them into public consciousness. In addition to trashing the Clintons, the book and Breitbart go after top Republicans such as John Boehner, Paul Ryan, John McCain and others as Clinton co-conspirators. Tea party favorites for the destruction of the GOP and transformation into a white supremecist organization. THESE GUYS RAN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN.

Paul Manafort, Trump's previous campaign manager, was a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich, the Russian-backed president of Ukraine who was overthrown in 2014. Manafort also has done multi-million-dollar business deals with Russian oligarchs. Trump’s foreign policy advisor Carter Page has his own business ties to the state-controlled Russian oil giant Gazprom. … Another Trump foreign policy advisor, the now shamed Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, flew to Moscow last year to attend a gala banquet celebrating Russia Today, the Kremlin’s propaganda channel, and was seated at the head table near Putin.

Tea Party Congressman from Utah, Chaffetz led the email investigation against Hillary Clinton. Extremely upset over the result, where Republican FBI Director James Comey cleared Clinton of any wrong-doing in the witch hunt, began immediately applying pressure to Comey, working hard since July attempting to convince the electorate of Clinton corruption, quid pro quo, trying to damage the Clinton Foundation and create false narratives. Chaffetz, for political gain has worked with the Trump campaign to drum up any information which could be perceived as questionable with regard to Clinton's trustworthiness, in order to drive down her approval and polling numbers. Of course, after the election, Chaffetz admits "there's nothing to see here". In other words, he has admitted that the many millions of taxpayer dollars he spent investigating Clinton was for political gain and without merit. This is clearly fraud waged against the American people.

Financial ties and debt to Russia and China. Under the influence of fascist manifesto, Trump is playing a role in the advancement of Vladimir Putin's agenda, quite possibly in exchange for forgiveness of millions of dollars of debt. He has promoted the break up of NATO in Europe, the worlds largest peacekeeping force since World War II. He has actively promoted the U.S. abandonment of Europe, leaving a vacuum for Putin to increase his influence, and his march for European dominance. The Trump campaign welcomed the leaders of the white supremacy movement within the United States as managers and advisers to his campaign. Now, Trump has brought these guys into his cabinet.  In less than a month, Trump has racked up a mountain of reasons to be impeached. Adding all of this to the leaked manifesto regarding Trumps sexual deviancy in Russia, his admitted multiple sexual assaults against young women, and his admission that he hasn't paid any taxes in 16 years while accumulating billions in wealth makes it clear that this insane narcissist should not be running the country.

Vladimir Putin knows his stuff. Over the last two years, he managed to embed operatives into the Trump campaign, and has given Russia a chance at actually running the United States of America through a Trump administration. Now, this is NOT with the approval of Republican leadership, but is ignored and therefore approved by the extremist faction of the Republican party, the Tea Party.  As much as he thinks he's in control, he's just a pawn in Breitbart, Exxon, Citizen's United, and Vladimir Putin's march to gain control. Personally, Trump has a lot to gain as well, beginning but not ending with a series of quid-pro-quo deals with Russia and other countries.

Since when does the FBI rush to investigate a sexting case, where there is no actual evidence that he possessed or recorded his encounters with the 15 year old minor? The New York division of the FBI, under the advice and encouragement of Rudy Giuliani, seized the computer of Anthony Weiner without a warrant. Under threat of further harassment, Weiner allowed them to take the computer. Do we really think that, with the constant threat of terror attacks and drug trafficking, murders and other fun FBI stuff, that they were fishing for pictures?

The Weiner investigation was actually a covert fishing expedition to try to find anything which could be used against Hillary Clinton, in order to skew the results of the 2016 Presidential election. It was known that Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, frequently forwarded personal emails from her own email address to her personal email address, in order to print out messages, instructions, etc. at home in her free time. By seizing Weiner's computer, there was a chance that these emails, none of which would be classified, most of which are probably personal, would be discovered.

Although every email that Huma forwarded were either A)Personal, or B)Already in the possession of the FBI, the New York division drafted a shady note to the FBI Director, stating that emails had been "accidentally" discovered on Weiner's computer, and that further investigation is in order.

Under pressure from House Republican Jason Chaffetz and other GOP leaders, and at the behest of Chaffetz, James Comey wrote a letter to House Republicans, alerting them of the discovery of additional emails, which have not been looked at, but may affect the email investigation. It was made clear in the letter that there is probably nothing to see, but that given the timing of the election, the house should be made aware.

This broke the law, throwing the FBI and its Republican Director into election tampering, violating the Hatch Act, which if convicted, could send Comey to prison. We're still trying to figure out who got to Comey. Was it blackmail? Was it just party politics? What would make a man abandon his own values, and violate federal law by influencing an election from his position? We'll find out sooner or later.

Putin has played an extreme role in the 2016 election. Russian operatives hack DNC and Clinton campaign manager emails. They turn the emails over to Julian Assange of Wikileaks, who drips out embarrassing emails every time Trump shoots himself in the foot, thereby taking the focus off of Trump's corruption, racism, sexism and xenophobia. Putin's objective was simply go get his Russian operatives who ran the Trump campaign, into the White House in a Trump administration. By doing so, he can more easily diminish the role of the U.S. in Europe and the Middle East, weaken NATO and become the most powerful super-power on the planet. On top of that, the appointment of Rex Tillerson, Exxon CEO now the Secretary of State, guarantees Russia some sweet oil deals with Exxon, as Tillerson and Trump remove important sanctions placed on Russia by previous administrations.

Trump's campaign manager Kelly-Ann Conway has convinced Trump to read from the script that she writes, without adding his true positions, his racist and sexist attacks on minorities, women and veterans. Combining this with the false allegations against Clinton having exploded in mainstream media by right-wing pundits and Trump surrogates, Republican voters who chose to ignore the fascism were willing to sacrifice their own sense of morality and return their support to Trump, closing the gap between Clinton and Trump.

The result of the pre-election scandals is that the Republicans have control of the House and Senate. In 2018, only 8 of the 24 Senate races are Republican incumbents. 16 are Democrats or Democratic leaning Independents. The prospects of a Democratic takeover of the Senate are dim, but the election is extremely important in order for Democrats to hold. If Republicans gain a SUPER-MAJORITY in 2018, things will go south fast. At this point, without Democrats doubling turnout versus the 2014 mid-terms, they will lose badly. Republicans have a lot to lose if these scandals are properly investigated. Therefore, they will try to brush as much as possible under the rug.

In their thirst for viewer addiction and advertising profits, mainstream cable news agencies advanced and promoted the right-wing factory of misinformation in the closing days of the 2016 election season. As a result, this gross negligence and perversion of the First Amendment by Fox News, CNN and even MSNBC, but giving equal time to provably false allegations and conspiracy theorists, the landscape of Congress has been changed from what would have been a highly productive and progressive Congress, to more corporate fascism and games being played by the GOP over the next four years. Media is the biggest culprit in the election of Trump, and they have a lot of weight on their shoulders in repairing the damage they have done. Without their greed, none of the Trump and GOP misinformation would have made a difference in the outcome of the election. Clinton would have been elected had the constant lies not been given air time.

The Trump campaign, which is nothing more than Breitbart and Russian operatives using Trumps fame in order to seize control of the top level of our government.

1. Breitbart creates "Clinton Cash" along with multiple anti-Clinton fictional stories, led and produced by Steve Bannon, written by Peter Schweitzer and others.

2. Jason Chaffets in concert with the Trump campaign, apply pressure to Republican FBI director James Comey to find anything they can to create a narrative of corruption with regard to emails. Comey had cleared Clinton of any corruption, but this exploded everything Chaffetz stood for.

3. Breitbart uses Rudy Giuliani to get to the New York office of the FBI, where his long-term friends, also angry at Hillary Clinton for defeating Giuliani in year 2000, took the Brietbart and Clinton Cash fictional information, and decided to use it as "possible evidence of corruption" in order to continue the previously closed investigation.

4. Under heavy pressure, and without any evidence, Chaffetz gets Comey to release a letter in violation of FBI policy and the Hatch Act, which says NOTHING about any corruption, but suggests that more emails are being looked at.

5. Giuliani is given advance information on the "discovery" of more emails on Weiner's computer, and advised by New York FBI agents that a letter to Chaffetz by Comey is imminent. Giuliani brags that "We've got something big up our sleeves coming out in the next few days that will change the election".

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin enjoys the show, looks forward to the new American civil war, abandonment of the Constitution, and self-inflicted wounds to the heart of the United States of America, and the advance of Soviet (Russian) influence in Europe and the Middle East.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Showing Anger vs Violence

Showing Your Anger vs Violence
By Thom Palmer
February 11, 2017

We've been hearing a steady narrative coming from Republican extremists lately regarding violence
at Resistance rallies and protests. These are more "alternate facts" being put forth by Fox News and the continuing "right-wing factory of misinformation".

It is wholly appropriate for protesters to display their anger through verbal and visual dissent for the corruption that we've seen infiltrate our election process by Russian operatives in concert with the Trump administration. It is NOT appropriate for protesters to inflict bodily harm or damage to property, however, I don't see ANY bodily harm, and with what amounts to 65 million Americans fighting this fascism one way or another, the very few incidents of property damage is not at all indicative of the nobility and patriotism of the Resistance. 

While we all need to do what we can to stop protesters that get so riled up that they cause damage, we must also not be swayed by the vomit spewing out of the mouths of those who duped the public with misinformation throughout the campaign, and continue supporting the fascist regime which has taken over our nation.

It is very important that we send a message that the GOP does not have a mandate to destroy the liberty that we and our forefathers and mothers have fought for two centuries to build and protect. 

It is very important that we do our best to minimize the damage that Trump voters caused to us as well as damage they have cause to themselves. Those that want more pay voted for less pay. Those that voted to drain the swamp voted for corporate alligators diminishing their rights. Those that voted for a wall will be severely disappointed. Those that voted in protest planted their own landmine and stepped on it.  They were all made well aware of the dangers of a Trump administration.

Espionage and conspiracy is real this time. There is no lack of evidence that Russia conspired with the Trump campaign to falsely and unjustly portray Clinton as corrupt. It is no surprise that Trumps claim that he would lock her up vanished immediately after the election. There is no lack of evidence that Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani conspired with the New York FBI office to seize Anthony Weiner's computer in order to fish for any emails sent or received by Clinton aide Huma Abedin. In a deliberate act to swing the election, false information was then thrown into public speculation as possibly classified and corrupt, against FBI policy, by FBI director James Comey, a lifelong Republican and now arguably a Republican Extremist guilty of election tampering, along with many other Republican operatives.

The "drain the swamp" guy has, since the election, consistently created "alternative facts" and appointed cabinet members who openly fight to remove the protections that we have built for the middle class and the planet as a whole. The corruption is just beginning. Whether claiming that illegals are pouring over the border, to claiming that three million people voted for his opponent illegally, to falsely claiming that terrorist are pouring in from the five countries that he has attempted his Muslim ban on, Trump has misled the public. Even so, the Republican party has approved each of his reckless cabinet members so far. Why is that? Because they are bought and paid for by the people that Trump has appointed. 

The two things standing in the way of the annihilation of the Constitution of the United States are.....

Federal Judges: We're relying on the Federal courts to continue using the Constitution to deny and expose this fascism. We have to keep applying pressure in order to keep the Judges from becoming complacent. Justice protecting Liberty. Give them kudos whenever they have our backs.

Public Resistance: Remember, being quiet about your dissent has not, and will not effect change within the Republican party. Their actions, even after so many millions of people have marched and protested since the election are highly ignored, and the corporate fascism well rooted in the party control the actions. They view the middle class as paupers to be taxed and profited from. 

In my opinion, what those few people did by blocking Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from entering the school was mandated by the Constitution. Anybody who works for Trump is an extension of Trump, and must be considered a target for protest. Quiet protest is ignored and bypassed by the GOP, therefore, in order to be heard, there must be more noise made by the Resistance. 

The blocking of DeVos, the public shaming of Jason Chaffets at his town hall, and other incidents of raised public uprising are fully Constitutional and necessary in order to limit the damage already caused and to be caused by this administration. The Founding Fathers demand this action.

While this administration is the very reason the Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment, evolution and national maturity does not allow us to use guns and violence to fight this regime. However, being quiet doesn't do the job, so BE LOUD. The more they screw us, the louder we must become.